Ozeph Regimen and Supplement

Hey Ozeph,

I see you going this route for many many months now. You have been quite good for a while, but do you see further improvements from that regimen over time?

Yes. I sleep deeper, my eyes are burning less and less often, so are my lips, mood is good, concentration and motivation also. No sexual symptoms left.

I still have the disease, but it’s a minor annoyance at this point and although the improvements have slowed down, I’m still improving. Mind you, there’s not much left to improve !

But there’s a catch: I’ve become very insulin sensitive after 2 years with barely any carbs (i’m still carnivore/ketogenic). Whenever I eat carbs, even in reasonable quantities, my sleep declines and I usually fast right after to get those carbs out as soon as possible. So if I have lunch with carbs, I won’t eat for 36 hours to get them out. Being fat adapted, it’s very easy: no second thoughts or drain of energy.

I will continue the diet even if I find no more traces of the disease. It prolongs life, makes it very unlikely to have cancer, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes or being overweight. It seems to reverse aging as aging is caused mostly by epigenetic damage (same as our disease). The diet makes the telomeres grow longer so combine the two and I believe I can add 20 years to my life. But most of all, at 52, I can be healthy and do sport and hiking for the next 30 years. That’s real great !


Thank you ozeph, i am pleased to hear that! Very encouraging.

Your progress sounds very promising!
Do you have lost a lot of weight with your carnivore diet and one meal a day?

I’m following a very similar pathway but as a skinny guy I’m a bit concerned with one meal a day and prolonged fasting. Although I see every time some tiny improvements with prolonged water fasting (~40 hours).

Ozeph can correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the primary goal with meal timing restriction is to create longer periods of not eating rather than particularly much to strictly concentrate all eating into one sitting per day. So, for example, a lot of the benefit can be obtained just by containing eating into say a six hour window and being fasted the rest of the time. You might even derive some (lesser) benefit that way without any calorie reduction at all.

I lost lots of fat and gained muscle. My weight to strength ratio is much better so I can climb better, run faster. But I’m carnivore / ketogenic and fat adapted. I suggest this diet as a way to help repair epigenetic damage. I can stay 3 days without eating and I’ll just feed on my fat. No energy loss and can still do training.

@vkg1 you’re right, I get all 2000 calories in one meal if I’m not doing caloric restriction, and if I am, than I eat less calories. The idea is to fast 23 1/2 hours a day. There’s a big difference between 16 hours intermittent fasting and 24 hour. In 24 hours, autophagy goes up 400%… It takes 12-14 hours to begin fasting.

Calorie restriction prolongs life and repair epigenetic damage according to some studies. Same with fasting. So it’s not a bad thing. If you eat at least 145 gr of protein in the day, (or 85 gr and 30 gr of carbs for the brain), there will not be muscle loss as the body will feed on fat. Same muscle and less fat = more power.

I made a thread About ketogenesis and fat adaptation
There’s a big difference. Ketosis can be obtained in 20 minutes by drinking 30 ml of BHB esters. Fat adaptation takes 3-6 months of ketogenic diet. Once fat adapted, you get a lot of freedom about your eating time and can easily skip meals. The whole fat reserve acts as a battery (the way it was meant to). After eating carbs since we were born, our body lost this ability our ancestor had and our battery system becomes dysfunctional, being always on load and rarely on discharge. Plus our body’s ability to discharge our battery is impaired until we train to get it back.

This is related to pfs as this insulin / always on loading mode impairs our ability to create epigenome repairing sirtuin proteins and de-methylase enzymes. (and our disease is related to epigenetic damage) Read article above. It’s on longevity but it’s the same. We get old mostly because of epigenetic damage. Telomere shortening is secondary and fasting lengthen them anyway.

This is my opinion, based on my understanding of researches I’ve read.

It might be the case that PFS is effectively premature aging of certain systems in our body (I.e., methylation of DNA) and that the only way of undoing the damage is through reduction of inflammation and de-methylation. As far as I’ve been able to gather, the best single way of doing that is calorie restriction. For more information one can look up anti-aging scientists like David Sinclair.

What were your sexual symptoms?

If this would be the case, what I am not implying, rapamycin would be the more effective treatment.

He’s written a lot please search and spend some time reading it’s the least one can do and it’s discourteous to ask someone to repeat themselves.

I didn’t find a lot about his sexual symptoms that’s why I asked.

