Reversing silenced AR signal with demethylating agents - A promising treatment option?

Guys, the point is: you need to take in consideration 3 variable before to give an affirmative answer after any drugs experiment or experience result

1-Do the drug cross the blood brain barrier ( BBB )
2-What dosage was use?
3-For how long was the drug take ?

If you don’t keep all the 3 as a record we are going to be running in circle and unorganized

I proposed to set a page in this forum with a format with the names of supplements and drugs, where to keep a log of record of the used drug.
Drug should be used one drug or supplement at the time as a rule to participate, I can’t be a crazy list of supplements or drugs.
We should divide in groups, what drug are going to try by those group, and keep a record of the effect or side effects of it.
It can be posted daily or one a week.
So we are going to gain time with the experimental treatment, also we are going to know the consistency and it is replicable or no.
Or we can choose as individuals what drug you are going to try.


They used the chemical sulforaphane found in [broccoli sprouts] which is known to turn on a gene that makes more of the enzyme that sticks glutamate with another molecule to make glutathione

Sulforaphane changed the glutamate imbalance in the rat brains and affected how messages were transmitted between the rat brain cells


Hi Moonchild

I’m number 8 in a family of 9. We all have above average intelligence, some PHDs, and a few millionaires even though my parents were dirt poor. We also have high level of anxiety, panic attack and insomnia. All signs of high Glutamate and low GABA. No wonder fin had this specific effect on me. This shed light on my condition.

I was taking Sulforaphane to increase GABA. Took it for 3 weeks and it has given me irreversible improvements.

I will start to cycle it again.



Please keep us posted, I will do my cycle of Sulforaphane also, I want to finish my own experiment first with Tribulus and Creatine before start mixing supplements or drugs. Read my Crash with Creatine post.
Ozeph, did Sulforaphane improved your libido ?
Thank you for your post

I will.

Reading the article I posted above, I understand why my sleep has been deteriorating: I’ve been taking 10 gr. a day of Collagen peptides, which increases Glutamate and lowers GABA. It also explains why I had headaches, which I though were things of the past now that I’m ketogenic.

Very informative. The most thorough article I’ve read on GABA and it’s relationship to Glutamate, and also a good cue as to why some of us are more prone to neurological symptoms. A must read…

Also confirms my approach on the ketogenic diet, as well as magnesium, vitamin D, K and A supplementation as well as B6.

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What was your sulforaphane regimen again? On the one hand I’m eager to try this, but on the other I am scared of trying it out because of the admins’ admonishment about sulforaphane being an antiandrogen and the potentially huge risk that entails.

On the safe side, I would take 1/4 tsp a day for 3 days along with Broccoli extract 1/8 spoon. Then 4 days off.

On the bold side, I take 1 tps a day for 3 days along with Broccoli extract 1/8 spoon. Then 4 days off.

I haven’t done that continuously for months, I just do it once in a while.

I bought sulforaphane , then realized 2.000 mcg that it has is just super miserable amount. Going to try different brand.

have sulforaphane improved sexual sides ?


have sulforaphane improved sexual sides ?
Ozeph, did Sulforaphane improved your libido ?

All sexual symptoms takes time to improve. More so than the neurological ones.

If you take a look at Ozeph Regimen and Supplement you will see what I’ve been doing for the last 6 months and there’s the whole detail of it on Amino Acid For neurological symptoms (the post is so long, reading it should help you fall asleep)

My opinion and especially after reading This article:

Sex drive is decreased not only by androgen imbalance and androgen receptor inhibition, but by excess Glutamate and lack of GABA (which is also the cause of the neurological symptoms). Sulforaphane was supposed to increase GABA, it turned out to increase Dopamine, Serotonin and most likely GABA although I have no proof of that.

My sex drive has improved. If I have to attribute it to a single cause, it would be the carnivore / ketogenic diet.
But if you look at my regimen, I’ve been taking so many supplements it’s hard to know which one is responsible.

I guess it’s a coincidence, but lots of what I take is also mentioned in the article.

If you try anything I did, start slowly and stop at first sign of trouble. Don’t be stubborn, that’s how people get worst.

I’m just putting a placeholder here really, but also to direct the (I don’t mind adfmitting, much cleverer) other members to sodium butyrate, which I’ve also used. Might have the potential to help, I’m not sure. Anyone fancy a read?

As I always try to mention in the same breath, Axo and Awor and others warn (with very very good reason) about the dangers of anto-androgens, but improvements of my own coincide with use of sulforaphane as per @NYscientist.

Just sticking this up for others to look at, I don’t claim I “know” anything at all really. Any good to anyone?

EDIT - I did also email Dr Rhonda Patrick to ask a proper expert about sulforaphane and direct her at our cause. If she does find time to reply she’d be a super asset on this angle I think.

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So basically Sulforaphane didn’t improve your sexual sides.

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I don’t think it did. It may have contributed, but I took too little, too late and most of my sex drive was back before I took Sulforaphane. So it was not a major contributor to me.

So has anyone be able to try Procaine or other methylation drugs to cure PFS? I couldn’t find the Procaine in my pharmacy.

I recently came across this study that seems to say the opposite on penis tissues.

So from what I understand it could be more like an insulin resistance variation but for androgen in targeted tissues.

Why not trying then to lower DHT something like 30% to see if sexual sides get better?

Im trying Butyrate, and I expect to try procaine if I think it effects me.

What is the science in using Procaine? Does it work as methyl or demethyl agent? I will also use Butyrate + BHB, thinking our problem was too much methyl radicals…

It serves as demethyl agent, im doing quite high with butyrate lately, let see where this go.

@awor, have you ever used Procaine? Did you get results from this? How is your sexual function today?

Please use the search function. It literally takes seconds to look for „@awor procaine“.