"prostate symptoms" are really pelvic floor/perinium?

Wow… this is a really apt description of the very same thing I’ve been experiencing but have had difficulty explaining.

I agree - such a apt description of how it feels too - regarding the numbness - the weak erection! Cant think of better words

I feel strong connection with symptoms mentioned in this thread and hardflaccid website regarding pelvic floor issues. I have shrinkage, cold numb genitals that respond so poorly to even a bad pinch.

I have very poor urine stream and fecal incontinence (I realise the need to poop only after it has reached the rectum) - and I rarely feel the control when passing motion. I don’t squirt ejaculate at all - it jus flows out and it is very low in volume - and prostate does not tingle -

However, I am missing the classical symptoms that all these websites mention: like pain after ejaculation, pain while sitting etc. I have no pain or even dull ache. None what so ever. The genital area is just down right “DEAD” without bloodflow. And dull pain seems to be a top symptom. Hence I am still in doubt if mine can be termed a pelvic issue. I remember that night, I was so stressed and emotional - I had a uncontrollable erection and my lower body was definitely all jammed - I could not relax the erection even after masturbation - it took 2-3 hours as I lied in tbe bed fearful and almost in tears (yet not much pain or anything, just stiffness). And since next day morning in 2007, my urine flow clearly reduced, my whole genital area was numb. It took me till this year to realise that I have numbness. If you see all myearlier posts in 2008 onwards I never mention shrinkage/numbness because I just “ASSumed” that its all jus poor blood flow due to bad hormones. I had penile curvature due to ED in 2008.

Now with fecal incontinence, 5.5 years of poor urine flow, and clear shrinkage and numbess that I so stupidly attributed only to T and androgens, I feel I need to look at Pelvic issues.

One thing i have to mention is that I have earlier been treated for dysuria and painful urination in 2006 when I was taking finaesteride. I got cured after a bout of antibiotics.

I so cant beleive that with good DHT, mid level Bio-available T, consistent hairloss for 5 yearss (if that can indicate resonanbly that my 5AR is working) and most other hormones within observable range now, I still should insist on taking the hormonal route. Yes I had hypogonadal T after my crash but that is no more the case.

My doubt remains regarding pelvic floor jam up mainly because I have never had any pain or that feeling of tightening that is so often mentioned. Its rather loose to the point of feeling dead (the genitals and surrounding areas) - does anyone know of pelvic floor patients with my symptoms without pain?

I am excited about excercises and getting a full uro review - Alas I have no insurance and no job now. what a divine tragedy

If you can alleviate some symptoms that is fantastic, it is all neurohormonally involved

All this is probably related to the mess finasteride done in our brain. I have been diagnosed with sympathetic nervous system hypertone. This happened because I had an unusual tachicardy derivanting form the use of cabergoline.
Sympathetic nervous system, along with the parasympathetic one, regulates also involontary muscle contraction. An imbalance in inducer and inhibitory impuleses probably can lead to many of the symptoms we have down there. We have some kind of anxiety disorder (and it probably is not unrelated to the fact that I experienced extreme anxiety during finasteride treatment) but it is a iatrogenic one and probably of completely new definition. Pelvic floor, prostate and all that muscles down there are probably affected. You can relief somewhat with massages and some things like that but you won’t get rid of the problem, which is most probably neurological. If you stop, you’ll have your symptoms back. So now what? On February there will be a roundtable on the effects of finasteride on the nervous system. This indeed tells that there’s something wrong in our nervous system. What exactly I don’t know but what I described might be the case. Reduction of allopregnanolone a dht in the brain probably led to this unbalance in the autonomic nervous system. In the meantime you can experiment with pregnenolone or whatever other product you like, but unless you have the results of the studies, you have low chances of success. Without going into too much detail I argue that this unbalance is the cause of our neglected healing at the end of treatment with finasteride. Furthermore I argue that androgen receptor overexpression in the penis, which is a fact, is also a consequence of this mistaken neurological signaling. What can be done? what practice other that long term exercise has the potential to induce a stable equilibration of the autonomic nervous system and along with this the relaxation of all those muscles? AUTOGENIC TRAINING. This scientific method is able to induce in you a hypnosis like condition, with the difference you can do it on your own. I used it in the past, and I can say it is an extremely powerful method. It is used to treat many many conditions, from depression to cardiac insufficiency. Absurdly on wikipedia I found exactly what I just wrote by my own:

I do not searched the reference for this. I will search some articles in the future.
It is necessary to understand that whatever the imbalance we have on neurosteroids, on the long run, autogenic training should be able to treat it because you are using your own sensations to guide your body in the relaxation and healing direction. It is also to understand that it may require some time to manage the technique and some other time to heal your condition. Well, in the past to days I tried applying my crap remembrance of the techinque to relax my body, mind and all the discussed muscles and prostate. Listen, as of yesterday my narrowing at the base of the penis has improved a lot, my penis stragely elonged to maybe what it was before and hourglass (which was terrible for me) really really improved. This evening I touched myself :blush: and surprise surprise, I felt my libido to an extent I hardly remember (about the same as when I quit finasteride, but fluctuating). Erection was great and ejaculation was accordingly awesome. Also my penis felt somewhat normal, and not a crap like it is usually. Despite what might be a coincidence (I doubt) I think autogenic training can help a lot of us, along with exercise and diet to avoid prostate inflammation. In any case it will help live my life pretty much better, about stress free I hope.

