My regimen, and it's working

@alteredlife and @Ozeph, how are things? I am taking the Amino 9 Essentials and Max-Amino Monday and Tuesday, respectively. I feel dramatically better starting approximately Wednesday, although not helping much with libido. Less brain fog, more confidence and wanting to be social. Very happy with that as a start. Thanks for sharing the regimen.

Are you both still on it? Still using the Mandelic Acid?

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In my opinion, it has to do with balanced amino acid levels in the body. If you take any one thing for too long, it starts working against you, or so it seems. I took the mandelic acid and had the longest full recovery so far. It lasted for 2 full weeks, my hands completely healed, but then my libido started diminishing again toward the end of the 2 weeks. I quit taking it, and about a week later, libido returned and stayed strong for about 1-2 weeks again. I continued to stay off of the acids just to see what would happen, and pfs started returning again along with the dry, cracked hands. I took the mandelic acid again 2 nights ago, hands felt better the next morning. At the time of typing this, my libido seems to be increasing, but I’m going to give it a day or two more and see what happens. I’m just curious how well I’ll do without the essential 9 and the non-essentials that I take and only taking the mandelic acid.

If you are still having libido problems, you should add L-arginine and Citrulline to the mix. Arginine gets your pituitary gland to release hormones necessary for sex and citrulline is the building block for nitric oxide which is how you get a hard on. Those two should help a lot. If things get too off balance, drop the citrulline because arginine makes citrulline anyway.


I’m still taking specific aminos and I’m eating lots of meat, therefore getting lots of amino acids. It’s still doing me good.

However, I would point out our hormones and nervous system, including the brain is made of cholesterol and saturated fat, not protein. So I think it’s a good idea to increase animal saturated fat intake: Butter, ghee, tallow, lard etc…

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Dude, what’s the link between garlic and boners?

"Concerning natural plant-derived compounds, the S-allyl cysteine, a bioactive component derived from garlic, can restore erectile function in diabetic rats by preventing ROS formation through modulation of NADPH oxidase subunit expression "


“Garlic has long been used as a spice and has been reported to possess medical and pharmacologic properties. Garlic has hypoglycemic, anticoagulative, antihypertensive, and hypolipidemic properties. Garlic may enhance hormone-regulated protein anabolism. No clinical data have been reported on the effect of garlic on improving erectile function, although garlic has been used for ED due to word of mouth.”


Someone who are trying this kind of regimen?
I will take carnitin and fish oil(and essential9).If u Ok,please exchange opinions and experiences among us.

Is this blood, urine or Saliva?

Garlic is reducing inflamation and killing some fungus and your ED getting better. I think our symptoms most of chronic inflamation which is my doctor diagnosed me prostatis and other inflamation problems.

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I did a inflammation blood test and it was normal. What was the name of it? Wish i could remember. Was a hormone that indicated levels of inflammation in the whole body and brain. It was in range.

EDIT: CRP it was crp i think. @nasa01 what is your treatments about your doctors diagnosis?

Are you recovered ?

No, I’m not completely recovered, but I am recovering. I haven’t been on here in months, as I have been trying different things. I’ve had a lot of luck with amino acids, but the positive affects do eventually stop working as well. I can mix it up to different ones, get some good help that may last for a couple of months, but nothing is permanent. I have noticed that in the two and a half years I have been doing this, I am definitely better than I was, not completely recovered though.

@Ozeph has been preaching a carnivorous diet on here. I finally decided to give this a try seeing as how I have nothing else to lose. I haven’t gone full carnivorous yet, I am doing more of a keto type diet, but I have been eating zero sugar and very low carb. Here’s what I have found. Without taking any supplements, my symptoms are better than they have ever been and as long as I stay on the diet, they remain good. One of the biggest problems that I have had has been the very dry and badly cracked hands that no amount of lotion can cure. I have been eating this way now for about 7-8 weeks and my hands have not cracked at all. Now, just to experiment with it, one night I ate a small amount of sugar just to see what would happen. When I did, within an hour my hands started stinging like they would before, when I knew they were fixing to start cracking and bleeding. It didn’t last long seeing as how I only ate a small amount of sugar. The next day, I did it again just to see what would happen. Same thing, within an hour my hands started stinging. I have since just avoided it altogether.

I reached out to @Ozeph a couple of months ago right before I started this permanently and he said he has 10 other guys eating this way and they are all benefitting from it. From how I am feeling so far, I believe it.


I haven’t wrote here for a while as my symptoms are still getting better (not that I had much left) and, well, no news good news except it doesn’t help anyone here.

So I’ve been carnivore /ketogenic since July 2018. I had 4 symptoms that started years before I stopped fin and crashed. Those were anxiety and insomnia, but dating back even longer (2012) I had burning eyes and burning lips. I needed to put Vaseline on my lips 24/7 because it was hurting too much. As for the eyes, it was not constant but hapened when I was sweating or washing my face with soap, so anything that would slightly irritate the eyes did so a lot more to my eyes.

