Prep medication, reversing pfs?

How long you been on the prep? Any improvements?

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[quote]How long you been on the prep? Any improvements?


dunno cause my hormones are not stable(trying to PCT, tripto, etc)

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Tripto like triptorelin ? If yes, why ? And what are you experiencing on it ?
Iā€™m on Lupron ā€¦ and my libido is back, hair loss too, more muscles and hair ā€¦ because, at least I think, my androgen receptors are a lot more sensitive.

I would like to try prep ā€¦ but Iā€™m not sure if it can help to restore/reboot my androgen receptors. Or can make my situation worse.

i agree. there needs to be a way to convey the technical stuff into laymenā€™s terms. a way, or someone lol

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@Xorack, are you doing this under the direction of a clinician, and have you any clinical report regarding the improvements you are experiencing? I would very much like to be able to (anonymously) include a clinical report noting this response in something I am working on with @awor. If this is something you have or could obtain, please could you let me know and follow up in PM? Thank you.

Hey @xorack, yes I am well aware of this response. I am only asking if you have a report from any follow up appointment with your prescribing practitioner noting your response to this treatment? An explanation of why and what from said clinician isnā€™t important, just any appointment report noting your use and response to leuprorelin. Thank you

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which one do i take? tenof or tenvir?

Google truvada ā€¦ it specifies the 2 drugs and their concentrations.

Itā€™s not a month commitment and will take many. It is safe but you need a CBC blood work up at 4 weeks to make sure you are not the .01% who cannot metabolize it


if one is trying the demethylation route by means of NRTIā€™s/HDACi/DNMTi use is it better that the AR has some exogenous/stable hormone interacting with it or demethylation during a PCT is good enough??
I donā€™t really know what should be done from here

Thank you.

i genuinely googled various and didnā€™t see any helpful information. im guessing its the same shit? so i can just get the cheapest one which is tenvir?

i found ONE article saying that tenvir is just the generic version of tenof.

honestly im just going to buy the cheapest. would appreciate if someone can correct me soon but im not waiting too much longer, ordering soon.

Google truvada ingredients haha :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:t3:

200mg emtricitibine/ 300mg tenofir

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You can buy anything that has the same ingredients as truvada. It doesnā€™t matter

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Yeah, this isnā€™t complicated. Buy the cheapest name that has the same ingredients.

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forgive me guys, its the brainfog XD jk im just stupid :stuck_out_tongue:


According to the guy who said he got cured from high-grade tribulus, he first had a microdose of troptorelin, which he said reset his hypothalmus and got him producing testosterone at higher amounts again. The trib then increased AR so that the body could use that additional testo. I figure if prep is working in a similar way, by increasing AR activity, then an initial shot of triptorelin could be useful. Important to note that triptorelin can chemically castrate a person if administered in certain quantities, and this use is a one-time micro-dose. I read a post from about 10 years ago of a guy having that same dose each day for 10 days and it totally fucked him up

This sounds incredibly dangerous.


Agreed. Sounds like a bad idea

If you read the OP on that, it causes chemical castration by overstimulating the hypothalamus at massive or repeated doses. If potential catastrophic side effects from massive doses were the criteria for avoiding medications, most of those that have been tried on this forum would not have been.