Ozeph Regimen and Supplement

What’s Cdnut’s PCT?

Hey man, seems like you’re on a shit ton of supplements. How can you keep track of which ones are benefiting you and in what way? Do you really think they are all necessary?

Not meant to be snarky, I’m actually curious

They’re probably not all beneficial but if I stop them all, I feel bad after a few days.
Most of them are vitamins and minerals. When you eat meat and fat, you don’t get much of those.

I will eventually cut down, but at the moment, I’m a head of company and business is too good to be sick. When it will slow down, I’ll cut all that crap and allow myself to be sick. I’ll just eat a healthy diet and exercise.
I may have to go to a detox center because of clonazepam (a benzodiazepine)

Like I said many time, I’m almost symptom free aside from tossing around a bit at the end of every night, but I’m far from being cured.

Why would you say you’re far from being cured if your only symptom is sleep issues?

Good question .

Because if I stop the supplements, the sleeping drugs and start eating normal food, I would be disabled (unable to work, drive or be of any use).
I wouldn’t sleep, would have anxiety, depression, brain fog, become unable to concentrate and physically weak (unable to exercise). I would at least lose my sex drive and I don’t know for the other sexual symptoms.
Suicidal thoughts would come back. I may seem positive but they come back quite often after bad nights.

It’s the diet, exercise, drugs and supplements that enable me ro function almost normally. It’s artificial and quite restrictive.

But don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy there is something I can do to have a life close to normal.


Ozeph hi!
I really need your help.
I need someone who understands supplements and can advise.
depression, anhedonia, unmotivated, suicidal tendencies.
**the emptiness inside me, I’m quick to give up any case… **
I don’t have much left…

I had all of those and it took time to get over it. (It took time to start singing songs in my head again, but I did)

What helped me the most was a zero carbs, carnivore diet with some very low carbs leafy greens like spinach, romaine lettuce, kale or cucumbers.
In my opinion and based on my understanding of what I read on epigenetic, such a diet combined with water fasts, exercise like weight lifting and cardio as well as cold showers and hot saunas activate the body’s epigenetic repair mechanism.

But for a faster, albeit dose dependent fix of the symptoms you mentioned, I take those three amino acids which I call my three amigos, twice a day, once when I wake up and in the afternoon. In both cases on an empty stomach.

  • L-Trytophan 1000 mg (for a start and if you’re Ok with it, you can try 5-HTP 100mg which is what I take and is a more direct way to produce extra serotonin). This, to me, fights depression and suicidal tendencies.
  • L-Dopa 500 mg, from Mucuna Prurien extracts normalized at 95% (or so). This provide Dopamine and to me, it fights demotivation and procrastination as well as boosting sex drive a bit.
  • L-Tyrosine 1000 mg. It’s actually another precursor to Dopamine (along with L-Phenylalanine) but it acts as a neurotransmitter by itself and , to me, fights brain fog and help with concentration.
    For some reason, L-Phenylalanine made me feel bad.

I’m also a big fan of MTC oils for clarity of mind, energy and good mood but to take the most advantage of those, you need to have been in ketosis for at least 3-6 months and be fully fat adapted. C8 is the best but a mix of C8 and C10 work also well. I take these in a bulet proof coffee in the morning and then I’m on fire.

Those amino acids works for me. I don’t always take the afternoon dose of those 3 aminos and I’m fine but without any of it, life loses some of its colors.
But it’s the diet , in my opinion, that is the most important as I believe it contribute to fix epigenetic damage when combined with the other tips above.
At the very least, the diet acts as an elimination diet by cutting carbs and most plant food and it reduces inflammation which, in my opinion, increases greatly with PFS.

If you try either the diet or the aminos, (or the other tricks) go easy on yourself. Don’t try it all at once, start with low doses, see how you react. The diet is also quite challenging to get on. You will really crave carbs like you never did in your life. Again, go easy. Push yourself casually and persistently in the desired direction, but if you push too hard you will break. That would make the next attempt harder by fear of failure. It’s better to cheat and go on trying than to break.

Also don’t take 5-HTP if you take any Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor (SSRI). Those prevent your body from flushing out serotonin while 5-HTP will produce more resulting in excess serotonin. Herbal extract of St-John’s Worth are also an “all neuro-transmitter reuptake inhibitor” with no medicinal equivalent and should not be taken with either 5-HTP or L-Dopa.
I didn’t try, but I would be equally careful about L-Trytophan mixed with SSRI or St-John’s Worth. If you take any other anti-depressors, ask your doctor if it’s safe to take with 5-HTP or Tryptophan.
If you feel like king of the world, super confident and all, you probably have too much serotonin and should do something about it (I know, it’s hard to reduce when you feel so great, but you can fly over the target and crash on the other side, ending worst than before)

I’m available if you need some more information.

