My skin video showing how messed up it is

I saw a rhume. He diagnosed me with fibro which is wrong but I feel its the one they give to someone they don’t really know what to do with.

I’m remarkably worse from even then

@hippydoof yes mare were in the same ball park, I honestly thought I wouldn’t sleep at all but I actually did the 1st dry fast actually yielded better sleep and I had a normal dream it returned to the usual shit the 2nd time but jm still getting some sleep. Pain has dropped off to a degree and mood isn’t as low during the fasting period either but in the longterm this can repair disease and cell damage


Skin tanked bad. Derealization and tinnitus are insane. Penis shrivel and hard. Anxious and out of it. This is a bad one guys. My skin is fucked it’s like this all over. Just mushy disgusting numb garbage like a deflated balloon. I weigh less than the video i posted here a year ago. Androgen activity is shut off I’m basically a eunuch. Fucking hell

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Skin destroyed. Mind and body going fast.

Me today and then one year ago

My thigh skin being disintegrated. Deep gouges all over . On my arms and stomach too


Woke up with a blotchy red line on my penis shift to my testicles. I zoomed in so it’s not so offensive . My penis skin is so loose all over I’m.circumsized but my skin even hangs off. Now there are bumps and dots and lines everywhere. I am disgusting

I’m not sure how much longer I’ll continue to do this. I am a fucking disaster of a human being. I’m literally falling apart and suffering every day. I collapsed crying yesterday over my body and how bad my life has become. I’m legitimately worried for my life now more than ever. All I do is crash and burn and never get better or improve . And any miniscule ammount I get back in loose ten miles. Im reaching a breaking point like never before. I wake up to new horrors and mental anguish. What a fucking nightmare this disease is its not even human!!!

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My thoughts are with you @hippydoof. We’ll get answers to this.


I pray man


I’m sorry for the pics everyone. I want to delete them and im quite ashamed of them but it’s my reality and I’m going to leave them up.

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Leave them on kellen mate. Its a record. What I will say u were a very cool looking guy just 1 year ago when in a severe state. So it could come back it has for some so we know this isnt necessarily permanent. Outsiders would watch that vid and think you’ve just let yourself go and that a bit of exercise would help tone you up… I had a mate around yesterday and he normalised stuff. I wanted to cry and he gets it imore than most I just agreed. I hope and pray you get some rest bite hang on please keep going. I’ve sent u a pm. :heart:


May we always help each other. We are not the only ones.


I haven’t had a single bite of food since Sunday (4 days ago) I dry fasted 2 days a have had some water this Is day 4 of rhe fast. I feel zero hunger. I feel somewhat improved mentally although I’m very weak and kinda dizzy. One thing certain tho it helps skin. I’d say it’s firmed up about 10%. In the past I’ve had results like this but then it goes away. I will however from now on be dry fasting every week.

This is me last night. It may not look much different bit I can assure you it is not ad bad as what i posted a few days ago. My skin feels more sensitive and together . It’s still shit but not as bad.

Fasting has for sure helped me here. Not a placebo. Too bad I have to starve myself to see any improvements

Sometimes when I fast I can’t make it past 2 days workout feeling like heart will explode or ill pass out. Right now tho I feel like I could keep going and going. Zero Hunger. Cognition is slower and I’m kinda dizzy but I’ll take this over the suicidal mushy mess i was only a few days ago


It genuinely makes my day a little better when I hear guys like you having even small improvements. Stay strong, brother. Even though fasting is required right now to improve you, this is yet another sign that what we have is reversible. We just gotta figure out that master switch.


It’s a small one bro but I’ll take it. It wont last but yes it’s a sighn things can improve that there is a way. Much love man


Well done bro, fasting is my go to. I now fast always via omad we know I.M is part of almost every recovery /those that improved. It often raises the baseline. Many give it a go, feel it doesn’t help and parachute. Fasting has so many health benefits. Getting past the 48 hours is a big step and key in healing the body, reversing epigenetic changes.
The damage and devastation was so bad in me this time last year, without fasting I question if I’d still be here. As you know i had another slide just days ago, I fasted for 38 hours and felt a slight improvement, I doubt I would have got out of it as quick otherwise. I can’t afford the weight loss or I’d have gone further.
Saying that I plan to do a longer fast next week either side of a colonic irrigation.
I’m so pleased you’ve found it helpful and that u plan to do it weekly, continue with it even if u encounter glitches. Its the safest and best thing we can do, especially for those of us that react to almost everything.

Heart and soul bro


Hey, good that you show your face, I did it too and filmed a Moral Medicine Video, because it’s not our bad karma we are going through, it’s a crime!

Roche family and the staff, CEOs and investors behind Merck, Organon, hims, the pharma fees paid FDA, they all know very well for 40 years that their profit products destroy peoples lives. Both brachial disruptors developed from last resort cancer medications and than payed to children for cosmetic reason. Or elderly men medical male practice against every medical sensible approch.

In my neighborhood, most of my friends, former relationships, all gone and they handle me like a freak from the ground of the sewage plant and I really look like that. So what, nothing to loose, we can show up and fight.


Skin and bloating very bad again today . Mentally im okay somewhat. Day 5 no food. Fasting helps for sure but there are other mechanisms. Idk how the hell I can be bloated this bad again. Although it’s not as bad as it was a few days ago. I’m gunna push this fast as long as I can.

Zero and I mean zero Hunger or desire to eat

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It absolutely helps man yes and thank you bro ill continue with it as long as I can! As i posted above skin and bloating quite bad today but hoping it evens off. Even then not as bad as its been. Fasting is for sure a weapon against this disease

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Keep me, us posted K, all the best wishes in the world that this brings some sort of long term restbite from this hell. .


Up date

Today was day 6 of the fast. Started very bloated and bad skin. It got slightly better but I was very dizzy today. I bought a grass fed steak and ate it about 2 hours ago with lots of salt. It tasted so good. About 5 mins after my last bite diarrhea hit me I rushed to the toilet and out came what looked like sediment you’d see at the bottom of a lake. Like brown granules that sank to the bottom and yellowish mucus kinda stuff. Sorry to be so graphic. After that my belly felt less bloated and better. I got aroused watching a sleazy movie and the skin on my penis felt SO MUCH SMOOTHER and way less loose. Like night and day I’d say about a 50% improvement. Again this is not a placebo. My legs feel smooth again and not like total mush garbage over all my skin is better right now in this very moment than it has been in ages. I also feel very clam and tired kinda.

I just took these pics.

Compare them to the ones I took a week ago when I was crashed. It’s honestly night and day. I do not think this will last very long but fasting and Carnivore are my new approach

Friends this IS reversible. The proof is right there in these pics. I was in HELL a week ago. I seriously thought I was going to kill myself soon. when it’s that bad I wouldn’t blame myself or anyone this disease is a fucking nightmare beyond all comprehension. But I’ll say although these improvements will.not last and I suspect I’ll crash again hard as my body always does it goes to show there is fucking hope. A switch off can be turned back on. I pray I get some milage out of feeling my skin like this again . I am way better than I was a week ago mentally and physically . If you haven’t tried fasting you gotta do it now. Start slow and work your way up as long as you can go.

Guys I’m not kidding I was on the very verge of ending my life it felt more real and eminent than ever before. I broke down and cried for 40 mins because i knew i was going to kill myself soon and now I’m feeling better a week later after fasting and eating that steak. This diseases can turn on a dime as we all know. Don’t ask me how any of this works or makes sense because it doesn’t and I don’t know. But thank fucking God I am feeling better right now. There is an answer to this



A link to the video from a week ago the ones above is broken. Just copy and remove the + on the html. Look at the difference