Ozeph Regimen and Supplement

This; If you’re a man, it’s never too late.

Technically it is possible to get a child at old age yes, but morally/ethically conceiving a child after 40 is very late because you’re burdening them with your old age relatively early in their life.

I started to but got slammed with work and fell off wagon, just couldn’t stick to it. Expect to be able to restart in a month. Right now my hopes are in idea that this is effectively premature aging of certain genes and that David Sinclair type approach (what you’re doing, basically) is some kind of hope. Nothing is going here in forum. No one here seems to get how fucked they are if don’t get research going immediately, or else they unconsciously prefer not to face predicament, rather enjoy having excuse to live as Peter Pan.

40 is still young for a man to get a child imo. 50/60+ I’d agree.

Man’s ability to produce sperm is only a small component of equation. It’s irresponsible and indeed inhumane for women to have children beyond around say 35. You can only date women so much younger than you except in outlier situations such as celebrity with astronomical socioeconomic status.

Therefore, while men are technically capable of fertilizing eggs until they die, in practice they only have into their early 40s to find a mate and establish healthy household environment to rear children in.

Speaking of senolytics/David Sinclair, would NAD+ precursors help or harm us?

Imo and experience, children having to take adult responsibilities at young age fare better in life as they have learned sooner how to be responsible. I’m one of them.
On the opposite side, there’s plenty of examples along with some researches that show children who have been protected, given lots of money without having to work for it, didn’t have to take meaningful responsibilities have a higher rate of suicide, drug abuse and dysfunctional behavior.
Imo, social wellfare kills people and societies.
Maybe that’s not what you meant, but easy choices, hard life, hard choices, easy life.

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I agree. Aging accumulates small epigenetic damage over time, but some event can cause a lot of damage in a short period of time. Some pfs symptoms are similar to what very old people experience.

That’s sounds bad but it shouldn’t. It means that taking actions to increase longevity by repairing epigenetic damage could also repair the damage done to the people on this site. I’ve been testing this for over two years and so far so good for me. I’m not claiming this paragraph is truth, I’m merely suggesting there might be some cues here on how to fix ourselves.You be the judge of it. Many success stories have elements that, compared to Sinclair’s researches, repairs epigenetic damage.

I’m not claiming it will heal everyone, neither that it’s a 100% fix if you do it. But I am saying we don’t have much to work with that has proven to yield results and I think this approach seems promising, to me at least.

@Mercked I’ve had bad results with metformin and resveratrol. NAD boosters, NMN and Trans-Pterostilbene seems good (it actually fixed my burning eyes problem, which the diet couldn’t fix. I had this 3 years prior to crashing and until 2 weeks ago when I started to take those 3 later supplements).
I’m worried Trans-Pterostilbene would eventually make me feel bad as it has similar but different properties compared to Resveratrol. If I had to choose only one, I’d go for NMN as it is the precursor to NAD+ and is well absorbed.

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Ozeph I see that you are following a lot of the things Sinclair recommends but no where have I seen him suggest a carnivore diet. From the links you’ve posted he suggests a mostly plant based diet with animal protein after exercise. Clearly a plant based diet is still low carb compared to a western diet but not ketogenic.

You’re right. He suggests a plant diet with limited meat. You can try his way, surely there is merit to it. Japanese people that lives older than 100 years do eat plants as well. If you do, tell me if you get results.

I took my cue from Dr. Jordan Peterson, who’s not a dietician, but had severe insomnia, depression and anxiety and solved it by eating meat only. I tried and got immediate results from all neurological symptoms except insomnia. 50% of my symptoms were gone in a week or two.

Dr. Sinclair would point out that eating meat creates MTOR which diminishes lifespans. I agree. I limit my protein intake to less than 25% of my calories, and have it only in one meal so I’m protein free the rest of the day. Most of my calories intake is from Ghee and beef fat, around 70%, the remaining 5% being carbs. As a result, I don’t eat more meat than a regular person (more or less, some people eat a lot, some less). What I did was replace carbs with saturated fat. I’ve been in ketosis for 2 years+

Here’s a nice article on BetaHydroxyButyrate and why it’s a better fuel than carbs. People with pfs have higher inflammation. Maybe that why reducing or eliminating carbs can help ?

How do you know that your sides wouldnt go away with a normal diet anyways?

How do you eat ghee?

An advantage of carnivore is that it effectively eliminates diet-induced inflammation and most food sensitivities as potential explanation for health problems.


Isn’t the way to produce BetaHydroxyButyrate from doing a keto/carnivore diet? And if so why are you eating only 25% of your calories as protein?

Hi Ozeph, just curious where you gathered that people with PFS have high inflammation. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me if they do, just curious what direct evidence you might have come across.

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I don’t. I couldn’t try a normal diet and a carnivore/ketogenic diet at the same time to compare.