This will be approximately my protocol for the next months, at least until February. But both exercise and autogenic training need to be done regularely and without interruptions. Best thing is that this is all natural and it won’t mess with your body.

PS For anyone who has the intention to try it, I would suggest to first study how are all the muscles displaced down there. And also it is best to have you first sessions in group with an experienced Dr.

Tab, you are 100% correct. There is even a guy who had hard flaccid and cured it with one session of hypnotherapy.

Progressive muscle relaxation may be of much help too. In fact I used this one in the last days. I thought it was part of autogenic training: they exaplained it to me in a hybrid protocol (AT+PMR), comprising both kind of exercises. I used to use only the PMR (without contraction) one since it is somewhat easier.
I feel the finding on muscle tension etc is somewhat precious. Good finding!

what I have noticed is my perineum(?) (the area between the testicles and anus) feels real soft. before pfs it used to be “harder to the touch”. This surely must be prostate related? I’m sure it has been discussed before but couldnt find anything quickly.

During an erection this area is always hard.

Anyone noticed the same?

Hello Friend,

Yes, the skin is loose too in my case. Glad you realized it earlier. It took me 5 years to even understand these things. Genital shrinkage, insensitivity etc. I knew I had poor urine flow and fecal incontinence earlier though. My skill below my belly on pelvis is loose and insensitive too.

Did I already tell? I’m diagnosed with pudendal neuropathy or am soon going to be. Based on anamnesis and seminal analysis only, the doctor has said so. I prefer to say he assumes so. I hope they will run some real objective tests to find out where the nerve is damaged. It seems logical: I only have pain in the penis, no other prostatitis symptoms; my ejaculate often doesn’t fly far like it used to; penile skin sometimes feels like rubber (my doctor says it’s because of depression and high attention to that bodypart, which I definitely have).
But do I have any reason to be in this forum? Can 9 days of finasteride really damage a nerve?

Has anyone heard of Trauma Release Exercises (TRE)?

I ran across it here…
forum.hardflaccid.org/discussion … -exercises

Make sure to also watch the video and read the Tim Ferris article (point 5)
fourhourworkweek.com/2014/02/19/ … attacks-2/

I wonder if this naturally will be beneficial in releasing tension in the pelvic floor or if you have to do specific pelvic floor exercises of some sort?

Any progress anyone?
I have lowerback pain and yesterday had pain in groin area…no solution so far except l-arginine which resolved my problem for 1 year but at the same time gave anxiety issues…

I have these same issues related in the first post which started this discussion. After 7 years taking this poison. I am 4 years off and no evolution toward the cure. My erection capacity and libido are getting worse tending to zero.

If someone found out some procedure that really improved significantly these symptoms please describe it here to try to help us to go out of this hell.

Did someone feel any progress regarding these issues???

So I found a guy who recovered from Accutane/PFS. It goes hand-in-hand with this pelvic floor tension theory. Here is what he said fixed him. He did try TRT for years prior to this protocol and it did not work until after he did this…

I didn't take propecia, but I took accutane and ssri's

Poverty erections, orgasms less fulfilling than a sneeze(no lie), libido absolutely shot

This was from about age 15-16 onward, 26 right now, I can't recall whether it happened suddenly or it was a gradual thing.
Could still get an erection and finish but it didn't feel good, just the idea of it allowed me to get the poverty erection and load off

Anyways I had hit puberty at like 14 so I only had like a year and a half of glory. I figured I had just gotten used to fapping or whatever and when I get the real thing it'll feel good again. Started "bangin" sloots at 17-18 and it was the equivalent to watching paint dry. Never got anything other than a notch on belt.
So the only thing I really got anything out of was alcohol. That basically became priority for the next 5 years or so. Literally the only thing that brought about enjoyment. Eventually had to go to rehab etc... But it made me realize WTF man I wanna feel my dick, if I could just feel my dick again. I'm supposed to feel my dick. I had convinced myself, "welp it's not supposed to feel as good as when you are 14-15, this is normal" "I fap too much, once I complete no fap I will restore pleasure"

Anyways several several no fap journeys yielded no results whatsoever, supplements etc... Nothin

Went to a ton of docs who were supposed to be great with this stuff, many just Bert stared me and didn't get it

T levels were low to mid normal, I got on trt, that got my at t levels high but that on its own didn't help me out. One thing the test did do was if I didnt fap for a while I would have a wet dream and would have a glorious orgasm the way it once felt, but awake still the same.

