Photographic evidence of facial changes (post your changes)

Man I feel for you! Is it the only side you have since that pill?

received_424748772041679my legs are like a 90 year old woman’s. They were muscley and wrinkle free two years ago. My whole body is like this when you press the skin. Loose everywhere like a paper bag


Same for me

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Yes its unfucking belivable!

@Patrik82 are yours like this?

Unfortunally yes

@Patrik82 your face too ? Are you 38?

Yes to both

Has anything improved? Did things settle down so you stop deteriating? Sorry lots of questions, I see it’s 6 years for you @Patrik82

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Im sorry to say that nothing have becoming better rather continue to deteriate.

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We have to belive God for a miracle


@Patrik82 that’s where I am mate. I pray to God every night, I try to be a good person, I now do some volunteering because I left my job due to pfs. Do you have lots of symptoms?

I have the most of symtom. Insomnia, gut problem, muscle weeknes, skinproblem, low libido, bad immunsystem and on it goes!

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How are your emotions anxiety, suicidal anhedonia? Anti depressants help? I was on paroxetene and it stopped working they tried others which made me so much worse

I dont take any antidepresent. I do have anhedonia and suicidal thoughts. I can only work halftime and even that is hard. And on all this i have ADD. So i dont feel much hope for the future

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Sorry to read this @Patrik82 it’s an existence at best. No life. What is ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder? Because if PFS. ?

Thanks for Youre compassion its not many people that understand our situation so its a lonely Journey. Yes attention defecit disorder. Its not because of pfs but my life was already hard before pfs because of ADD but now its totalt ruin

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Only we as sufferers understand @Patrik82 do you still have your partner? Merck have a special place booked in hell. I believe God will help us. We’d feel like kings recovering from this. You’re doing very good still working with severe PFS.

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I lost my marriage mate

Sorry to here That man. I hadent have a patner for several of years now its a depressing and lonely Journey. I stil cant take in that this have happend. Life just passning me/us by and i just looking at everbody get married getting children. The bitterness is easy to feel.

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