My skin video showing how messed up it is

I think we’ve got a bit of a history of people doing something and saying they feel better so they then do whatever it is a lot and then feel worse.

I’m generally with @Dubya_B and wonder how healthy eating a lot of meat all the time can be, and would also say maybe no need to live on the extremes.

By this time, if eating a lot of meat was the answer, we’d probably all know and would likely have a a plate of cold cuts beside us at all times.

I know that you’re having a miserable time right now @hippydoof, but I think the thing to take from this was how hopeful and positive you felt and to know that it’s possible.

If I was a betting man, I’d say that there are so many things to take into account that diet is possibly not the thing that gave you a boost alone. It’s not much help when I know we’re all looking for an answer, I wish I could work out how to get fewer bad days and more good days, but I generally eat the same all the time and still get those variables.

So, with that in mind, maybe give your body the fuel that we know nutritionists recommend, avoid the 5ar foods and hang in there a bit longer. You’ve felt better, you can again.

That’s just my perspective, disregard as nonsense if you like, but it comes from a good place, wishing you all the best.


Idk about that, from a evolutionary and physiological standpoint it seems pretty decent.

Studies are lacking, but that is mostly true for all foods or diets due to many conflicting factors and how long humans live.

Although I don’t eat carnivore or any other diet due to it being a PITA and also due to not being sure how good it actually is I could imagine it actually being decent.

But yeah, eating ourselves out of PFS seems unlikely at this point.


Thanks for all the feed back guys. I do believe carnivore is a good diet and it has restorative properties. I’ve read and watched enough to know that it does have benefits for people who suffer from certain ailments. My body is so fucked tho it can’t handle it. I read it takes a couple months for a body to adjust and result see the results but I’ll be breaking this very soon.

There is 100% no doubt it lowers inflammation tho
And my sleep quality has greatly improved

Mentally and physically in the dumps tho. Weak,tired, derealized, zero libido or dopamine.

Keto relies too heavily on 5ari foods for me to give it a proper go

I know carnivore is not a cure I expect nothing to ever give me my life back but I really need to see some improvement that lasts and at least plateaus instead of spiraling downward constantly .

Talked to my genetics Dr and she was like there is no correlation between accutane and what you’re going through. I just laugh at this point.

Maybe I’ll introduce black beans again and eat fatty meat and a pile of black beans and see how thay goes.

I need a surplus of fuel. When I was eating that pizza I had so much carbs and calories I was pumped at first

I can’t even fathom going to the gym right now when I was going 3 days a week a cppl weeks ago

I need to eat more calories than I burn and probably need a lot of carbs

I hope I don’t bloat back out tho. I’ll give carnivore another week while adding more fat /butter andd maybe cheese before I full give in. I did just jump on it really fast

People have been commenting on my appearance that I look great and my skin is better when not in a crashed state. I’ll do another side by side

Sorry I’m rambling. I love lemmy lol and I love you guys I know I may seem hyper sensitive but it’s because I am this diseases has wrecked me and I really need some of my body and mind back :pray:

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I read a lot about carnivore. Is normal to be tired in the first weeks. On FB there some good carnivore groups. Some guys over there reversed their ED and low libido with carnivore.


Man every word u say resonates, and every piece of input, advice from others comes from a good place, these have been of great value to me during the darkest of moments. Like you I’ve been at the worst imagineable point a number of times and also like you over the course of a few weeks I can look better, see muscle return, face refill, etc etc so it is repairable. From experience I do belive the gut is a big player in this. I’ve recently had biome results in which showed very low butyrate amongst other things. Low butyrate = leaky gut, sensitivities, Mal absorption, and much more. I suspect you’re in the same boat. I’m currently trying to increase levels via black beans and hard cheese, all other butyrate foods burn me. 2 years ago I couldn’t tolerate beans or cheese so something has changed for the better. Fasting also increases levels which ive been doing for 18 months. Hope this helps mate


100% bro the gut is the biggest player in the game I believe. When we can find an actual balance in our gut it will create an environment we can actually start to heal from. Maybe not fully reverse or turn back time but repair and heal mind and body from where we are now. Carnivore has shown to heal people’s skin it has helped mine but genetically my skin is fucked and its not so great right now. I want to fast again I did on Saturday and looked good ppl said

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Here is me July 28 (left) and then Aug 12

July 28 was the day after my suicidal mental breakdown

My dad says he sees a big difference and I look good in the second pic


Fucking hell what a difference/transformation, night and day it’s the same for me. Grandad, geriatric, zimmer chops to a fit, muscular guy.

You’re, we’re right re the gut, the more I research it the more evident it is that this is the best way to manage symptoms until a treatment lands.

Every recovery has been built on fasting and diet which has taken perserverence and time

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It’s shocking how it can change on a dime. Come together and fall apart. You’re on the right path bro stick with it. I will find mine. The gut is the key. Today is not as bad as yesterday so far we push through.

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Second pic is how I imagine a real American. A fit, tough guy. Do you go.forward with carnivore?

yes, like others said, I’d stay away from carnivore. maybe try keto just for the benefits of being in ketosis alone, and some fasting. those couldn’t go wrong imo, but carnivore seems a bit (or a gigabyte) extreme.

The long covid community is obsessed with anti histamine diet. But keto plus antihistamine is really restricting

Going to give it another week before Introduce carbs again.

I’ll give it another week man yes

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Histamine fucks me up something fierce

Your Dad is bang on, you don’t even look like the same person.

I’m happily shacked up with my girlfriend, but I must say, you’re a good looking guy btw. :slight_smile:

That’s really damn amazing. It’s like your glow and youth came back in a matter of two weeks. Night and day difference.

Thanks man I’ve struggled a lot with my appearance over the last cppl years especially. I actually just posted my face on social media for the first time in a long time. Chicks like me I just wish I could stay okay long enough and feel good enough to reap any benefits. But yeah I’m.a handsome dude when I’m together it just sucks I can crash and feel and look like shit so bad

It really is man. These changes are drastic and immediate and it goes to show how easily it can come together and fall apart its truly insane. Let’s hope i can keep it together for a while

Yep! Just gotta find that goddamn master switch!