Recovery from another forum

Paul Walters has been on the forum this week a couple of times, don’t think he had checked in for a looong time before that.

Might be good to get some more feedback from him. Unless he tells us he’s been taking propecia again for three years and we’re just a bunch of pussies. :unamused:

how do you know that? Honestly, seeing someone on the forum after a long time could only mean bad things… Especially if hes not saying anything…

Sometimes they’re brought by PM alerts.

GHB aside, has anyone tried this user’s combination protocl of Di-Indolin (is this the EXACT same thing as DIM?), Tribulis, and Androderm for 8 weeks?

He seems to suggest he fully recovered without the GHB…

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very interested to find this out as well. anyone try this (supposed) remedy?

I have tried all 3 at various times to no effect. What seemed to help the most for me was low dose T3 for a few weeks… but I crazy cortisol to Free T3 ratios. This did not recover me fully by any means however.

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Anyone else tried this? It is really weird how different protocols is used to recover. DIM and dht gel affects AR and Estrogen receptors. How these crazy protocols recover people? I have never seen a consistent theory.

The way people always think throwing around random abbreviations like “DIM” is cool, elite and a higher priority than talking sense and being easy to read is as usual unbelievable… and kind of hilarious (among other typical things).

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Maybe I should add this DIM to my actually DHT gel cycle?

It reduces estrogen it is good. But i have to read more papers about it.

Should we say diindolylmethane instead then?

I don’t understand. Recovery claim said he used Androderm ( a TRT patch I also used for a few months), but people here saying it was a DHT gel?

Also a person suspected of being involved with the pushing fake recoveries to sell GHB that was going on here long ago? That much isn’t clear though.

Not looking to derail the thread, but what results (if any) did the patch bring to you @Dubya_B?

Hard to describe in a way that makes sense. Minimal, if any, effect at normal dose, or even a double dose for a couple weeks. I was doing well at work and started talking to a couple new potential gf interests around the time I started TRT and had aspirations about the future if it worked. Hard to say if it was the TRT or life circumstances around that time. Had a bad run after a couple months and quit. Not sure if it was shut-down or messing around with a Zoloft prescription that led to an even worse run following stopping the patches. After getting over that, there were a few-hour windows following triple, quadruple, or even quintuple, doses the first few times I tried it, then no effect on consecutive attempts.

More details here: *** Post your experience with androgen supplementation HERE (DHT / TRT) ***

Thanks for that detail. Would you consider trying it again?

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My free T was high on the last couple tests, total T in the 700s, DHT on the higher side, and E2 on the lower. Symptoms were worse then than when my T and free T was on the lower end. Not going to attempt TRT again with a lack of obvious hormonal abnormalities.


It’s a genuine curiosity as to why some guys benefit from TRT, some experience no benefit and why it makes some feel worse. If only there was a way of predicting based on test results and symptom presentation as to who would be a likely candidate to benefit from such a treatment.

this is a very interesting video. it pretty much sums up everything i have been going through, i applaud both participants for taking the time and for their strict lifestyles to obtain the level of recovery they are at. Michael says ghb had a great deal with raising his baseline. i believe him and if i could get some i wouldn’t hesitate for a second to try it.

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Thats pretty good. Who are these guys? Have they posted on here? So one person took Finasteride and the other Accutane?

Something he said, I remember thinking the same thing sometimes when I was younger.
I almost thought I felt better when I didnt eat.
Like he said though thats not sustainable and it shouldnt be that way.

I’m going on to starvation as I type. Last ditch for some restbite. Everything I eat causes hell now it’s steadily got worse these past few years