Photographic evidence of facial changes (post your changes)


This is a theory, but haven’t been proven yet (although PFSN are working on it). Although their theory is that due to low androgen environment, AR expression increases and that leads to a dysfunction of the AR signaling which would lead to the “gene silencing” or underexpression of certain genes.

So in the official theory, the AR overexpression is the driver of the disease.

It will be interesting to see if this is true, because the amount of genes altered in the Baylor study far exceeds the amount of genes the AR “should” control.

Pretty much, but we don’t really know if we recover to our hormonal baseline. There would need to be before / after tissue specific tests to determine this.

Although there are some rat studies that show fin and SSRI can persistently alter the steroidogenic pathways in certain tissues (brain etc). This would mean that we never return to baseline, hormonally speaking.

In fact, when using something like Accutane this is the whole point of the treatment, as if you recover to baseline you’d get acne again.

This is probably also why we don’t “heal”, because we are not damaged. Just altered.

Since the alterations are always entropic I think it’s fair to call it damage.

My body is exactly the same as before dutasteride. No problem with potency. No brain fog. All this was only during the use and the first time after stopping the use (I used only 2 weeks) and I stopped. I am living proof that having come into the overall hormonal balance - individual tissues can continue to be disturbed.

Many people write about the worsening of the face after Fin and then Accutane. Accutane further reduces the availability of androgens to the skin.


I’ve read plenty of users describe “good” changes as well. Like an increase in sex drive, better body composition and there was even a person (on here IIRC) that reported an increase in penis size.

While it can be hard to believe as a PFS victim, it cannot be disproven either. The body is insanely complex, and when we use medicine like Fin, SSRI or Accutane it’s like playing the lotto.

Most people lose, but there is still some lucky mf that walks home with $200 million.

When I said it’s not damage, I meant they the body doesn’t see it as damage. Like it would with an open wound.

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Thank you @Exsexgod. What’s interesting (and frustrating) to me is that relatives and people close to me don’t see the changes. Or they refuse to.


Well, for me the Accutane treatment was pointless, as I got my acne back. And I’m still suffering from the adverse effects including the loose skin and “always tired look”. So I don’t understand what the drug has changed in me. I even thought it’s sudden beginning of my noticeable ageing. And now I see the same pattern in all these posts of different people.

During my previous lower dose treatment I had two brief episodes of typical PAS. It lasted less than a week, so I didn’t even understand what I was dealing with(now I see clearly). And it was reverted to 100% normal. I consider it as a proof of the idea of “being altered”.

Due to all issues with my face I tried retinol for 4-5 months. It fucked me up even more lol. Now I avoid any form of vitamin A. My face is destroyed, I legit look older than my 10+ older colleagues. I’m at the point where looking at myself in the mirror causes suicidal thoughts


who was this?

I believe @LazarusRy is referring to @aletheia earlier in this thread.

Photographic evidence of facial changes (post your changes)

Anyone know what’s become of the OP @notna?

He also has a brother on the forum @pvdl, so if he sees this he could pass your query on to him.

Yeah either one really, pvdl seems to have similar symptoms and hasn’t posted for almost a year.

Im sorry but nothing has resolved. Everything has continued to stay the same, all symptoms are still present. Same goes for my brother for pvdl.

Wrinkles are getting more prominent on my face. The longer the day the stronger the wrinkles manifest. I lost so much collagen withing 3 years that’s insane… Can someone recommend an anti aging creme without risking getting worse?

Anti Aging cream will not help im afraid.

Ive lost collagen like hell, face looks like shit now.

Hi Lazarus. I have the same issue. In fact, my endocrinologist saw my lipoatrophy. It is due to the finasteride withdrawn. Have you try hCG?

Some weeks before the crash, March 2021 at the age of 59, already on the poison since Feb 2021 and already a little bit feminized.

I have been an outdoor activities freak all my life. A handsome, super healthy, sexual active guy. Nor alcohol, not depressions, borderline and bipolar disorder, neither binge eating could bring me down.


18 month later. Today, 17 month after my crash on April the 6 2021


Thanks for sharing @Exsexgod


P. Roy Vagelos - Merck - MSD Chairman under his leadership inspired from the mechanism of the torture of poor hermaphrodites the drugs proscar and propecia have been developed. Nowing from animal and Human clinical trails that some dogs and mens potence are destroyed. He is 93 now, still alive. He could live a good life with 256 Finasteride associated suicides.

I have been stupid thinking about a doctor helping me, informing me, the half good in white, but I should had better remembered to other ones like Dr. Mengele, giving a shit to the health of their victims.

I never thought about lifelong destruction when he gave me the Finasteride muster packages from the pharma salesman I met leaving his room. My death penalty. Nothing as a fucking stupid coincidence. Half an hour before, he never would have offered me the shit. It has been much to early for the murder medication.

And I was so stupid. Why I didn’t deny to take it with me after I already denied because if sexual activity and he said then better not. To connect it with a relationship. And after quitting just starting to take the poison instead of making an internet check up. I make a big internet check up for asbestos in every house I once wanted to buy or nano titanium dioxide in every sunscreen. And than I throat an euthanasia drug with a gaslighting leaflat. No clear statement to the long time persistent side effects. Only ED can hold on after quitting. I thought a two weeks period. I thought about ED lasting for years they had to inform about

After only six weeks I crashed in a romantic situation. What dear FDA or other agencies is more disheartening for a man as loosing his manhood. And that’s not all. From the crash on I lost all my muscles, my intact brain and my ability for basic things have been damaged.

Than they told me it is a depression. Look at the pictures!!! This is not a depression. A depression never destroies a man in 17 months like that.

I have had depressions. After a year as a farmer with 25 goats I was fit like never before in my life .

I lived a funny life for 59 years. Even on early retirement because of borderline personality I lived a funny life with outdoor activities every day. Winter with Nordic Walking, spring and autumn with wonderful bicycle hikes and the Sumner in our little lido at the lake. Often like a lonely Wulf, sometimes in a relationship, sometimes with friends and the weekend with my child .

Now every day is a torture. I have been a super healthy 59 yo best ager. Now I m a living wrack like a sick 90 man. Lacking all of my activities I feel lonely with my total damaged brain chemistry tortured by anhedonic and deep deep black thoughts full of regret and hate.

If I once commit suicide I destroy the lives of my child and her mother too. If once ones rage reaches the guilty I hope there is no mercy!