Week 13 Update - Here are my results from a 7 day off period of all supplements / vitamins and progesterone / prami. Friday (2nd day off) I felt like I got hit by a mack truck the entire this, this was probably a combination of drinking way to much Thursday night and being off progesterone. Urinary symptoms did come back a little, but I didn’t have the “OMG I’m going to pee my pants” feeling, just let go of a lot of fluids the past week. As of Monday I’ve had 4 or 5 pimples on my face and a few small ones on my chest, and one on the back of my right leg. I’m not sure what the leg one is about, this does confirm my theory that this protocol does a great job of balancing estrogen. The worst side effect I experienced happened yesterday (Wednesday), my wife and I were doing some early morning bedroom exercises and after about five minutes, I could no longer hold an erection. I haven’t experienced this is probably 6 months. I’ve had trouble getting erections but never a problem with maintaining them. This was disappointing, but we moved onto other business and then went for a double header last night and everything was alright.
Overall this has been the best “off period” I’ve had so far which gives me hope that someday I’ll be able to stop and the good effects will stay. I’m going to modify the protocol a little bit by dropping the DIM and reducing prami use to every other day (EOD). It’s also (as I look outside and see snow and ice) the start of cycling season so I will be doing more cardio obviously, but also adding in weight lifting 2 times per week. I’m also only going to check this forum once a week, I’ve found not visiting (even though it’s a great place to go for knowledge and support) while on a protocol allows me to think about and accomplish other things. I’ll still respond to PMs but otherwise I’ll just be around on Thursdays.
Glad to see others are seeing some relief and success as well. Who would have thought a PMS / menopause symptom reducer would help us too…