Mifepristone worked

See from my results…there seems to be very high androgen urine levels, what do you think this means ?

Take several screen shots while it’s displayed on the screen of your computer and then upload it in the form of several screen shots

Do you have any updates?


Hej Ronnie, did you hear anything from the guy on the other forum that has finished the 7 day mifepristone course?

@Ronnie99 are you there dude ?

No changes yet from the guy from Canada who is trying Mifep. Will update again.

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Reversing HPA axis desensitzation or “glucocorticoid resistance” is a mechanism of so-called adaptogens, like Rhodiola, Schisandra, which is apparently similar to Mifepristone’s action. They do this by inhibiting or de-phosphorylating “stress-actived proteine kinases” or SAPK and “c-Jun N-terminal kinases” or JNK:

The Adaptogens Rhodiola and Schizandra Modify the Response to Immobilization Stress in Rabbits by Suppressing the Increase of Phosphorylated Stress-activated Protein Kinase, Nitric Oxide and Cortisol

It can be hypothesized that the antidepressant effects of R. rosea and S. chinensis are associated with the inhibition of emotional stress induced by the over-activation of p-SAPK/p-JNK. The SAPK/JNK pathway is known to be involved in the pathogenesis of glucocorticoid resistance (GR) found in certain chronic immune/inflammatory diseases and in subgroups of patients with major depression, and activation of SAPK/JNK has been reported to inhibit GR function (Wang et al. 2005).

Thus, it is suggested that the beneficial effects of R. rosea and rhodioloside on mental performance in stress, as well as the protection against neurotoxicity offered by S. chinensis , might be associated with their inhibitory effect on the formation of p–SAPK.

The Salidroside content appears to be important in Rhodiola extract.

How do you know that?

Can you find a link between thc and mifepristone ?

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Yes I heard back from the guy in the other forum, he has been of it for about 3 weeks intially when on treatment he was noticising improvement, but when he got of it he went back to baseline. Now I think i no why this happened.

He got the Mifepristone from my second source as my first source does not have any in stock. I also took the second source for another round but form the second source it did not work. So now that I heard he didnt reslly benefit it comes down to I beleive getting high quality mifepristone, even though my second source has good reviews, a slight change in molecules can have a impact in what its suppose to do.

The key goal we will be doing now is to find another source, preferably from a research lab, and I will give it another shot as I beleive now the second time around it didnt work could be from the quality of the Mifepristone from the second source.

We should stick with this guys as the Mifepristone I got from the first soruce made such a big difference that we should all keep together and on top of this.


@Ronnie99 not to pour water on mifepristone as we’re desperate to find something that brings long term relief but this is generally the pattern with PFS. I.e. a brief upturn then nothing. Managing expectations thats all, let’s hope I’m wrong.

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Uhm… We talk? He uses a phone chat app that im not allowed to say here. The most common- green one. Im also on HCG. Will update.

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What dose is he using… and how far is he into the protocol ?

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800mg. Doing it for 2 weeks i think. At the second day he experienced insomnia and some temper with headaches.

Has he now finished or is still in the middle of the two weeks ?

He is still on it.

Ok, as i noticed my improvement about 2 weeks after my last dose.


I think we should put a sentence in head of the forum that treatment due to mifepristone and finasteride (for PAS) supposed to he started after stopping the drug.

Any updates? @Ronnie99