A Russian epigenetic specialist told one of my (Russian) friend pfs was an epigenetic disease and he told him to “eat meat only” as a way to get better.

Then there is this:

Update: I must warn you. I tried raw meat, couldn’t digest it nor sleep that night and spent the next day being drowsy, brain fogged and tired, what seemed as moderate narcolepsy and muscle weakness, what seems as moderate cataplexy which accompanies narcolepsy. I did my research and it seems humans were able to shrink their intestine and enlarge their brain BECAUSE of the use of fire to use fire to break complex bonds, in a similar way enzymes do. My conclusion in that the primal diet is so primal, it predates our enlarged brain and shortened intestines, as far as some meat is concerned.

Also to confirm the warning above, Gamma Hydroxy Butryrate can have mortal effects if taken with other sedatives like benzodiazepene and many more (check it out, the list of interactions is long)

Nonetheless, the two guys in the video claim to have gotten better eating meat and while in my opinion they eat too much of it and not enough fat to be ketogenic, it’s certainly an anecdotal element that goes in a similar direction as the diet I’m doing. (which is super boring by the way. Over 2 years now. If it wasn’t for the fear of having some pfs symptoms coming back, I’d go nuts on regular food.)

Note that Michael in this story eats less fat and more protein than I do and also eats fruits (carbs), which I don’t. He’s not ketogenic and has achieved less recovery than I did although it may not be correlated.

@ acne1776
BHB is produced from fat, not protein.
Ketogenic diets do not have to be carnivore, they can have plants also. They only need to be high fat (70% calories intake from fat) and low carbs (less than 5%, maybe 4%, I’d have to check).
However, you can’t live without proteins, eating only fat. You’d loose muscle and eventually become sick and die.
Carnivore diet do not have to be ketogenic. It means eating only animal products. If you eat too much protein, you won’t get into ketosis as you will burn protein as fuel instead of fat. This is why I always mention my diet is a carnivore/ketogenic diet as it fits the description of both at the same time. To be fair, carnivore diet includes fat cuts of meat so it includes animal fat, but not 70% of calories intake. You can live on a regular carnivore diet and you can live on a carnivore/ketogenic diet. Some people have done it over 20 years. Inuits in my home country fed exclusively on meat products all their life. It may or may not have shortened their life as protein creates MTOR which is detrimental to longevity. This is why I eat protein only once a day to minimize as much as possible the MTOR.

As @vkg1 wrote, I modified the ketogenic diet to be meat product only so I eliminate inflammation from plant food. I only eat animal fat, mostly ghee as it has 2%butyric acid which is very beneficial to the guts…

I’ve read it on this forum and also that many of us develop food allergies after they crashed. I’ve read it in articles but I can’t pinpoint the source. You can take it at face value or question it and do your research. If you do, please send me articles. I’m always eager to learn more.


An advantage of carnivore is that it effectively eliminates diet-induced inflammation or general food sensitivities as potential explanation for health problems.


So what about eggs and chicken meat, and pork? Is it safe too?How do you get your fibre in? How you do consume ghee?

Here’s what I think:

Free range chicken and eggs are good, I’ve heard soya fed chicken and eggs are full of estrogen and not too good for us (you can double check this). Pork and pork fat is ok, but harder to digest and pork fat has more LDL (bad cholesterol) than beef fat and ghee which are high in HDL (good cholesterol). Still good though.

When I’m fully carnivore/ketogenic, either I don’t get fibers or I make an effort to drink a mix of water, inulin (soluble fiber) and potato starch (100% resistant starch if not heated). With or without didn’t seem to make a difference for me. Meat and fat is so dense in nutriments my stool were very small and I didn’t get constipated.

As for Ghee, I was putting lots of it when cooking my meat and eating it in liquid form with a spoon with the meat juices. I also do bullet proof, no sugar, coffee in the morning with 2-3 tbsp of ghee and when I’m in a rush and want some energy, I just gulp down 2-3 tbsp of ghee straight from the can (which is at room temperature so the ghee is soft)
Now, I eat 100 gr of cooked lentil puree (Indian Dal) which is about 30 gr of dried lense, for 10 gr of fiber, 10 of carbs and some proteins. I mix the melted ghee in the pureed lentils and use a whisk to make the fibers absorb the fat. I put lemon juice, 100ge of steamed kale and chopped beef, sometime an egg, mix the whole thing and that has been my single meal a day for a year, around 1700 calories in one meal.

The first year I was more carnivore but now that most symptoms are gone I don’t mind having some lentils and kale. Kale is packed with vitamins and proteins, have lots of fibers and is very low carbs.
If I had more symptoms, I would probably eliminate all plants.

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Found it in a Thomas Delauer video.

Usually I try to do my best to structure my sentences so that they could not be considered factual, despite what I consider to be facts. I would put words like “in my opinion, I believe, I think, from my experience etc…”

Sometimes I forget to put those in a sentence. My wrong. I corrected the post.

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