Mifepristone worked

Yes they do overlap. This treatment can reset and body back to baseline. And its only 7 days, and thats it, no need for a second treatment if the first source was good.


Could using high dose progesterone elicit the same reaction ? Because you are blasting the receptors? I’m desperate


Did you have blunted response to coffee or alcohol, before you recovered with mifepristone ?

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Mifepristone antagonises the progesterone receptors, giving them a chance to reset and resensitize. High dose progesterone will only top of your levels. Give progesteone a go, if you find relief or your symptoms get better, then you should further your study with the progestins side of things.

Yes, with coffee it just gives me the jitters.

Before Mifepristone it took more alchohol to get tipsy. After mifepristone, i have 2 beers, i already feel it. Yes more sensitive to alchohol after. Good question, is there a reason you asked that question ?

Wise point, but Mifepristone has been shown to be relatively safe, the worst cases were I beleive were some skin rashes and a little fatigue while on it, but thats pretty much the symtpoms they have noticed. Please note its only for 7 days straght and thats it.

I lost any response to stimulating substances, i don’t feel anything from coffee and alcohol after I got PAS.


Interesting. Im definately more sensitive to alchohol now. And i dont get the next day anxiety after drinking i ised to get before Mifepristone, wow that next day was bad anxiety and i just stayed home all day. But now its like the body recovers much quicker, more energy vibrant. Its a sense of homeostasis.


Hi guys important question, has anybody got relief from Enerphos….it’s goal is to reduce cortisol…or tried anything to reduce cortisol and felt releif temporarily?

Not sure if this study was discussed, but i think it has very useful info in regards to progesterone receptors relation to AR. To sum up, lower PR expression is pro sexual. And PRKO mice demonstrated increased AR immunoreactivity. Check this out.


Deletion or antagonism of PR resulted in the enhancement of masculine sexual behavior, but in our studies exogenous administration of P had no effect on sexual behavior in WT animals. Prior studies involving administration of exogenous P in many species suggests P inhibits the expression of sexual behaviors in males

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Very interesting, so the goal would be to Antagonize the progesterone receptors rather than simply supplement progesterone. Mifepristone is a very potent progesterone Antagonist

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And one point to add to that is, after Mifepristone I feel more manly, masculine and alpha, just sharing my experience based on the study.

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seems it’s one of the viable ways to upregulate AR.

P.s. I got the quotation for mifepristone from seller, need to wage slave quite a bit and I will do it.

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Whats he charging brother ?

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Is the seller reputable? Have any others ordered from him? And how long does the delivery process take from the seller?

Isn’t there a risk that the PR will upregulate?

Antagonism of PR with Mifepristone -> upregulated PR?

Just as antagonism of GR -> upregulated GR in the other study.

Or less DHT = more AR with finasteride.

Then when you quit Mifepristone you’ll be stuck with even more PR than baseline.

Just a theory, I don’t actually know what would happen.

And if you guys really want Mifepristone, then you can easy get it from India. They sell all kind of pharmaceutical there and most is good quality. But whether it pass customs is another matter.

But it’s very intriguing as I do think progesterone is very involved in the sexual aspects of PFS. But I don’t think it would explain why some peoples bodies are litteraly falling to pieces.

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$250 for 10g plus $50 shipping


Sounds about write, just don’t choose anyone he has to have a background etc, just due your due diligence to make sure your getting the real thing

Before Mifepristone I had pretty high progesterone levels, After Mifepristone 6 months later I started to go downhill again, so I tested progesterone and it was deficent, it’s like the body used the progesterone during the 6 months causing a deficency, so now I take low dose about 10mg a day and I feel again 85-90% pre pas pfs and the same great feeling after mifepristone.

So there seems to be some block, and Mifepristone unblocks it allowing the progestin cascade of hormones to reset and work again.

My gut inituition overall is it reset something back to baseline allowing the body to come back to homestasis.

My LH (Lutenizing hormone) went from about 3.7 before Mifepristone to about 10 after it.

Lutenizing hormone is very important hormone…very undervalued….that is the corner stone of libido and sexual sides I beleive

I think it’s pretty safe as well. Back in 2017 when it was introduced as an idea to try on the other web site about 7 of us tried it. Only one was cured from taking very low doses of it over an extended period of time. 3 of us benefited from it temporarily and the results faded and we could never replicate. It’s unclear if we could not replicate due to a quality/source of mifepristone issue or if because it just won’t work again

Also warning one guy from our original trial group got substantially worse from it to include losing all his hair…just wanted everyone here to know that seeing that there seems to be a pretty decent amount of eyes on this thread. Just so everyone can have all the available known info before trialing

Personally though I agree that generally speaking overall based on what we know about our conditions and taking mifepristone that the possible benefits outweigh the possible risks. Still though that’s just my opinion and everyone needs to make that decision on their own

It would be cool if we could organize a strains forward time line of events for your case in one thread to include dates of each lab test, date you took mifepristone and what values in the labs changed

Your insights on taking progesterone and how LH increased as it relates to how you think “resetting” things with mifepristone is interesting

I think that while on mifepristone progesterone blood levels increase (we seen this in one guy who had before, during and after blood progesterone levels tested during a mifepristone trial) and that during the time the progesterone receptors are being antagonized from the mifepristone that the progesterone receptors are upregulating and becoming more sensitive. And then when the mifepristone leaves your system and the progesterone receptors are no longer being antagonized you have all that progesterone now agonizing the progesterone receptors that are now more sensitive. I am assuming that the progesterone receptors become less sensitive shortly after the mifepristone leaves our system and that blood progesterone levels drop

This is why the guy that thought of this as an idea on the other site always said that’s it’s important to note how we feel while on mifepristone and how we feel in the days coming off of it for the sake of understanding as much as we can about what’s happening

How did you feel on the mifepristone by the way ?

I am looking through our messages now to refresh my memory because I know we already discussed your specific sides . Did you get the sexual sides with your PAS?

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