Rb26dett Story with 5-HTP

I’m sorry you’re going through this so terribly. Maybe we can improve the joint pain ever so slightly with some light exercises and stretches? @Dknighten is really knowledgeable on such things. Do you think @Rb26dett could benefit from some sort of exercises, @Dknighten ?

Amen is a quack huckster and his SPECT bs is old tech that is inaacurate and exposes patients to excessively high amounts of radiation.

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Makes sense that it’s too good to be true. Will remove my post as to not guide folks to a fraud

yeah of course, I believe everyone benefits from moving their bodies and resisting gravity. It’s what we’re designed to do. Get’s a bit more complicated when you throw in PFS though, of course lol. @Rb26dett I don’t browse the forum much anymore, but please send me a PM, not to exclude anyone but because I haven’t read your story/posts. Or you could ask them on here. Based upon what i’ve learned thus far in my DPT program and clinical exposure, I can give you recommendations (as a student) based on the musculoskeletal things only

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Small moment of reflection / outburst:

I was thinking about how debilitating my symptoms are and how horrendous it was to live with my extreme cognitive deficit. Then I thought that my family doesn’t respect my suffering at all, on the contrary, it treats me like a paranoid madman. If I try to vent with them on how horrible it is to live with these symptoms, they start to ignore me by turning my face away, giving me the coward and the selfish. I realized that I no longer love my family, on the contrary, I begin to have feelings closer to hatred towards them. I have always lived putting them first, I have always loved them with all of myself, but this experience (PFS) made me understand how bad they are. Realizing this was a heavy blow. By now, I feel attached to my parents only because they keep me financially and this is horrible! I try to find a justification for them, but even using all my rationality, I just can’t forgive them. It was they who led me to this. They played exactly the same ugly and cruel game as the doctors. I’ve always loved my family, but now I can’t do it anymore. They have increased my sense of helplessness. But I understood one thing, if I am struggling, I do it for myself. After all, despite all the suffering, there is an illogical hope and desire to continue.

P. S. The cognitive and physical decline continue to increase, despite having passed over 7 months since my crash on tribulus.

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We are going through something v similar. I destroyed my life helping my mum and she allowed me to be abused and watched me fall apart after a steroid crash and did nothing to save me. In that weakened moment I used Fin which was so unlike me. Now I will die and they get everything of mine.

Man, I understand that some of you guys are suffering immensely, but it seems like ya’ll are staying in a victim’s mindset… I understand what it’s like. All of it. But you have to give yourself a fighting chance. Go to school, go to work, keep your mind busy. Find a means to make money. Make this situation push you harder and further than you would’ve gone otherwise. If family or friends aren’t on your side, then so be it. If you rely on them to support you, make efforts to change that. Nothing changes until you stop feeling sorry for yourself and take steps to do something about it. Nothing changed for me until I heard these things from someone who recovered and, coincidentally, only logged onto this forum a handful of times.


Holy words, brother. Unfortunately arthritis, osteoporosis and dementia prevent me from finding a stable job.

Unfortunately I can no longer work after crashing again in March. I worked for years with PFS, studied tried to stay positive and never came here. Now my brain is wrecked and crashes under the slightest of stress.

Agreed man! I am keep pushing myself, studying and trying to build the career I wanted to build before I got in this deep shit, despite my joint issues and the brain fog, I will not give up, I don’t care! No matter how hard it is :pensive:


What caused your crash? Did you take anything you shouldn’t take?

No changes before then, everything stayed the same. Then I get better and crash afterwards.

The things this condition can cause are unpredictable and devastating, but I am a believer in that it is your choice whether you let it break you or not. If you have joint and muscle pain, see if stretching, walking, etc helps.
If you have trouble reading or memory issues, find ways to make sense of information and become super organized, find ways/patterns to recall things. People get things done and work normal jobs with all kinds of mental disabilities.
I believe many of us are simply severely underestimating the human body’s capacity to adapt and heal…
The brain is the absolute most complex thing that we know of in existence. Even if there is permanent damage to it, it will construct patterns and adapt in ways that will make you able to live a fulfilling & semi-normal life. I believe much of the pain and suffering comes from comparing ourselves now, in our current state, to our old selves, completely “normal” and unaware of what kind of hell exists when something fundamental is taken from you. But we can’t compare the 2 people. Because what matters is you are HERE NOW, and what happened has already happened. We are operating from this point forward. And it’s ok. it’s ok to make mistakes, but what is most important is that we LEARN FROM THEM and keep moving forward. If we can’t run, we have to walk, crawl, or slide. But we gotta keep trudging forward.

