Our friend AnhedonicApe has passed away

If anyone wants marketing or business or self help courses let me know. I would be happy to share with any of you here. So hopefully we could utilize our time to be a bit more productive.

@Papasmurf I know you thought long about suicide judging by your post, because the same things went through my head before as well. I just hope things get better for you and everyone else here so the thoughts of suicide don’t take another life.


RIP. I had regular contact with him. Very realistic and intelligent guy. I dont agree with this decision but can understand it.


I did full Genome and Exome and reading bam file since November for ar repeats. I am basically self educating my self to medicine…

Suicide take massive balls. my condolences go to his family and especially to his mother. Maybe we can all get reborn as someone else with a different destiny, different circumstances. The bitter truth is, many people here had some problems before fin and especially before they took antidepressants . When considering fin for hair loss you probably have low self esteem or something else. Cause Hair loss is something MANY men have to deal with who dont even think about taking something for their hair loss. For SSRI its of course the depression firsthand. Even worse that these medications have the ability to make your life 10 x times worse, so bad that you really commit suicide.

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Well said. Some of us probably just needed some counselling to come to terms with our new changes and learned to accept them as many others do. I was one of those people.


Just curious, how do we actually find out that these anonymous members have committed suicide?

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Not at all, not all of us, and probably not many either. I went to a dermatologist because of eczema on my chin, he asked if I was doing anything for my hair loss and gave me fin + minox. I thought of it like taking vitamin pills or something simple like that, I’d never have used it if I knew the dangers, almost nobody would if they knew.


What a dick so he basically pointed out the fact you had hairloss and told you to get on a treatment for it when you didn’t even go for that exact purpose?

What a POS doctor!

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There were members of the PSSD forum who were closely acquainted with him. It seems many of us who have been around for awhile have a close circle of friends in the post-drug community who know our IRL identities.

RIP again brother… :frowning: i hope all can recover from this without terminating own lives.


Rust zacht maatje <3


Rust zacht

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How painful it must have been.
Rest in peace there.


Yes I’ve done hormone tests through Goldstein, other vitamin tests through my neurologist. Nothing abnormal there.

I’d be very careful with the definition of “normal”. Most doctors would tell a man with Testosterone level of 250 and Estrogen of 11 that he’s “normal”.


I was over 700 in Testosterone. Not bad for 38. It’s deeper than that. It’s a complete neuroendocrine receptor destruction in the worst cases I’m afraid.


Sorry but total Testosterone level alone doesn’t tell the whole story. There’s a lot more. I’d pay more attention into hormonal ratios, adrenals, thyroid, abnormalities, and of course “the mighty gut”. Godspeed.


I will make a sacrifice of some candies for the mighty gut !

Man you got me chuckle. Sorry didn’t mean to sound disrespectful. I know how you feel man. Lo and behold the mighty gut.

That was the purpose. Gut bless you !