Prostatitis treatment as a novel insight into Finasteride related problems

Solon - Thank you for this! I’m scheduled to see the doc next Thursday, May 5th

Also, for those contemplating Candida treatment, I cannot stress enough that what you do will work. I started with OTC supps, and a strict diet and nothing happened. OTC was not powerful enough for me and I took a TON of them. I then introduced Nystatin and nothing really happened until 6 weeks after, and it was at the time I doubled the dose. Also, and this is key, take a quality digestive enzyme with EVERYTHING, even supps. This helps the digestion and absorption. This has helped immensely as well. Also, take them on an empty stomach for a therapeutic effect. Look, read my past posts, I have tried all the fancy drugs, meds, hormones, PCT, anti-e, blah buh blah, this so far has been the only thing that works for me.

My diet is extremely strict, almost to the point of starvation. No grain, sugars, etc. I eat raw foods, protein, and that’s about it, and the quantities are VERY low. I eat about 400-700 calories a day – tops! I do have a cheat day of sushi though :slight_smile: If you don’t do this, then I don’t know if you will experience benefits. Also, if you think my recovery so far has been due to diet then great! I’ll stay with the diet becuase it is killing the confirmed Candida in the blood. Also, I stay on my nystatin and diflucan as well…just saying.

I have cycles of diflucan as prolonged use could prove difficult on the liver.

At any rate, I have been doing this strong for 5 months, and I continue to improve. Some of you have been with me for a while, and know that I suffered from immense brain fog and that it is my most debilitating symptom. I don’t care so much about libido or erections, though it was the erections that have improved the most. Yes, I’ll take them no doubt, but I would be most grateful to have my mental faculties return 100%. In the meantime, and what most of you desire, I can screw bitches and keep the wood up. Yes, it does get a little weak during the third time that day, but hey, I’m ok with that. I’m sure it will improve.

But I really dont care about the sex, I want my brain back and it is slowly coming. Most here care about erections and libido, and I can tell you that I’m pretty pleased in that area.

agree 100%
but the problem is that sometimes prostate remains inflamed during all time.

However can be also a relation with inflamed bowel and inflamed prostate.

it’s hard to elimitate all others possibilities and enucleate a genuine PFS

And who is this person that is held on high esteem on this board???

Only two types of people beleive in these ‘Candida’ infections: quacks and those gullible/desperate enough to beleive them.

(ps. prostate problems wouldnt cause half the symptoms and has no effect on libido)

And only two kinds of people repeatedly visit threads they have zero belief in: Naysaying Nancys and people with too much time on their hands.

Solon, thank you for your info. I’m also booked with a couple of urologists in a few weeks, here goes nothing. Please keep us updated on your treatment protocols and progress. Thanks again; whether I, personally, end up finding that I have prostatitis or not, I’ll be glad to have checked it out, as I’m sure others will be.


So candida doesn’t even exist now? WOW.

Prostrate problems wouldn’t effect libido? LOL. Tune in, sir. Prostrate problems can affect just about everything sexually orientated. Look it up some time.

^I still want to know who this doctor is!!! Candida effecting your gut etc etc is pure quack medicine.

Sorry, no. The prostate effecting libido is a myth. Libido nothing to do with the prostate - its something in the brain.

is wrong, u can find it everywhere on web

These are usually found in patients with a long history of prostatitis […] The most frequent symptoms are premature ejaculation, blood in the sperm (hemospermia), loss of libido and erectile dysfunction.

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Solon, what do you mean by that? Treat prostatitis, and then, if necessary, get on TRT? Or you mean that adding transdermal T for a while (how long?) should bring definitive results and completely cure us (which doesnt make any sense to me?).

If there were no such things as systemic fungal infections…would there be commercial prescription anti-fungal products on the market? (Diflucan, Nystatin, etc.)

Those that doubt that one could have candida infection or prostatitis—take a step or two back in all your absolute certainty–now tell me how you differ from the doctor who sees the PFS patient and says “Son, you don’t have E.D., it’s all in your head–go see the shrink.”? Or “Son, finasteride couldn’t have done this to you–go see the shrink.”?

How in the fuck can you tell another human being what they have and don’t have across the internet?

How is it that one can credibly have damage from finasteride up to and including hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, but not prostate damage (such a stretch, I know) or prostatitis or a weakened immune system / systemic infection? Who is all-knowing enough to say what can and cannot be associated with a subset of the subset of the finasteride-taking population that experiences long-term illness? Who can just on face value dismiss the importance of the immune system, intestinal health, the mechanism by which nutrients are delivered to the organs?

It’s poor science to pre-suppose something and vigorously defend it to the exclusion of other theories when nobody has tested any of these theories in a controlled lab setting. Nobody has proven anything, so all we have to go on is anecdotal experience. That somebody would discount a person’s recovery is beyond me. I don’t doubt someone when they tell me they treated their thyroid and got better. Or jumped on TRT and HCG and got better. Or detoxed and got better. Each recovery is unique to that individual’s situation.

For every PFSer that has low testosterone, there’s someone who has high testosterone.
Adrenal issues…no adrenal issues
high cortisol…low cortisol

One PFS patient profile could look like this: Low LH, peyronie’s disease, brown-spotted dick
Another PFS patient’s profile could look like this: hypothyroid, normal cortisol, mid-range T, large mole on left ball
Yet another PFS patient could have any combination of a hormonal profile…AND…get this…OTHER ailments…like, 8,234 other concurrent ailments

Not to mention that there is NO standard panel that we all test for. We test for a common set of hormones, but we do not all test for every single thing out there. Even what we (human beings) CAN test for is based on our limited knowledge of the body. Again, we have no controlled lab studies of us, and no completely exhaustive testing of each and every organ, body process, vitamin level and so on. Stop thinking that every organ and symptom and condition exists in a vacuum. We have one system where everything contained therein is interdependent. Every ailment, observation and symptom is a clue, and it’s only by sharing these clues that we can tackle this thing. When was this forum started? How many people have recovered? Is there any clear cut protocol to recovery? Then why are people SO damn sure that it can’t be THIS or THAT? Or that THIS or THAT can’t be a part of attaining optimal health?