These things are very gradual, so gradual that you don’t notice them happening. We have the right to complain, to bitch, to cry, to think about killing ourselves. Even if we get very close and type our final note out. I personally have done so on my thread during a night where I simply felt my life was over. All of that is fine. But what is absolutely unnacceptable for us is to give up, to accept a sub-par life, to live at home with your parents and decide that you aren’t going to pursue a normal job, etc.

This is your entire life guys, so let’s give it absolutely everything we’ve got.
Easier said than done, but choice do we have? Just because you’re here now, DOES NOT mean that you have to stay here.

This post isn’t to discount or scoff at anyone’s suffering, but to simply offer a different, more positive outlook at this situation…


@Dknighten You are a very wise person. God bless you, brother.


We’re going to get through all of it man, and we are going to end up even better than before. I am far from recovered, but somehow I just know that all of this is going to truly change us for the better,

If you let it.

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Dude some of us can’t do any of that shit. I’m a bed bound lobotomized and castrated zombie. Make money how? School? Work? For what? I have no emotions or sexuality. C’mon man. There are levels to this shit. Trying for disability but it’s hard to get. Doesn’t matter anyway I guess. It’ll be over soon.

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Yeah, keep venting over the years in support forums, is the best you can do under the circunstances

I don’t know if you are being sarcastic or not. But I don’t like some minor/moderate case like @Dknighten telling me too get up and get a job. Telling me don’t live with your parents. I’ll just be homeless instead then. Don’t accept a sub-par life? Like some of us have a choice! L
Explain how to enjoy a life with no sex, no emotions, sleeplessness, loss of visual imagination, a numb and shrunken dick, numb skin all over, dry skin, muscle wastage, etc? Telling someone severely effected to get a job and move out of their parents? People are homeless from this because they have no cognitive or emotional being left.
You’re right I won’t accept a life of torture. It’s called suicide and it’s completely rational with the worst of this condition. Just be thankful you weren’t hit that hard that you can still live.

Interestingly at OP, I also have bad experience with NAC, even though by reading the internet you’d conclude it’s one of the safest things out there, and side effects are impossible.

When I take 600 mg, I feel as if it cancels out most of my testosterone. I become very mellow, reserved, with little drive and just feeling all-around spaced out and weird. The effects go away the next day upon stopping though. I tried it using it topically for a time as well, and then it gave me major ball-ache.

Really sorry to hear you’re going through all this BS. I guess we have to be extremely careful what we introduce into our bodies, because it seems they operate on a different level compared to healthy people, and things that are safe for a normal person can be hell in a PFS body.

@jrums01 I believe you’d be quite surprised at what you could accomplish with your state if you didn’t have a safety net to fall back on my man. You know nothing about anyone else’s experience with this other than what you read on a chat board. I don’t have any family to live with, to pay my bills for me. I’ve been completely independent since 18 years old and you think that just because I got fucked up from a medicine that I can just give up my dreams, throw everything out the window, and go live with someone and have them support me? It’s simply not a choice for me. If I don’t get my shit together and make it happen, I could very well end up homeless lol. Yeah, it’s really fucking hard to read. I have to force myself to keep eye contact and can barely follow conversations. I wake up and feel hungover every single morning. When there’s more than 1 other person around me, it feels like bombshells are going off around me, the anxiety is so bad. I go and workout regularly and it seems to be an absolute waste of time, as I am not able to build new muscle and every joint in my body hurts. Every kind of supplement or thing I try just worsens my brain fog and makes me feel even more like a mindless zombie. For a program I dedicated my entire young adult life to get into, I’m here, on auto-pilot, & My roommate and classmates just think I’m some anti-social weird fucker. I worry all the time if I’m still going to be able to follow this career path, as I’m completely terrified of social interaction now, and I don’t know why. As you know, it’s not very easy to get a diagnosed disability with this condition. Hey man, if you have family that’s willing & able to help take care of you that’s awesome. You should count your blessings. Just keep in mind there are those who are in the same boat, or worse, that don’t have those blessings. They have to bite down, grit their teeth, and keep moving forward. Get over yourself for just one second and honestly imagine, in your current condition, if you had no choice but to go to graduate school full-time, or work full time in a job where you had to be surrounded by people the entire time and expected to operate at a high level?

I do get it man. You can’t just magically cheer up & everything gets better and goes away. But shit can always get worse. And there’s always the hope of improving. That’s pretty much the only thing that keeps me going.