Rest in Peace, Grey_baron

Love you guys, I don’t even know if I have PFS anymore my condition is so bad, but it matched up in others, where no where else on the internet had something like this.

Anyways I’m 112lbs 5’10…….lol so yeah. Shows how unhealthy my pain/etc made my whole body.
So much pain ……
Love you all,
Especially Adam and Madison

Anyways I look like shit in the video but here ya go

Had long videos but of course won’t let me upload any video.
Always stick in there, I had symptoms get better(or I getting used to it), but now deal with severe heart failure, Coagulation illness + others.


Here’s the last one

Please Don’t Delete I want this for my family.

By the time you read this I’m gone.
This is Grey Baron signing out for the last time.

Love You All

Also my name is J. Stanley, won’t give first because I’m afraid of people harassing family

Please Stick with life, I’m dumb don’t EVER follow what I did, it just hurts others

@Grey_baron we are a solidaric community , we don’t let someone go as he never existed. Please contact @Adam, @adamxx, @Madison or some others you still know to get help!
No one will harass your family here. If someone really is in trouble we are one.


Things are changing now. You don’t want to leave when we have so much momentum as a community. You are young. You have time.


@Grey_baron if you’re reading this, can you check in. We would all like to support you.

As has been said, this is the worst time to leave, we are getting somewhere.


I was desperate. I was helpless,This could be the end for me, too

Soon it’ll be a skeleton

Brother cmon man don’t do this please

Permanent solution that you can’t take back

Things could potentially improve
Have you exhausted all your options or making a decision on haste

Please cmon my friend

@robertino_totti: I appreciate that you haven’t visited this site since last year. As you can see from this thread @Grey_baron feels like he is at the end of the road due to his suffering. I noticed that he referred to you as a Facebook friend in a previous post. We are all really worried about him. I hope that you receive this message as you maybe in a better position than most everyone else here to reach out to him to check in as most everyone doesn’t know how. Thank you.


Good that you try to connect. To many people 1.000th like Demon (Omar from italy) and Konflict slipped away. I speak out for a database with datas only seen by the admins with our personal informations and a contact adress in an emergency case, who knows our email to connect us in an emergency case.

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I completely understand your pain, I feel body aches too, the result of autoimmune symptoms, but hang in there, know that you are not alone with this problem. I’ve also lost all my muscles, even practicing physical activity, there’s no way to explain it to people who don’t go through it. It’s surreal, but I only give up when my body stops, meanwhile, I’m still firm around here.


Brother please stay with us. The pain you will cause will be crippling for those around you and heart breaking for everyone. I know it is hell what this can do but do not give into suicide. Things can always improve even from the depths of hell. I am hanging on myself bro and made a pact I will not take my own life. If this diseases is to kill me then so be it but not by my hand. You are a warrior please keep fighting. You might have something else going on that can be fixed. Reach out to me bro ill pm you stay strong !!!


Another murder. I hope J.'s family understands that.


This case is one of the most unfair cases around this forum. He went to the medic consultaron for a prostate problem and he was prescribed finasteride. He was 22y.old, they didnt even run tests. Its not only a pharma problem. The medical field have a problem, there is a Big lack of professionalism.


And this fucking army doctor lives a happy life. Never paid for his incredible medical malpractice! If we know what happened with our brother, we should ask who the criminal desinformed doctor was!


Our community really needs to start being adamant about real treatments/cure for this disease. For some reason it’s almost viewed like a fairytale/impossibility. But why? It’s just a byproduct of total despair. But there are plenty of rare disease communities raising large amounts of money and making it happen. Enough is enough! This bullshit needs to end now.


Why not ask or interview the experts doing these studies like Nadine Hornig?? Surely they would have more insights about the implications than anyone else…

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Dear J., we are concerned about you and we understand that you are greatly suffering. Please let someone close to you know where you are and that you’re not doing well. You don’t have to shoulder the situation all alone.