The symptoms I had before stopping and crashing are much more persistent than the ones I had after crashing which are all but gone except maybe brainfog after a night of insomnia.

I was going to post soon, but now is a good opportunity. The eyes burning problem is 98% gone. It will show up very rarely after washing my face with soap, would last only while I shower and be gone when I’m out.
The lips burning problem has been decreasing in the last 6 months. It was manifesting itself when I was brushing my teeth, especially if I shaved on the same “shower time”. It’s also a soap problem. Currently, after brushing my teeth, my lips are a little dry but not hurting and I can choose not to put Vaseline on.’

Anxiety is non-existant except when I have multiple stressful situations coming from different angles and converging in time, like a rush of orders, deadline I’m not sure to meat and a fight with my wife. It’s much better than what I would get in the 10-12 years pre-crash.

Insomnia is still an issue, I’m taking meds and herbs, but instead of building tolerance I increasingly sleep better. I can usually count on 5-6 hours of deep sleep, I would wake up still drowsy, and would manage to sleep another 2-3 hours waking up and tossing frequently. However, I do get some deep sleep and normal dreams in between the wake ups.

All together, symptoms are on a slowly decreasing constant trend. I can project that within 3-6 months I won’t have burning eyes or lips anymore. During the same period, anxiety should go down but I can’t predict it will be gone, neither can I make predictions on insomnia (which is not that bad at all comparing to what I had, which was similar to what some of you guys have).

If I look at the trajectory and if I’m being realistic, I’m looking at another 3 years of dieting, eating once a day, exercising and doing the David Sinclair tricks (see below).
Taking a NAD+ boosters such as Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) seems to have kicked in a faster recovery for the eyes and lips problems. It makes sense since NAD+ is anti-inflammatory.

I wish you all the best !

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Glad to hear from you that you’re doing well.

How many carbs do you ususally eat in a day?
Right now I’m following the paleo aip diet and I feel much better. I’ve also reduced the amount of carbs because of you and other members had good sucess with a keto diet.
But I’m still suffering from issues like insomnia, low stress intolerance and weak erection when I try to masturbate or try to have sex.

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I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better !
Ideally, I eat no more than 20-30 gr a day. Most of my calories are from fat, most of it from ghee.
I also have around 80-120 gr of protein.

Hey great news @Ozeph

I have been on a keto diet for the last 2 months and it has helped insomnia and got rid of mental sides. However it doesn’t help the sexual sides (ED, libido, numbness). Have you had any success in this department with the diet?

That’s really great news.

My mental sides were quick to go, the sexual ones took longer. I started seeing small incremental changes after 9 months. 2 years and half after starting the diet, my balls are not hurting anymore and they haven’t for a year (they were hurting 24/7), erections are normal, morning woods normal, sensitivity a bit lower but it varies. Sometime I can be hypersensitive (like: come in 1 minutes). Sex drive is lower, from wanting sex 3 times a day to twice a week. I took fin almost 20 years and I’m 53yo. My sex drive is higher than some of my 50+ friends, lower than others.

I suggest you just keep at it, IMHO you’ll have similar results.

I wish you the Best !

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Thanks for the reply, I will keep at it then!

You’re lucky to see progress. I only took one pill but I am 23 years old, this is way too young to feel like a monk…

Crossing my fingers and trying my best!

On the other side, your body is more flexible, adaptable at 23 than at my age. Plus you’ve already seen benefits therefore it’s having an effect.

Other tricks to repair the epigenome:

  • Exercise while glycogen depleted (carbs depleted)
  • Run until you get out of breath
  • Fast 1-2-3 day. Short fasts are good as you can do them more often. Fast 1 day a week or do intermittent fasts (eat once a day)
  • Take cold shower (I know, it’s freezing, that’s the point). It doesn’t have to be long
  • Take hot saunas ( and then plunge into the cold pool for twice the benefits)

It all helps but don’t do too much. Better to do less than to break and abandon. More important than how much you do is how persistent you are at it.
I’m sorry I haven’t found a faster way. The way I’m doing takes time but it works for me and it’s natural. There’s not many ways available to us !

Good Luck !

Hi guys, I’m interested in this protocol, I really have nothing to lose since I love something aggressive, but I am a bit confused, there is a lot of information, any recommendations on how I could start?
Simplifying, I suffer from all kinds of effects, from bleeding gums, cold feet, brain fog, digestives …
The most notorious are the mental ones (absence of emotions, motivation, mental clumsiness, poor memory, etc.)
Digestive, physical (very dry and ugly skin). The sexual ones are in a decent point, they improved a lot.
Thank you

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hi,Ozeph my sister also advices me take do you feeling about it know?thank you.

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