I wish you the best


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I’m seeing a message over this comment that says,
“This discussion involves substances that have been reported to cause significant harm in some patients. Please exercise caution, particularly if you are severely affected.”

Exactly which substances are so controversial?


5-HTP was specifically the substance though don’t take that to mean I’m endorsing the other substances as safe for all too (I’m not sure). As you can see from one of our member’s profile here, 5-HTP should be approached with serious caution

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I’m writing what I do for these particular symptoms, everyone should do their research and as I mentioned, talk to your physician about it if you take an anti-depressant.

Paroxetine is an SSRI. I’m specifically writing NOT to take 5-HTP with SSRI. It’s like taking GHB or rohypnol with alcohol: we know for sure what will happen (but you won’t remember). Even someone who has stopped SSRI already may have had his serotonin re-uptake mechanism slowed down. 5-HTP and even Tryptophan can hurt.

But for someone low on serotonin, it’s my opinion that Tryptophan (or 5-HTP if tryptophan is not enough) is safer than SSRI. They’re also cheaper and not patented. The physician won’t get his next beach holiday paid by a pharmaceutical if he prescribe those. But that’s just my opinion and what do I know ? Maybe doctors are not corrupt at all !

It hard to grasp the extent of damage the patent system is doing to humanity. Colloidal silver, for example, is a very cheap product that cannot be patented and there’s scientific papers written on it’s anti-bacterial, anti fungi properties, and even anti-viral in some cases (and that’s a fact, not an opinion. I can pull out those papers in 5 minutes and prove it’s not just my opinion). Hiv viruses cannot attach to their human host cells after being exposed to colloidal silver, in test tubes anyway. There’s more to look up out there, like it’s effect on the corona virus group (there’s 7 of them) but you’ll understand that because there’s no money to be made, funding is scarce to research those. And as it’s a non-policed area, you can find articles which will state it helps for snake bites, which it won’t in my opinion. But you get the point. Money is king because money is **x, and ultimately reproduction is what all lifeforms is trying to achieve. But I digress.

@airforlife I believe 5-HTP is the substance they refer to as potentially harmful, but any supplement can make you better, worst or do nothing. Even vitamins. So supplements should be taken with lots of caution. Little at first, maybe with a few days before trying again, one at a time, so you can isolate the one you react bad to.

What helped me the most was a zero carbs, carnivore diet with some very low carbs leafy greens, along with exercise and fasts, cold shower and saunas. I don’t believe supplement can do a permanent job at fixing the body. As I wrote, they are dose dependent and the benefits stop when you stop taking them: it’s a lazy quick fix.
The scientific literature I’ve read is quite clear on the epigenetic fixing mechanism. This mechanism has been within us since we were bacteria. Bacteria don’t take supplements. But they do have changes of diet, fasts, extreme cold or heat etc… And they produce Sirtuin proteins when they do ! Same as most of anything alive on this planet ! (Ah, and those proteins regulate DNA and epigenetic repairs, I should mentioned.)

So be safe !

I wish you the best


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Ozeph sorry you probably mentioned it before but do you eat fruits?

For the most part, I don’t. They don’t have much vitamins or minerals anyway, they’re just a good source of carbs. Vegetables beats fruits 10 folds for their mineral and vitamin content. But I’m also just taking a few of those: kale and spinach, sometimes cucumbers.

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I’m happy if it helped you.

I’m buying BulkSupplement powders from Amazon then I’m making my own pills. I bought a few pill machines from China and empty gel capsules. It’s much cheaper this way.

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Hello! I’m glad you feel so good. Have you ever tried Sulforaphane? I remember you planned to stop taking bensoz and try it.

Hi @bigboss as you probably know the admins developed a scientifically validated survey that is very important for us in order to stimulate research on our condition. It’d be much appreciated if you could take the survey. Thank you

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I did.

I felt wonderful for a week and then got my serotonin and dopamine depleted so I stopped and got better.

I still have some but right now I’m stable and I don’t want to get back on the roller coaster so I won’t touch it.

