Sage Therapeutics Clinical trial of SAGE-217 (Zuranolone)

Hardly insider knowledge.

I think we know more than the average investor about what allopregnenolone can do for your state of mind.

But sure, lots of people know about the potential effectiveness at this point.


We don’t yet know what effect it has on our minds. Sure we have low levels of it, but then again we have low levels of a host of other compounds. Furthermore, our condition is hardly typical of the average depressed individual which this drug is targeting.

The product they make for pregnant women with the depression they get is with severe neuro side effects, at least very similar to what I experience, and this drug has been reported to have great effects.

Does anyone know how Sage would help with numb genitals? I have forgotten what the connections are among allopregnanolone and everything else. I can certainly see how a deficit of a neurosteroidmwoukd cause things like depression. But what about sexual side effects and lack of sensation?

Notably, preliminary studies indicate that, as in the rodent, finasteride may increase depression in men as a result of the loss of allopregnanolone (eg, Altomare et al, 2002; Rahimi‐Ardabili et al, 2006). This raises the possibility that lowered levels of the neurosteroid contribute to the reduced sexual desire reported for some patients. Treatment strategies that take into account effects on neurosteroids and the development of drugs that singularly target neurosteroid biosynthesis may therefore provide superior therapies for patients. From this article I was just reading. For anyone looking at my recent activity for whatever reason, I’m doing well. Mainly sexual sides for now fixed by ED meds. I feel sage will be big for us. Stay strong everyone


Low stress tolerance and depression could lead to problems with androgen production or androgen signalling. This, in turn, could lead to sexual symptoms. Issues with the gut could do the same, but nobody knows whether gut problems are a downstream effect or a upstream contributing factor.

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Oddly enough since contracting PFS I am largely emotionless and thus calm as can be. My stress tolerance is far better than pre-PFS. I wonder what effect Sage would have on somebody like myself where stress and depression aren’t issues but low libido and anhedonia are the main ones…

I feel like this too. But I wonder if it might be because our stress response system is completely wrecked. Like an overloaded circuit that breaks to protect the rest of the system.

It’s possible. I guess there’s no real way of knowing in advance as to the effect allopregnanolone will have on our function. It would be interested to see the correlation between allopregnanolone levels and symptoms in that study from 2017, as I recall that low levels weren’t detected in all participants.

You remember where that study was at or can be found at ?

@Dubya_B can you clarify here? I didn’t read study but didn’t it show most to have non existent allo?

The more recent Melcagni study reported THP (allopregnanolone) in CSF as 2.01 pg/ul with SD 4.23 pg/ul for the control group and 0.18 pg/ul with SD 0.21 pg/ul for the PFS group.

So, some of the control group had relatively very high levels compared to average, as did some PFS patients compared to other PFS patients.

The control mean is over 10 times greater than the PFS mean and there appears to be no overlap between groups. A stark contrast.

THP in plasma was reported as 0.29 pg/ul with SD 0.49 pg/ul for the control group and undetectable for the PFS group.

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well…your still on benzos id guess. this alone can make anybody emotionless and calm

How long until Zuranolone will be out to market?

2021 is the estimated release date but it’s possible we could see a limited release in 2020 if everything goes smoothly.



What about the price and availability? I wonder how I or anyone outside of the US can get ahold of it seeing as I am from Canada.

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I’m not on any medication.

Does anyone think this could really be a cure for PFS ?