Mifepristone worked

Do you know What dose Ronnie took?

Yea I’m thinking that most people who trial mifepristone are probably only taking enough for it to antagonize the progesterone receptors . And even if someone takes enough to antagonize the GC or AR receptors how do we know that it was the antagonizing of the GC or AR receptors that helped that person . Either way awesome for Ronnie99. Congratulations man

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It’s in the OP. He used 700mg for 7 days.

But before anyone try this I would advice to get your CRH/ACTH + cortisol tested.

If they’re not high, your not gonna get the benefits the rats got.

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It not only put the cortisol back to baseline, but I beleive there were about 5 markers, including C-Fos, I beleive it does more than the cortisol system, it’s also a potent anti progesterone on the receptors…that’s where I beleive I benefited most.

I hope everyone gives this a go as it’s only 7 days, relatively safe and it’s not like supplements where you need to keep taking them.

This works differently in a way it resets part of the endocrine system.


I think it’s terrific that this seemed to give you a bit of relief.

I’m a bit confused (after reading this long thread) if you’ve fully returned to normal, or if only some benefits remained after 6 month.

Also, I’m curious if you’ve compared your test results before taking it, after taking it, and again after 6 months, when some of the symptoms may have returned.

And I agree with you, it’s only a week, and seems relatively safe, but I’d like to get enough information where I could possibly convince my endocrinologist, who already tried a few things with me, to prescribe this. It would at least assure me it’s genuine.

I was thinking that the way to know this would be if you took a lower dose . A low enough dose that would only work mainly blocking the progesterone receptors opposed to a dose that’s blocking the progesterone receptors, GC (cortisol receptors) and possibly AR (androgen) receptors

Either way this is awesome news for you man . Sorry I have been out of the game for a little while

The other Website I’m on randomly shut down and all the ZRT data I collected is gone. Unfortunately the only copies I had of everyone’s ZRT tests were on that website. I did not anticipate them shutting down . I thought they were the real deal . Guess I was wrong

Going off of memory you had tested everything a couple of years ago and then you retested again recently right ? I don’t remember what your results where off memory . But I’m guessing that your first test was before your 700 MG’s for 7 days of mifepristone trial and your second test was after ? So if this correct we would get to see before and after mifepristone trial values to include cortisol correct ?

Edit: I read back and refreshed my memory a little . Ok so you had high urine cortisol, T and DHT in your test from a while back. And normal urine Allopregnanolone

I guess I missed that you were a successful mifepristone trial and that your second batch of test results took place after your successful mifepristone trial

Hi mate,

Just to be clear, after Mifepristone I felt 85-90% cured. After 6 months stopping I felt a crash, i aid to myself possibly it stopped working, so I took another 7 days, didn’t really do nothing the second time.

I had a gut feeling it could be progesterone…I tested it, very deficent , before Mifepristone it was to the top end of scale.

So I started low dose Progesterone (10-12mg) a day. And I got back to 85-90% cured.

It’s like before Mifepristone, progesterone simply was not doing its job, after Mifepristone it caused a deficency (possibly started flowing again) therefore causing low levels.

It’s like my old personality is back, I was a guy with a good sense of humor before this. After Mifepristone the sense of humor is back, and my old self. Please trust what I’m saying as I do t need to be here, only thing motivating me to stay is to help a few other guys as I know this is a hike some of us are in, and I didn’t no how much of a hole I was in until in my opinion Mifepristone got me out of. I beleive the study done exactly what happened to me. I just hope you guys can get similar results, I really do.


Yes I have results before and after.

The biggest difference is a few markers I will post up to show the before and after with the dates.

One big change that stood out is the LH level, from top of memory I think I was 4.1 LH, now I’m about 10 LH.

LH is very undervalued in my opinion, even dr Gordon mentioned that LH has a very big role, it helps other hormones work, controls them etc.

Also free testosterone doubled.

Please note, I only took it for 7 days only. Second 7 days 6 months later was only becuase I thought it stopped working, yet it was really the progesterone levels that needed upping.

