Our friend AnhedonicApe has passed away

What we need is “science” and it is this lack of knowledge about the problem that is one reason but not the only reason of hopelessness…

As Richard Dawkins says, scientists should say let’s roll up our sleeves and work on the problem scientifically…


No one’s preaching suicides virtues. Some of us know that with the suffering that the FULL SYNDROME can causes that it’s not a really even a choice. Ape often said he felt “forced into suicide”. That being said any rational adult should have the right to end their life. I don’t care what religious assholes have to say about this (perhaps you also).
Now maybe you like being a lobotomized and castrated zombie that can’t feel anything physically or emotionally. Including love for family, kids, etc. But many of us would rather be dead.
Or maybe you are just too much of a coward to do it? That’s ok too but don’t knock those that aren’t.
And the fact that you say a prayer being thankful to be alive at night? Lol. If you had what me or Ape had this statement itself is comical. Go live your “normal” life and don’t @ me anymore. I’m done with you.


to live for what?

To just live? And suffer?

Every man is free and owes nothing to anyone.

If he killed himself, it’s his choice he made for himself.

And you can’t say it’s bad or good.
It’s his choice, as well as the choice of profession or color of your car, only a choice with high stakes.

Everybody has their own resources to withstand the pressure.
I suggest you think about it in your spare time.


I think he made his point and propose leaving the post behind to not let hijack.


I think that people who are not affected by the neurological symptoms that prevent you from being a person and suck your soul, should be silent and respectful. It’s like when the doctor says that sexual symptoms don’t exist, because they can’t explain them. If you do not respect the choice of Ape, it means that you have not seen anhedonia even from afar. Good for you, but don’t allow you to judge.


Yes we need to do everything we can to promote funding of science. It’s up to us to do that. We need to get together with the other groups so we are larger in number and more diverse in demographic. We need to get the survey filled out by people far and wide. We all need to do 23andMe. We need to put together a concise and high quality explanation of why the syndromes are likely closely related if not fundamentally the same (to share with other communities). There are all kinds of people who never got genital sensation back after taking Prozac, for example. They need to be informed that it might not be permanent or in their head but rather fixable with the funding of research and it’s OUR job to do that.

Point is there is a lot WE need to do and we finally need to do it. But I already feel Ive spoken too much on this here and the conversation should be taken elsewhere. I hope we can enter a stage now where the focus is less on wrongs of the past than on what we can do to facilitate the scale of scientific research it will take to get an understanding of what is going on in a reasonable timeframe.

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For all of those who have been attempting to downplay my condition (not sure why it has to get personal, that wasn’t my intention), I do suffer from extreme anhedonia. I don’t laugh or cry - I can pretty much not feel anything, including when a close relative died. It was like nothing occurred. I can’t feel any joy either.
Notice how many posters are attempting to minimise my condition. Why assume that every person who suffers immensely is driven to suicide? And if one isn’t drawn to suicide one is not suffering immensely? We all retain our ability to make choices. Suicide is a choice, not a given. I have made a choice to stay alive, and I encourage others who suffer immensely to do the same. Furthermore, I don’t advocate those who push suicide as an acceptable option. And for those who claim that I’m religious - I am not religious.

I am an agnostic. I don’t say a prayer. I am merely expressing thanks that I have the possibility to get better in the future, and have the ability to do positive things in the world.
That you cannot deny.

Live for others if you can’t live for yourself for the time being. For all we know there will be effective treatment in reach within a few years. And if you are struggling to hold out, accept it and keep on fighting, if not for yourself fight for other sufferers, or those close to you. Fight for the one chance you have at this.

Enough nihilism for one day! :slight_smile:


May @AnhedonicApe rest in peace.

He was a fighter who went above and beyond to find a way to return to himself.

If any of his close acquaintances from the post-drug community are in contact with his family members, please assure them that his passing was in no part their fault.


I really think AnhedonicApe was about the nicest, most generous, and good-natured guy around here, actually. In spite of all he was going though, and all he’d been through, he didn’t really complain or express anger, rather mostly just trying to help others out best he could. Not just saying that because of what’s happened as much as because it’s something that’d stood out to me for quite some time.


PFS isn’t even recognised as a medical condition by the science community, I’m just wondering how we go from that to an effective treatment in a few years? I don’t want to argue I’m just trying to understand the logic behind such statements.

Its deluded optimism. AnhedonicApe saw the truth and thats why he did what he did.

Do people forget the billions of dollars and millions of scientists daily working 9-5s to cure cancer? Wheres the cure at?

We don’t even know what causes PFS nevermind fucking cure it.


What a tragic loss for the world and all the people who knew him. I’ve been pretty heartbroken in the last few days by the news of his passing even though I hardly talked to him. I am not going to let it bring me down though. For some reason I’ve kind of flipped a switch from being pessimistic all my life to one that is more optimistic.

Death is certain enough and it will eventually come to all of us. (Actually, it may not even be so certain as we are making strides in the science of longevity). But we have only one chance at this life and every day you never know if things may turn a corner, something might come up. It may or may not be a cure outright, but it could be enough to make life manageable. Or it could be something that could change our perspective on what’s possible. The chances of any of that is more than zero every day above the ground, but zero if you instead choose death.

I hope that anhedonicape’s passing won’t be in vain but rather bring us closer together and be more proactive in mutual social and emotional support as Greek has suggested.

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I don’t agree at all with what you’re saying you call it selfish if a dog was laying there howling in pain would you let it suffer or put it down? You clearly have no idea how severe some of us are the fact I was just diagnosed with fucking Meneires disease and have severe PFS is enough to destroy your entire body from the inside out my stomach feels like razer blades swirling around, I have the most unpleasant ringing in my ears imaginable, severe head pressure, nausea, extreme vertigo, can’t drive, can’t watch tv or play games. work, social life is fucked and I can’t have sex seriously think about what you say before you go about preaching your gospel. Suicide takes serious balls, imagine a situation were a human being is put into such devastating circumstances that he has to take his own life to stop the pain and suffering that should tell you how brutal this condition is and it seems to me like you’re the one who got off lightly with this syndrome so I take what you say with a grain of salt.


Anyone who thinks suicide is a cowards way out or selfish option lacks the ability to think on a deeper logical level for this very reason, basically I’m saying they’re pretty fucking ignorant living their perfectly bearable lives how could they possibly understand.

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Rest in peace. Another victim of the pharma industry, this just feels so absurd. Apologies to his family.


I hope I can speak to him if there is another side

Cowardice is calling others selfish for carrying it out. I have heard people say this before but they have no idea what suicide really means and how incredibly brave it is to carry out you’re talking about taking your own life and then everything goes blank like you never existed that is the scariest thing ever. To think that the person has to first plan it out, thinking about will it hurt, thinking about who he leaves behind, thinking about never being able to have a family or get old and live a happy prosperous life, thinking about his own funeral and picturing who will mourn him and the devastation it will cause and how it all came to this from a pill he was told was “safe” there is a lot of factors to this as opposed to someone just saying it’s selfish. If I could find the guys name and he was in the UK I would have went to his funeral and spoke to this mother because she deserves to know that the drug killed him and it simply wasn’t suicide. Btw RIP David


Ok, I think this has gone far enough.

Someone from our community has died.

This is a sad time for all, those who knew him well, those who only had fleeting contact with him and those who won’t have the chance now.

What I think we need to do is put our differences to one side and act in a more appropriate manner.


Well said on suicide. His mother knows, and knew, he had PSSD and she was helping him fight the cause. Maybe she still is.

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Rip anhedonicApe. :’(