My skin video showing how messed up it is

You might want to take it easy reintroducing food after a water fast. I made the mistake of eating heavy after 7 days without food and spent 12 hours doubled over with stomach pains.

New skin video i just made


Again remove the “+”

It’s much better

For sure man I plan on fasting again tomorrow and having a steak the following day and lots of water

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Amazing. Love to hear it, man. My skin is very similar to yours and I’ve noticed improvements with fasting too. I agree this is all reversible. There is a lot of hope to be had. Hang in there. We’re all gonna make it.


Great news bro, it never fails to amaze me with the speed at which things can change, when this is figured out and the master switch is flicked we will all wake up with our lives back seeing a reversal in all symptoms. I’ve always believed this to be the case. You’re one of the hardest hit and a long term sufferer and this can still happen. BELIEVE BIG. Why not. After 19 and 22 years I had a brief return with it all back.


I have zero energy on this and can’t sleep worth shit. Can anyone recommend how I can.properly do this while avoiding 5ari foods and meet my caloric requirements?

Also feeling kinda anhedonic but that’s better than I was certainly.

It’s daunting but is so far the best defence I’ve used against this disease

Been on carnivore now for about a week. Its been a Rollercoaster of fatigue, feeling okay, feeling very not okay and feeling actually good.

Some noticeable differences good and bad

  1. Skin quality is much improved. It’s not like a magic elixir but it’s way way less inflamed and looks and feels better. Oil is being produced again. Still elastic and saggy but I’d say about 40-50% better

  2. Penis is fuller and hangs a bit heavier

  3. When the fatigue is bad it is BAD.

  4. Slightly more depressed and anhedonic.

  5. Bloating is way down

  6. Diarrhea and constipation happening back and forth

  7. A bit more confident as my body feels better

  8. Insomnia is bad but managed to sleep last night about 7 hrs

Right now thats about it. Derealization is still here as is tinnitus. Over all I’m doing better than I was . This is not a cheap diet by any stretch. I’ll stick with it for a month and hope I see more improvement. I ate some almonds the past 2 days any they 100% crashed me (or it was bc I masturbated) anyway I’m ONLY eating red meat from here on out and will go another few weeks without touching my dick.

I pray this works for me as I was truly closer than I’ve ever been to the end a cppl weeks ago. I’ll stick with it and fast every week too.

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Sounds like there’s a bunch of positive stuff there @hippydoof. Sorry to hear about the bad stuff, but encouraging to hear that there’s a mix at least.


Thanks man I’m hoping to see more improvements. There have been a cppl times I felt like.normal through out the day. Feel very spaced out currently but i ate a ton of beef today for dinner so maybe over did it. I will fast tomorrow . That first steak i ate a few days ago my skin firmed up guys im not kidding or bs after fasting and that diharrhea i expelled. This is all tied to the gut as we all know. My skins not as good as that first day but it is certainly better. If my depression and anehedoina lifted a bit and my deprealization got even 15% better I could live out my days like this. I’m not good or well even but considering how bad I was I needed something drastic to change and I’m hoping and praying this doesnt blow up in my face please God :pray:


Very much crashing off this. Doing extremely unwell. Skin has loosed up very very bad depression and derealization. Was hoping I may be in rhe clear but no. Not sure what to do now. Fast I guess and take a ton of benzos. Have a show tonight and wedding tomorrow. Fuck. Maybe I ate too much yesterday. I feel really fucked up right now

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Penis and muscles hurting. Severe thigh twitching back oh good!! I thought maybe just somehow I might be okay for a little bit. NOPE!

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Sorry man, ffs!!! Regardless of commitments please don’t bring the benzos back to the stage as a band aid they are horrible and while they may get u through an engagement or two they are bad. Sorry not meaning to dictate as I know how desperate things can get. Love as always


u crashed from what exactly?

Only took it yesterday doing quite bad today. I will st8ck with carnivore another cppl weeks then I truly don’t know what to do next. But something has gotta give. My skin overall is slightly better still but I’m a wreck aside from that. Praying I even out some and the benefits kick in and STAY for a little while. Much love bro

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Wish I knew didnt take or tey anythjng different except for almonds and a half hearted wank. Everything seems to crash me eventually.

I don’t really think masturbation can make you worse (if you abuse, that’s abother story). also might be the almonds, nuts are inflammatory for some, and it also varies (as always) the kind of nut for one to other person.

I’d bet here on the almonds, and them avoid them, since it’s the “different thing you added”. also try to not overeat, generally.

I can’t so this much longer. I have absolutely no energy mh brain fog is worse and my penis hurts and zero libido. Only upside is my appearance and skin slightly better and inflammation. But I’m very miserable and tired and have constipation for hard stool while also lots of diarrhea

I’d say still give it a go but my body isn’t responding well to this at all so idk what to do next. Fuck

I wonder if carnivore is actually hurting me more bc it’s packed with zinc, vit A and b vits all of which I should be avoiding because of my accutane damage. My dick hurts currently like someone is squeezing it. Zero libido at all. Cold penis. De realized. Idk if I stick it out much longer

My 2 cents is that carnivore diet is an unhealthy fad and the only human built to thrive on it was Lemmy Kilmeister from Motorhead.

Have you tried something less intense and more nutritious, like keto, before jumping into this?


Sorry man as you know I had an upturn from carnivore for 1 week. Strength returned, mental clarity and tough stubble. The 2nd week brought a downturn and worsening BUT I held onto the tough symtubble so it at least brought a positive long lasting change I also had the concerns about the nutrient density especially the zinc which has put me on the canvass big time in the past. I also get lots of amonia from it and stink like a dog, which I think equates to an even more stressed liver. I was out of ideas with all of the sensitivities but have moved to a single 24 hour fast 1nce per week. Having a small piece of liver daily with black beans and a slice of hard cheese. The dopamine signalling seems to have improved, it fell off after colonic 1 week ago but hoping it returns. Keto is a good suggestion but it was very limited for me with the limitations of what I can tolerate