Rb26dett Story with 5-HTP

I don’t fear it because i believe that whatever the cause is it’s still reversible (since many people have recovered or improved ) , i think transexuals’s case is very different to ours and we can’t draw any comparison , they took pure hormonal stuff whilst we took powerful drugs who crosse the brain-blood barrier , i believe that our issue is down to a neuro-androgenic disorder , hence why many people respond positively to differents herbs and hormon therapies , also i think that the condition didn’t affect us all in the same manner that’s why we respond differently to differents things

Ey @Rb26dett I saw this video an immediately thought about you lol (no homo) check it out
That guy had a free test of like 30 pg/ml. Very similar to your 45pg/ml. And got way better whit androgen therapy.
Keep those theories of androgen insensitivity out of your mind, spread it by some users that dont know any better, they have done nothing but poisoned peoples mind, making people develop fears and believes about certain things that keep them from doing what actually would work.
Everyone wants to inject T once and be cured, you rarely see people on a constant T protocol for 2 or 3 months before changing and quitting. In order to work takes months before you notice positive changes. Reconsider androgen therapy again man.
Best ot luck

That’s a good message. I wish i got pfs at this age. 21. What about me who took accutane at the age of 16? I can still recover but i won’t get my potential penile and body development ever again. Accutane damaged my penile development, i never got that strong erections since 16. Even if i recover, deep inside, i will know that i would probably have much more bigger penis and much better physical shape… So, my problems won’t end even if i recover fully. Im fucked up on all fronts.

I’ve already done androgenic therapy. It made me worse.

TRT is really bad in all aspects but low doses HCG may be beneficial for you , you can try joekool’s protocol , you’ve got nothing to lose @Rb26dett

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If there is one thing I have learned from this syndrome it is that there is never a limit to the worst.

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There’s a problem were people giving advice are not well themselves but somehow feel okay whit dispensing advice…

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Mu friend, trust me, PAL is just a troll that want someone try his crazy theory.

I already used Proviron. And im going to try pals protocol if my second long cycle won’t work.
@Rb26dett He may or not. But his theory makes sense to me.


Do you have any digestive symptoms? I have digestive symptoms and when they are bad my neuro sides are bad. Sleep deteriorates, inflammation goes up, skin gets bad, zero emotions, zero drive. I’ve tried everything too, nothing works. Sorry to hear you’re not doing well. I recently returned from a warm vacation away where I soaked up a lot of sun and relaxed. It helped a lot with almost every symptom. I know that isnt attainable for everyone but if you can I suggest getting away for some rr.

Just checking in, how are you doing bro? All of this sounds terrible.

Oh man, I’m still in the hell…
All symptoms are worsening. I can’t understand why. If I try any protocol, I don’t see improvements.
I tried fasting for a week, I passed out and I gone to the er.
I tried Keto diet for 1,5 months, but didn’t work.
I tried to go vegan for almost a month, but I felt worse.

I’d like to see your SHBG and ultra sensitive estrogen but You need testosterone! Your free T is shit. Gel doesn’t work for 30% of people and it’s certainly not going to get your free T to double. There are injections. Most people inject once a week. I inject smaller doses every other day to keep my estrogen down. If you go the injection route stay away from anti estrogens. There is no scientific evidence that you need it. Most who fail in TRT take the Gel, pellets, or inject along with aromasin or HCG or take too noche or too little or frankly just don’t give it long enough to work. It takes 3-4 months just to begin seeing changes and it can take a year to figure out your dose. Now days you can just inject into your belly fat like insulin with tiny needles. People spend years here cramming vitamins and herbs and potions into their mouth but they don’t do shit. There is anecdotal evidence that one or 2 people fixed themselves taking Herbs and pills but There is no scientific evidence except some man posting on a forum that he took some herbs and feels better … that’s insane science. There are thousands of stories of people without PFS who have fixed their lives on TRT with similar blood tests as yours. Either get your doc to prescribe injections or join one of the many online clinics that will mail order you testosterone legally. It’s pretty simple and $100 a month. I get mine shipped every 2 months.

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That’s all good advices my friend. I do agree all whit the exception testosterone is made for Intramuscular injection and not Subq.

My facial subcutaneous tissue loss has gotten to the point where I can no longer hold my face against the pillow, as it feels like the facial bone is about to pierce the skin. Also, the bones in my face hurt from the inside. Certainly the loss of bone density did not stop. The absurd thing is that doctors keep denying that I’m sick.

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@Rb26dett I have the same it feels like im lying on concrete. My eye sockets and cheeks bones are always painful, yours too?

Yes, is the same for me

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Our ER are gone…

Estrogen receptors? Getting headaches and seering eye pain too?

Yes, costantly

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