Rb26dett Story with 5-HTP

@Dknighten Dude the fact that you are asking about jobs and you go to school and shit shows you aren’t on zero. Some “brain fog”, muscle pain, and anxiety isn’t that bad honestly. Can you list your other symptoms?
If I didn’t have a family I would have killed myself a couple years ago. It’s family, my mother, that makes me forced to be here. But it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m a lobotomized and castrated zombie and you’re talking about how important life is. You don’t have the worst of PSSD or PFS man. I can tell by how you talk.This is living death. If you don’t have it you won’t get it. I’m ready to drink poison and you are talking about building a future. Big divide

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just read through my posts man… Complete dead, unresponsive muscles and weird fat accumulation around my thighs. It’s like a switch literally turned off inside of my body. Complete disconnected brain fog, like I smoked a joint and cannot come down. Pale, transparent skin over my entire body that’s rubbery and feels dead. I eat clean and low carb and feel like I’m steady gaining weird weight, like my metabolism has shut down. When I read, it’s like the words don’t flow through my brain the same way anymore… I don’t make the same sense of what someone is saying, what i’m hearing, or what i’m looking at. My memory is complete shit and It’s like I’m not at home inside of my head anymore. like my mind is some sort of abyss.

I have completely shit circulation and joints. I’m having to lift very light weights because my knees and wrists ache and it hurts to put pressure on them. My legs and arms are constantly cold and falling asleep. I’ve been working out again for about 6 months now steady and have not been able to build a lick of muscle.

Every hair on my body has stopped producing oil. All of my hair and skin is like a fucking old man’s…
My semen is super watery, I lost alot of structural integrity in my dick. My libido has taken a deep hit. You name it man… I got it.

But what good is it gonna do to complain on here?

That sucks but it’s not as bad as it gets. I have all those physical symptoms plus more sexual and emotional symptoms.
And you’re worried about working out and gaining muscle? Please. Some of us are bed bound. Not by choice. Your dopamine receptor hasn’t been touched. I’m starting to think antidepressant people have more neurological damage on the whole. Most PFS guys still have emotions. Just mostly “brain fog” (soft word btw. Like “depression”)
You still have emotions so you don’t know the worst of this honestly. You’re the one telling everybody to get up and get a job and go live. Just like that huh? Hard to do when your dopamine receptors are shot. So just because you can still do these things don’t make blanket statements telling people what they need to do. It’s not helpful and comes off as condescending to those worse off.

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I don’t know what to say. Does no good to compare. Nobody has the answer. Hope you get better.


5-htp is one of the worst supplements for people is on SSRI or in withdrawal, for the possibility of developing in a Serotonin syndrome.

Hope you get better too man. I’m just getting past hope and holding on for others. Can’t do that forever though.

9 months after tribulus crash. I still worsening day by day. Brainfog is over the limit. I can’t rembember how I’m dressed or my look. I can’t remember my face. I forget what i did some minutes ago. I lost all cognitive skills. I can’t do my job, even theorically. It’s like I’ve a kind of blue film on my eyes and i can’t see good. It’s like be every single second on LSD.
Physical symptoms are same as @douglasmich.
I’m pretty sure that mine is an autoimmune disies.


I am sorry to hear that man! If you didn’t take that tribulus, you could have been way better now, so do I, if I had skipped the Vit K2…

Meaby you will benefit from a more consistent TRT protocol, like 150mg 1 time a week injection.
Dont try again low dose TRT, it will suppress your natural production and leaving you whit even less T you begging whit.

I can’t watch TV. I can’t play videogames. I can’t work. I can’t walk. I can’t listen music, it’s only noise for me now.

For me, this life It’s worth to be lived?

Bro, but if you can’t watch TV, how can you put a coherent sentence together to us all? Believe me bro, this road is hard…I’m right there with you. We have to keep moving forward while we still have a heartbeat and a greater purpose to serve.


Trust me. I can’t no more see film, listen to music, read a book or play a videogame.
That were my only way to stop to think about my disieses…
My brainfog is too hard. It only worse, never feel better. Every time it worse, never back…
I’m pretty sure i’ve a degenerative disease.
I took an MRI and it didn’t reaveal any damage. I really can’t understand, because i’ve same symptoms as my grandma that has dementia.

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End of the line.

I don’t want to be hypocrite. My situation has become unsustainable. I suffer too much, both physically and mentally.
There is no cure or palliative for my situation. So I decided that as soon as I find the courage, I will end my life.
It is not an easy choice, on the contrary, I am crying while I write. I would love to live, play video games, work on my car, watch TV series and listen to music, but I can’t anymore. My cognitive problems prevent me from doing all this.
Suicide is the most logical choice.
I just need help, I don’t want to hang myself, I would like to fall asleep again and never wake up. Are there any medications that can help me do this?
Who really has a grain of pity, don’t censure me, don’t leave me alone in this moment of pain. I just want to stop suffering and I’m asking for your help. Don’t leave me die alone.
To anyone who understands me and will help me

thank you very much.


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Bro i understand your pain I feel terrible right now as well but please hold on. Wait for Baylor and see if you can find some help. I know you probably already visited many doctors and are fed up but you may find someone offering you at least some help. People often look for treatment for years until they find something that helps at least a bit. You’re strong and we need you too. Maybe one day we can eat delicious Italian food together and feel better.

I understand how you’re feeling man but you got to hold on. There are plenty of things worth holding on for. I have been going through this shit for 8 years and have had the worst stretch of sides for the last 5 months. But for whatever reason this week I’m having a brief window in which I’m feeling somewhat better. Still have sexual sides but mentally feeling way better than normal, less depression and can joke with friends. You can get better I know it

My problem is cognitive. I’m loosing my memory. I even forget how old are my parents. I can’t continue this way.
I’m not only depressed, maybe i’m not.
If I could fix my cognitive abilities, I would be able to continue fighting.
Trust me, I can’t even remember what the weather is like.

Have you got your cognitive abilities tested by a neurologist or so? Would you consider reinstating medication or do you think that’s too risky? I know you saw many doctors but I’d try to see another one and maybe also a doctor that also works with natural treatments. Have you tried massage and acupuncture? Can you force yourself to go for a 5-10 minute walk? I know it’s a terrible situation but many get rid of the brain fog so you may very well too.

You said that you got PSSD from taking 5-HTP which is pro-sertogenic, have you tried taking serotonin receptor antagonists? I’ve actually been thinking about a novel way to treat PSSD which I would like to share with you, but it would be useful first if you could give me a quick rundown of all the things youve tried so far so that I know where you currently stand. If you’re interested then just let me know

Mine isnt’t simple brain fog, is brain damage. :disappointed:

Maca, Mucuna, Choline, inositol, Arginine, Citrulline, PDE5-I, tyrosine, NAC, TRIBULUS (that made me worse about 150%)

TRT, cabergoline, low dose TRT, low dose Paroxetine, vortioxetine, low dose valproate, cyproeptadine

Maybe I forgot something. Nothing worked, only tribulus, made me worse like crazy.