My balls were hurting all the time, I got to absolute zero libido to the point I didn’t find any attraction for beautiful or sexy girls (it was like looking at a fire hydrant or a rock), no morning wood, no idea if I could have had an erection because I didn’t try (I had no sex drive so why would I try ?), later when some sex drive came back I had soft erections, de-sensitization and couldn’t finish. I never had shrinkage but my genitals did feel “un-sexual”, like touching my elbow.
My balls did hurt more than a year after starting the diet

@vkg1 : You’re right, I must have answered that question over a dozen times. I think I’ll save it in a file and just copy/paste it in the future.

I’m curious though: doesn’t anyone care more about their brain or their physical energy, their ability to work and learn, than they do about sex ?
I’m asking because if all sexual parts are working but you can’t make a full sentence, your mind is disabled, you can’t work and have any money, you’re not gonna get laid ! What use is your sex drive then?

My neurological and physical symptoms were worst (or felt worst to me) than the sexual sides.
I never cared about the sexual sides. I’m a business owner and father of 3, all boys. Having my brain and body work optimally and being able to sleep has always been my number one priority. Fulfilling my responsibilities is more important than sex.

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Sorry Guys. I had too much carbs yesterday, I slept only 6 hours and they were not restful. Today I have brainfog, problem concentrating and fatigue. It’s nothing compared to what I had but it makes me grumpy.

Which brings me to tell you:

First, I’m not cured. Just symptom free most of the time.

Second, the diet I’m doing works for me (you can see what happens when I cheat) but I’m trapped in it. I’m condemned to having no symptoms, living healthier, looking athletic and young but I can’t have French pastries like chocolate éclair or choux à la crème. It’s a trade off I’m willing to do, but sometimes I choose to give in to the temptation and be sick the next day. I knew what was going to happen yesterday when I had those nachos supreme, and they were supremely good !

Eh, I bet you can stop eating like a cat and still eventually sleep well again. Before I “crashed” a second time this year from doing something real stupid, I was eating a carb heavy diet and was beginning to sleep better than even pre-fin. Not optimal, but better. I am back to 3 hours now and my left arm and hand don’t work so good anymore.

Glad your sleep improved !

Sorry to hear about your arm. What did you do ?

Funny how we always want to get better. I took lots of iodine and definitely changed my body dynamic.
I have more energy and motivation but can’t sleep as good. On the good side, I can’t stay in bed and get lazy, I have an urge to get up.

Carbs are messing me up every time I try. I’ll eat carbs one day and be a zombie and lose the next day. Then I recover the next day by going keto or by fasting out those carbs.

I used like a stupendous amount of a household cleaner when mopping the floor. 7x as much as what should have been necessary. It’s been over a month and my sleep is still back to square one now. Feels like I got mild ALS in my left hand now. It’s amazing how I fucked myself in such a stupid manner. I am the dumbest mfer here.

Why’d you take iodine? Were you deficient? So iodine made your insomnia worse? Genuinely curious about iodine as my TSH is a little on the high side of normal.

Your reaction to carbs is unsurprising after such a dramatic change to the makeup of your gut microbiome through an extreme diet.

How much Klonopin are you still on?

I switched salt from regular iodized salt to 40% sodium chloride, 60% potassium chloride that has no iodine. After 2 years and considering my restricted diet, I started having signs of hypothyroidism. So I took iodine as a supplement and I felt great until I got mild hyperthyroidism… :smiley:

So I stopped the iodine and I’m now on heavy metals detoxyfiers. It works, sleep is improving slowly. At one point, I will take very small amounts of iodine and should be fine.

@johnnyfin I take 3.5mg a day, down from 4.5mg. I greatly reduced (by 50%) the list of supplements I was taking, sleep is still improving so when I can sleep good enough, I will drop 0.5mg Klonopin and wait until I get good enough sleep to drop 0.5 again. It may take years to quit Klonopin and be able to sleep.

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Hi Ozeph,
I hope you doing just fine man.

What macro split do you recommend for going keto? How strict? Which food sources? What supplements for motivation and drive?

My mental sides seemed to mostly go away a few years ago but the sexual sides have remained the same. The sexual sides prevent me from being able to start a family and live an adult life. The prospect of living only to feed myself is highly distressing. I’ve already done the traveling, hobbies, fun, etc. Time to start a family but getting too old.