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Hi Ozeph, I was just curious if you continued with the Resveratrol. The Sinclair protocol looks very compelling since it’s not only well supported by science but also directly addresses our likely issue by resetting epigenome. Unfortunately, Resveratrol seems to be a critical component of his supplement regime and also is an ARi. Just curious if you continued with it anyway and what opinions on it you might have formed.

No I didn’t. Nor did I do metformin, Nad boosters or Trans-Pterostilbene. We didn’t have that 20000 years ago and our body STILL had the ability to repair.

I try not to do pills. Instead, I do keto/carnivore diet, one meal a day, exercise without glycogen, cold shower and hot sauna, get out of breath exercise. And I make sure I have plenty of BHB.

  • Glucose restriction extends the lifespan of human fibroblasts because of increased NAD+ and sirtuin activity [xxxviii]. Inhibiting insulin shuttles SIRT1 out of the cell’s nucleus into the cytoplasm. Cancers use primarily glucose and glutamine for fuel with the exception of some ketones in rare cases.
  • Caloric restriction and fasting increase SIRT3 and deacetylate many mitochondrial proteins [xxxix]. Reduction of calorie intake without causing malnutrition is the only known intervention that increases the lifespan of many species including primates[xl][xli]. It’s thought that these effects in longevity require SIRT1[xlii].
  • Activating AMPK elevates NAD+ levels, leading to increased SIRT1 activity[xliii]. AMPK is the fuel sensor that mobilizes the body’s energy stores such as fat.
  • Ketosis and ketone bodies like beta-hydroxybutyrate promote sirtuin activity. SIRT3 deficient mice can’t produce normal levels of ketones while fasting[xliv]. However, a ketogenic diet increases brown fat and improves mitochondrial function but lowers SIRT3 in mice[xlv]. This may be due to the signaling of mTOR by a nutrient-dense diet. Natural ways of caloric restriction and fasting are still the best ways of signaling energy deprivation which promotes longevity. In an everyday context, a low carb diet is still pro-sirtuin to a certain extent because of the low levels of insulin and glucose.
  • Exercise has anti-inflammatory effects and it increases SIRT1 [xlvi]. The long-term benefits of exercise are even thought to be regulated by SIRT1.
  • Cyclic-AMP pathway activates SIRT1 very rapidly to promote fatty acid oxidation independent of NAD+[xlvii]. CAMP is linked with AMPK which gets activated under high energy demands while being energy deprived. This can be accomplished with cold exposure and high-intensity training or exercising in a glycogen depleted state.
  • Heat exposure and saunas increase NAD+ levels which promote SIRT1 as well[xlviii]. Sweating, cardio, yoga, or infrared saunas will probably have a similar effect on activating heat shock proteins.
  • Chronic oxidative stress and DNA damage depletes NAD+ levels and decreases sirtuin activity. This will then disrupt DNA repair and impair mitochondrial functioning. That’s why you want to keep stressors acute and followed by recovery.
  • Melatonin can activate sirtuins and has anti-aging effects [xlix]. It’s also the main sleep hormone and a powerful antioxidant that helps the brain get more recovery from deeper stages of sleep.
  • Sirtuins also affect the circadian clocks so keeping a consistent circadian rhythm is incredibly important for longevity . NAD+ is under circadian control and when you’re misaligned you’ll have less energy and lower SIRT1 and SIRT3 activity[l]

Hey Ozeph,

I see you going this route for many many months now. You have been quite good for a while, but do you see further improvements from that regimen over time?

Yes. I sleep deeper, my eyes are burning less and less often, so are my lips, mood is good, concentration and motivation also. No sexual symptoms left.

I still have the disease, but it’s a minor annoyance at this point and although the improvements have slowed down, I’m still improving. Mind you, there’s not much left to improve !

But there’s a catch: I’ve become very insulin sensitive after 2 years with barely any carbs (i’m still carnivore/ketogenic). Whenever I eat carbs, even in reasonable quantities, my sleep declines and I usually fast right after to get those carbs out as soon as possible. So if I have lunch with carbs, I won’t eat for 36 hours to get them out. Being fat adapted, it’s very easy: no second thoughts or drain of energy.

I will continue the diet even if I find no more traces of the disease. It prolongs life, makes it very unlikely to have cancer, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes or being overweight. It seems to reverse aging as aging is caused mostly by epigenetic damage (same as our disease). The diet makes the telomeres grow longer so combine the two and I believe I can add 20 years to my life. But most of all, at 52, I can be healthy and do sport and hiking for the next 30 years. That’s real great !