For all of those who have been attempting to downplay my condition (not sure why it has to get personal, that wasn’t my intention), I do suffer from extreme anhedonia. I don’t laugh or cry - I can pretty much not feel anything, including when a close relative died. It was like nothing occurred. I can’t feel any joy either.
Notice how many posters are attempting to minimise my condition. Why assume that every person who suffers immensely is driven to suicide? And if one isn’t drawn to suicide one is not suffering immensely? We all retain our ability to make choices. Suicide is a choice, not a given. I have made a choice to stay alive, and I encourage others who suffer immensely to do the same. Furthermore, I don’t advocate those who push suicide as an acceptable option. And for those who claim that I’m religious - I am not religious.
I am an agnostic. I don’t say a prayer. I am merely expressing thanks that I have the possibility to get better in the future, and have the ability to do positive things in the world.
That you cannot deny.
Live for others if you can’t live for yourself for the time being. For all we know there will be effective treatment in reach within a few years. And if you are struggling to hold out, accept it and keep on fighting, if not for yourself fight for other sufferers, or those close to you. Fight for the one chance you have at this.
Enough nihilism for one day!