Stop thinking that there must be one single solitary magic bullet. Each person is different, and there may be 17 or 89 different variations of health profiles for people with persistent side effects upon discontinuation of finasteride, the commonality, of course being that we all took finasteride, and the lowest common denominator symptoms being low libido, erectile dysfunction, brain fog, etc. But not everyone has bitch tits or muscle wastage or penile shrinkage (although it may seem that way when the penis is flaccid).

Sorry folks, it’s been a while since I’ve done some writing, guess I needed to get some stuff out of my system (besides the yeast, of course). :slight_smile:

Time will tell here.

Can someone put a lid on oscars rubbish tin.

but this common denominator can be also caused by prostatitis, peyronie, etc.

if the trigger for these patologies can be finasteride, why we cannot have possible benefits for treating these like parts of the puzzle?

e.g.:if someone get prostatitis symptoms, than he can cure it like prostatitis.

Excellent point. Finasteride may be the trigger, the ultimate catalyst for the “perfect” circumstances for a lot of organs to incur damage. Instead of searching for the anti-finasteride pill, why not treat all conditions that arise? The deeper one can dig to root causes of outstanding symptoms (whatever those may be), the closer one gets to true healing, and not just masking of symptoms. And one may have to dig up one’s ass and into the prostate, for all we know. lol.

I’m completely with Mens Rea on this.

For what it’s worth, I’ve noted since joining how I’ve had perineal pain (associated with the prostate inflammation), and how antibiotics have helped m regain some libido and erectile power. The underlying mechanism(s)? I don’t know. But I’m not going to ignore what’s helped because it may not fit the predominant theory re PFS.

Candida doesnt cause sexual dysfunction. (As Mew said earlier).

‘Candida overgrowths’ is a term used by conmen/homeopaths/naturopaths to extract money from vulnerable people. They state it can cause any and all symptoms a person presents with. I believe you are being subject to a malicious con.

(Ps. Finasteride can cause auto-immune problems all by itself, without the need for ‘candida’ or whatever… Just thought id throw that bit of info out there :slight_smile: )

It’s about things working LONG TERM, not just working temporarily.

For those candida believers here keep in mind the following points:

  1. Even if you believe you’re suffering from candida, your sexual and other problems started AFTER finasteride, so FIN IS THE TRIGGER. If not you shouldn’t be here.


If you think you have candida and are treating it PM with each other or find another place to discuss it. You are just providing reasons for people to discount finasteride as the trigger of, and cause of, of PFS.

Agreed. As has been stated multiple times. Fin is the trigger. Fin is the trigger. Fin is the trigger. Now what conditions do we have in common? When it’s hypothyroidism, nobody freaks out and says “BUT FIN IS THE TRIGGER! GO TO A THYROID BOARD! REMEMBER THAT FIN IS THE TRIGGER, YOUR THYROID AND SEXUAL PROBLEMS STARTED AFTER FINASTERIDE.” Yeah, we know, and we’re here to treat. How can we honestly treat if we selectively report findings?

Nothing in this public discourse will help our legal case. Everybody knows that they’ll try to make it seem as if everything and anything could cause us to be in the shape we’re in, yet we all know that what brings us here is the commonality of having taken finasteride and our resultant screwed up hormonal profiles. That a significant subset of men suffer from persistent side effects, due to whatever interaction finasteride has with a predisposing pathology or genetic type or its plain anti-androgenic (and pro-estrogenic) effects has been known by the makers of finasteride, not reported or acted upon, not inspired them to provide a warning label, research the matter, or provide any real explanation at all, and thus screwed us all. This fact does not change if we suddenly learn that a few or some or many of us have immune weakness, infections, issues of unhealthy blood, prostatitis or anything of the sort. All we’re doing is discussing some commonalities we have so that interested people can further research if so inlined. I don’t see how this thread absolves finasteride as the trigger.

I don’t know of anyone (doctors included) who DOESN’T believe that fin is the trigger, so I don’t get what the fuss is about. If candida is so lacking in credibility, how could it taint the 800,000 pages of discussion on all other matters of PFS? Are you worried that a “candida quack doctor” will take the stand and discredit finasteride as the catalyst? Unlikely, right? Once more, why is it that any particular condition must be viewed as mutually exclusive to the finasteride issue instead of related?

That’s very interesting, especially since I’ve never seen a naturopath in my life (not that I won’t ever elect to do so). And that at least several M.D.s treat Candida in their practice; ones that do TRT, treat adrenal function (another taboo medical issue, right?).

I wouldn’t disagree, please go ahead and shed light. By what mechanism? What do you propose as the antidote? What’s your interpretation of the blood screen shot I previously attached (and will again attach in this post for your convenience)? Can you explain what’s going on in my blood? I’m truly all ears.

We get tried in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION before any real trial. Look at the comments on reddit. I know plenty of doctors who refuse to accept that fin could be a cause of my persistent side effects from the drug.

If it wasn’t for this board the legal action, if it ever came to light, would be much smaller in magnitude. When this gets more and more press potential jurors will be hearing about us and if they search online what’s the first hit going to be? PROPECIAHELP.COM.

And no, Merck’s lawyers will not allow any condition as mutually exclusive. They will use every dirty trick at their disposal to make it look like that “mutually exclusive” issue is the cause, not fin.