Prep medication, reversing pfs?

Still much improved? Good libido and erections? Glad to hear from you man

just to mention that im starting prep tommorow but have to make notice that i dont respond to drugs, alcohol,benzos etc…
so if it doesn’t work for me doesn’t mean it wont work for u

i have pssd and not only physical sexual symptoms but also emotional bluntness etc…
so im not a marker for u
if i have improvements on prep than i can report back daily,if not im just gonna say that i don’t and thats it

best regards


Good luck @zadig777 I hope it goes well for you.


How long you gonna try? A month ? And good luck man <3

Good luck to you @zadig777.

Not sure where the false notion that others here don’t have emotional bluntness or decreased response to alcohol is coming from?

At least 1/3 of the PFS patients cite emotional bluntness as a symptom in their member stories and this is a common complaint among PAS patients. There was a study on PFS patients published that described a decrease in alcohol consumption. I believe it mentioned a lack of response to alcohol.

I personally don’t get the same effect from alcohol as I did prior to taking Accutane. Even a small amount usually doesn’t make me feel good, but tired and mentally drained. I have horrifying emotional bluntness to the point of questioning, on a daily basis, if it’s worth going through with a life devoid of joy or feelings of affection toward others. The mental symptoms are equal in ruining my quality of life as the sexual symptoms.

@irishguy754 also mentioned having emotional blunting, along with typical PFS sexual symptoms.


That being said, you would make a pretty good marker for the community as a whole.

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just wanna say that i dont have high objective hopes regarding the prep but im trying it anyway
i see irishguy like the lucky ones that got that " side effect" of increased libido etc…
and i see the prep masking and working mostly on sexual symptoms
we need a full system restart by my thinking,but who am i to tell :smiley:


If the mechanism of action works like expected you’ll see more than pro sexual ! How long are you gonna run it

if it works im willing to run it till i die,if not i will see


Excited for you, keep me/us updated


Just a question can heterosexual men get Prep or would they have to lie to get Prep from a Doctor ?

I’m not gay neither am I sexual active.

Would somebody like me have to pretend to be gay in order to get the drug ?

tell the doc u had usafe sex and afraid of catching hiv

In the Republic of Ireland, prep can cost about 100 euros a month if you get it from a doctor. However if you order from dynamic international, it can cost about 30 euros a month. It just depends how rich you are.

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I don’t think its a good idea to buy drugs online. Atleast if I get it from a Doctor I can go back to them if I have any problems.

Well just lie and say your gay. Go to a doctor you have never met before and ask for it.

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Just say your bisexual, that way they can’t say anything if they think your straight.


Do you have to get your kidneys tested before you take the drug ?

When I took accutane (which is why I’m here) I had to get tested at three months and the beginning. This is less harsh than that so I’m assuming it’s similar maybe without first one

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Eagerly checking in with @IrishGuy754 and @Zadig777 for any progress or status. With my health insurance plan changing in January, I’m eager to get started on something a bit more serious than amino acids and Gingo, especially if you both see improvements…

im not seeing improvements so far(day 4) and i dont expect any improvements in future also
