Please pray for me . Sodium Butyrate warning ****HELP me with my labs****!

I don’t know where you got that information, But what I found is all the way around.

Microbial Metabolite Sodium Butyrate Attenuates Cartilage Degradation by Restoring Impaired Autophagy and Autophagic Flux in Osteoarthritis Development.

I took many supplement in all my recovery process, but I never feel the boost that BHB and SB gave me.
At first I feel fucked for a few days and I continue using it, and I got better and better.
I believe in my particular case, that BHB and SB changed the curse of my PFS.
What I know is that SB is really good for the brain, and finasteride fucked your brain.

This is my last post for now, and I don’t know when I will visit the forum again. I just came by to give some support and hope.

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Its pretty shit by coming in here and undermining others experiences because yours happened to be positive. That’s not support. And tbh is the kind of gaslighting bullshit we all have to put up with

Does it sounds like SB was good for my brain or my body? Or papasmurfs or the others it has made worse?? Sorry but it’s listening to you and others that has landed me where I am today. My fault but please don’t come in here singing the praises of what has totally fucked me up. It’s not right


Your right

It sucks that one thing can hurt some so badly while it helps others in the regard that it makes knowing what to do so difficult

I personally think though that you should be doing things . Of all the things I mentioned above I would say hops extract would be the most risky .

But joint support supplements if your joints are in rough shape and cold showers seem very low risk . Now saying no risk. But I think there is a risk VS reward benefit that you need to consider if you are suffering this much

My constipation was so bad the straining herniated my l4/l5 disk . The disk material came out of the tear and pressed on the nerve. For a year the pain was so bad that I could not walk through a grocery store without leaning on the carriage. Dude, my spine curved and I looked like a freak. My spine is still slightly curved. What did I do ?

Physically therapy every day
Spinal decompression three times a week
Stretch every day
Eventually surgery

And during all that I was still doing push ups and pull ups . So when I tell you that I have experienced physical pain over this I’m not lying. My nerve/crushing sensation going down my leg is gone but I still get localized lower back pain every day. If I don’t stretch and do physical therapy every day the slight curve in my spine starts go get worse as well as does the back pain . My lower back muscles can still get tight enough to cause nerve pain going down the leg if I don’t work at it with the physical therapy and stretching every day

This takes work EVERYDAY is my point

You should be doing physical therapy exercises every day. Not working out. physical therapy that hurt people do because your body is clearly hurt. Just my opinion. Hope I’m not being harsh

What brand and dosage of sodium butyrate did you guys take?

What Is SB?

Sodium butyrate :roll_eyes:.

Right … excuse the question … Aren’t sb and bhb naturally produced in a state of ketosis?

@gabriele idk about SB but Many things naturaly produced in the body can crash you to hell

Yes Sodium butyrate is made from bacteria in the colon. This has nothing to do with ketosis, the bacteria ferment fibers to make Sodium butyrate.

BHB is ketones, so they are produced so the body can use fat as a energy source.

If eating keto your body will have more of this since it need to use more fat as energy.


Please help me understand my blood an urine test

Quite the ordeal at the Dr’s office


Test 8.4
Shgb 68.9
Free 12.2

Estrogen 76

Pls help me understand this my Dr didn’t know shit.

Is that T in ng/mL or nmol/L?

It can’t be in pmol/L.

Your SHBG is really high and your Urate is kind of high, but not super high.

It’s kind of hard to read when we can’t see either reference ranges or units used.

@Cbrandel Nmol

I’ll take better pics tonight!

Epigenetic effects and regulation of gene expression from a microbial metabolite.
No kidding.

If that is nmol, then your T is super low. Couple that with your high SHBG and that means your androgen signaling are super low.

Interesting enough your E2 is normal though. Do you hold a lot of body fat?

Not at all I’m really skinny! Tons of loose saggy skin tho

Damn I wonder what my next step is now. To lower shgb? Everytime I touch T I crash and I can never touch it again considering how bad I’ve crashed myself on SB

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My opinion only . Don’t do anything with hormones in your current state


Never ever again man. If there is a proven safe way to lower shgb I may try but I’ll never take anything that touches androgens again. I’m in very bad shape and I’m lucky if I can get back to baseline

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Your case is indeed a tough nut.

I have no idea what to do tbh. Androgens lower SHBG so it being high is probably due to your low androgen status to begin with.

On the other hand your LH is fine, which means your balls is able to produce more androgens if needed. But your brain is satisfied (homeostasis) where you at, due to some negative feedback loop at play.

Hard to pinpoint what it is though, since there is a lot of diffent feedback loops in play.