Please look into this treatment as it has helped to get my life back


@ Ronnie99

In the mean time Im going to try to find your new results which I’m pretty sure you sent me to see if I can see what changed .

This is compelling.

So I tried mifepristone in 2017. 50 MG’s for three days straight. In the days following after my last 50 Mg dose all of the sexual sides for me recovered to about 70-80 percent and the improvements faded over a period of 5 weeks

I tried mifepristone several more times since 2017 obviously giving that it almost ended this nightmare for me. Several more times as in about 12 more times ranging from 5MG’s to 200MG’s for time periods ranging from 3-10 days. But a majority of those 12 additional times I trialed it I was using raw mifepristone powder sourced from a research lab in wuhan china out of all places haha and this was a questionable thing to do . Mainly because well it was mifepristone from a research lab from Wuhan China and secondly who’s to say that raw powder was even ready for in Vivo human consumption

How long ago did you do your first and second mifepristone trial ? Did you get a doctor to prescribe it ?

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Interesting. You addressed here above back in Jan exactly what I’m thinking about quality

I would like to hit my progesterone receptors one more time with high quality mifepristone

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Serious inquiry on how I can acquire some of this product? How do I tell my dr I want to try female birth control? Is there an online pharmacy I can buy some from?

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I will be trying to obtain this through my endocrinologist during my next appointment. Until then, I’ve been looking online. I’m wondering if some of our PFS brothers in countries where pharmacists can prescribe products may have an easier time obtaining it. If so, maybe I’ll travel somewhere for a week and try it out. It seems to me to be safer than ordering it in bulk and unknown quality from a lab.

There is no way any doctor will prescribe you mifepristone, just forget about that. 100% you will be refused.

P.S. I have quite reliable seller in wuhan, i am currently contacting him to find out if they have mifepristone in stock or they will have to synthesize it. Group buy is also possible as an option. It means seller will create a link on alibaba for us with discounted price, depens on how many people would like to buy.

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I’m still going to ask my doctor for it, and ask him directly, if I were to obtain it through other means, and take it at those doses. what the risks are, and if he’ll test me before and after.

Almost all doctors have had patients who take elicit drugs, and they care for them. I’ll accept the risk, but do want a medical professional to know what I’m doing in the event things go sideways, and especially if this is successful, which I will hope and pray it is.

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I found this interesting medicine called Korlym which is used in cushings syndrome. It’s a brand name for Mifepristone.

It’s worth reading through the site though. It’s some information what to look out for, like hypokalemia and drug interactions (like bupropion).

Link to Korlym.

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Thank you for sharing that information! There is some overlap in symptoms between PFS and Cushing’s Syndrome. I just took a look at my labs, and I’m right at the edge over the range of cortisol and diabetes. Maybe I’ll have a better chance asking my endocrinologist for this medication, since it’s already at a much higher dose than standard mifepristone, and may make more sense to him to prescribe.

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@5-alpha-victim yes its better to get it from say a research company. Source is very important. If you haven’t got a good source then the molecules could be off, resulting saying that Mifepristone doesnt work. I done my first treatment for 7 days at 700mg a day.

Second time i also got Mifepristone from Wuhan lab. Lol…ironic i know….the reason i done a second 7 day treatment was because i thought the first trst,ent wore off, but it was not the first treatment that wore off, it was simply a progesterone deficency, so i take low dose and back where i am after Mifepristone feeling 85-90%.

But the second time i tried it it didnt relly do nothing. 2 reasons.

  1. My body already reset back to baseline
  2. The second source in Wuhan was not 100% Mifepristone molecule for molecule.

My first source was Aasraw.com but ghey dont currently have any in stock.

Quality Source is key here. As I beleive in the Mifepristone treatment in itself.

Yes mate, but try to find a quality source, even if its a little more expensive, its worth it.

The dr wont prescribe it, you would have to find a high quality source. Im in the process of teying to find one for some other guys who want to give it a shot.

Good plan if you can do it mate. Just make sure the source is 100% Mifepristone from a quality pharma.

Good plan, just do your due diligence on the source.