Recovered from that poison

Hi every one
I came back with a good news!!!
I feel cured, so I came back to give you some hope.
I used to consumed “Propecia” for 5 years. In the beginning I was very careful about side effects, so I didn’t any change in my body, I thought that I’m not a member of 2 percent people that Merck said!!!
I continued to use this poison and I forgot about side effects. During these years I had some problem such as a little problem with erection and forgot the name and I was fatigue all the time, but I didn’t know these problem is because of Propecia so I continued!

In June 2016 I started new diet for losing weight because I was over weight (I know that it was a Propecia side effect too!!!). I consumed:

  • “Wheat Germ”,
  • “Grain”,
  • “Coffee”,
  • ”Green Tea”,
  • “Mint”,
  • “Rosemary”,
  • ” Nettle Root”,
  • ”soy”,
  • ”VIT B6”
  • ,”Ecophan”,

One day I found that I didn’t have erection in the morning and when I noticed, I didn’t have libido at all!!! I couldn’t sleep and when I slept, I woke up immediately with pain. I had lack of memory and I was unable to have erection. I couldn’t piss like a normal guy!!!

I was shocked, what happened to me?! What the hell is this?! I quiet Propecia immediately and search for a solution. I used “Ciprofloxacin” for my piss problem because I was familiar with that, fortunately it cured very soon, but other problem not! So I saw the best doctor that I knew him, unfortunately he couldn’t help to me and said that is psychic problem, but I knew that that’s not true. So I started my search online to find a solution. I found this forum and I read any post that I thought can help to me. I got many advise and started to use them such as;

  • Multi vitamin,
  • zinc,
  • arginine,
  • garlic,
  • honey,
  • cold shower,
  • masturbation,

…. But after some months I didn’t see any improvement, so I thought that these aren’t solution because there are many people like me here without any cure. I tried to find something better, so I started searching again and find some useful website
That I’m thankful of them. Some of those sites said we’ll cure spontaneous after 7 to 10 years, but I couldn’t live with this hell for 7 years!!! So I started my new diet with their advice last summer.
I believe my “Liver” has been poisoned by Propecia and this is the key of treatment!!! Any treatment like: water fasting, healthy food, …. supposedly cleans your liver. So I started free “Gluten” diet with extra boarders.

I avoid gluten, alcohol and caffeine at all. I didn’t eat red fruits instead that I ate dark fruits like: pomegranate, grape, date, plum, fig, …. I also ate apple, garlic, banana, walnut, curry, almond, pistachios, sesame, ginger, onion, cabbage, reichon, honey.

As food I ate rice, egg, butter, meat, chicken, potato, gelatin (AVOID: Gluten ( bread, cake, pizza, spaghetti,…) and Dairy(milk, yogurt,…) at all).

also consumed some supplement such as:

  • Vit D (1000-2000 IU/per day),
  • multi vitamin,
  • Vit C,
  • keratin (10 gr/per day),
  • glutamine (10 gr/per day),
  • magnesium (500-1000 ml gr/per day),
  • arginine (500-1000 ml gr/per day),
  • spirulina (2 pills/per day),
  • calcium (1000 ml gr/per day),
  • probiotic (2-4 pills/per day),
  • jensing,

and avoid to use “zinc”!!!
Yes, that’s true, you must avoid zinc, but you found that zinc increase testosterone so why you need to avoid that?!
Because zinc increase testosterone by prevention of conversion testosterone to “DHT”. Zinc is an alpha-reductase inhibitor!!!

I eat

  • Royal Jelli,
  • cinnamon,
  • Tribulus terrestris,
  • ginger,
  • Yohembin,

… only once per week as testosterone booster. If you use more amount, they’ll lose their effects!!!

God thank you for Ramadan.
Also I used a penis pump for increase blood in my penis 10-20 min/per day.
After one month of starting my diet, Ramadan was started in IRAN, I’m muslem and in Ramadan we have intermittent fasting. I started intermittent fasting and I didn’t eat anything between 12:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m, after 14 days every thing change!!! I had a wet dream! And same day I could sex with my girl-friend without using “Viagra”. And all side effects have been gone.

Todays after 10 months I don’t have any problem but when I smoke I have a little problem.

I list some 5a-Reductase for you:
Saw palmetto, vitamin B6, fish oil (omega 3 & omega 6), PUMPKIN SEEDS, LYCOPENE (Tomatoes, watermelon, carrots, mangoes: contain lycopene), peanuts, pecans, zinc( Spinach, Kale, cashews, wheat germ‌ ‌, cooked white mushrooms: are high in zinc), Biotin, Soy, olive oil, whole-wheat bread, beans, caffeine (tea, Green Tea, coffee), nicotine, alcohol, and sugar. Nettle Root, Fenugreek, curcumin.

If you’ll be loyal to this diet I promise you that will be cure very soon.
Good luck. I added my blood test results, one of before starting my diet and another after finishing that, as you see I had testosterone amount more than a normal guy after my diet, ha ha ha


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