Tried all of these
-private yoga every week for a year(didn't do ****)
-sex therapist

Anyways, I forget exactly how I stumbled across this stuff but I quit boozin like 10months ago, and the sex stuff wasn't from alcohol at all because I had stopped drinkin for long periods of time with no improvement. But I literally told myself I'm going to get my dick working again or move to Oregon and get out down like a dog.

somatic movements, not sure how it works exactly but it rewires your nervous system somehow. My loin muscles were basically shut off. My extrinsic muscles were over active and intrinsic muscles just completely dormant. Anyways doing literally nothing but this feldenkrais routine from Hannah Somatics book, Neanderthal no more routine from T nation, constructive rest from psoas book, Rochester facial Somatics routine. So it took me about 289 days but whos counting, and now my dick is turned back on and I'm in the take a big whiff anytime a +3/10 walks by crew now. There's a brain-body connection and we can't directly attack the brain so we need to get there through the body.

I'm still on trt and hcg

Lol just lmao at people who take any hormone altering drugs today with the info that's out there. No chance in hell that it's only 1%. 

Next message

Sex drive is coming back in full force. It was about 10-11 years of nothing for me. My sex drive was incredibly superficial, just the idea was arousing but no actual drive.

That's actually good news that you have tight muscles because that means this could work for you like it worked for me. Also you probably do not even realize how tight these muscles are because it's become your norm. Like the muscles around the base of the spine could be locked up and you wouldn't even be aware because your brain has lost the connection to it.


The book is called Hannah Somatics, 8 exercises in this book, you do these and it gets easier each day, I bang em out in 30 minutes now but it took a long time at first, actually I just do 1-6 at this point but the breathing exercise 7 is really important and I would do those diaphragm vaccuums til I almost lost consciousness because I didn't give a **** I was gunna get this **** right or die trying.

2. Constructive rest is a resting yoga pose you just lie on your back, look it up on YouTube, this releases the psoas muscle which needs to be loose for proper sexual functioning

3. Neanderthal no more part 4 on t nation. This is my gym routine. Very good. RDLs, front squats, lunges, shoulder blade retraction exercises etc..., we are trying to get the body running properly these exercises do that. Just follow that routine and work on good form more so than weight

4. Look up Rochester facial Somatics on Google and there's a list of like 20 facial expressions to do daily because jaw muscles and facial muscle tightness can contribute to sex muscles srs you wouldn't think so but it's important

If you have the ability to dedicate yourself to that for a month I bet you'll see that you are on to something, then once you realize that your brain isn't perma broken you will feel a lot better, and then it's just a matter of time. Like I said this took me probably more than 6 months. I seriously thought my receptors were ****ed, and they were but this is a way out srs. I feel like big parts of my brain were shut off and now they are back on. Not easy but obviously worth it.

Doctors don't know ****in **** when it comes to this.

I don’t really understand this guy’s writing :cry:

So his suggestion is to buy the “Hannah Somatics” book and make the exercises?
I find this interesting anyhow.

Here is the cliff-notes…

  1. Do the exercises in the book below daily. (20-30 mins)
    amazon.com/Somatics-Reawaken … 0738209570

  2. Do the exercise protocol in this article (45-60mins)

  3. Do the “constructive rest” pose 2x daily (30-45 mins)

  4. Do these facial somatic movements daily (5-10 mins)
    rochestersomatics.com/wp-content … scles…pdf

He says it took him 8 months to get to where he is now, but within a month of this protocol you should start to notice its working.

Thank you moonman, sorry I’m a bit tired, it was comprehensible with a bit of effort.

I searched for the author’s biography

As I said many times, I believe rehabilitation and time(in all forms you may think of) are the only cures we have. However, I have a firm scientific education and this impedes me to trust the affirmations of a person with that biography or at least spend money and months of my time. Some things about science you learn the hard way by beating your head on books to the extreme of your energies for years. It’s not that you come out one day and postulate something about somatic amnesia. You may, but at least you need to have an understanding of scientific practice and an understanding of the body from a medical perspective, because in practice it’s all far far more complicated than what is commonly believed by the layman(non specialist). Then your theories might be innovative, and even with that premise, you have a fair enough chance of being wrong LOL. Phylosophers are nice people and I have plenty of friends in the field :stuck_out_tongue: , but honestly, when it comes to science, they can’t spell one word without being wrong. And I’m not going to comment the Bachelor of Divinity. wow, sounds weird.

It would be interesting to find a book on similar practices but written by a medical expert. That thing about stiff/loose muscles(and I would include prostate in this) due to “unwiring” of neuronal circuitry seems plausible, but it still is important that notions come from a trustable expert.

[b]I wanted to bump this thread with the news that the latest Italian study found Pudendal neuropathy sci-hub.cc/10.1016/j.jsbmb.2017.04.003

Basically those with bad ED were found to have pudendal nerve that was not conducting nerve impulses to genitals correctly. [/b]

Nice. Was he on a PFS or Accutane forum?

VERY INTERESTING! (And why don’t we do both?) This probably would have been very healthy for our prostate/adrenal health and male hair loss even before we got PFS.

For starters look up “psoas muscle” and “pelvic floor muscles” (stretches or exercises) on youtube or image search.

tcmpoints.com/conception-vessel- … v1-huiyin/
It’s very hard to find an acupuncturist willing to do this point (especially if you’re male). However they will sell you a moxi stick with which you can loosen up the area at home.

melmagazine.com/self-help-patro … 9abf883804