Low Basal NO/NOx Levels and Proposed Regimen


This morning i decided to push myself and made a 12 km distance with my Rollerblades which for me was just too much.

About an hour after finishing my exercise i had a very intense brainfog and to be honest i was happy that this thing happened : This means that the theory of the involvement of Mitochondria may well be correct.

The Theory goes like this : Any attempt of high cardiac activity will pose a requirement for energy that my body just cannot produce due to impaired mitochondrial function. Iā€™ve read stories about people that have recovered by exercising. Exercise does increase Basal NO/NOx levels but it now appears to me that these people may not have had mitochondrial damage. It may be a possibility that if you let PFS continue without any interventions, impairment of mitochondrial function comes next.

I am fine now -after 5 hours though- and i learned a valuable lesson : I should wait first to (hopefully) recover (Hormones, Mitochondria, Cardiac Function, Nerve Function etc) and then do the funky stuff. I also know that full recovery will probably take time to happen. However, i can live a normal life even if i have to abstain from exercise for some months. I can live with that.

Later today a bad weather front hit the area where i live. I barely felt some pain on my waist -a typical side effect- which i havenā€™t felt for quite a while now and sure enough 2 minutes later there was a very intense rainfall. Previously, Under these circumstances i would be in big trouble with all sorts of Neurological side effects : BrainFog, may be a bit depressed, Neurological pain on my hands and waist, orthostatic hypotension, irregular heartbeat. So all goes according to plan.

I saw some first positive reactions from people trying the regimen for 2-3 days. Hopefully we will have more feedback very soon.

12KM thatā€™s some going, congratsā€¦my anxiety wonā€™t even let me run for a bus at the moment :slight_smile:

With regards to the regime I havenā€™t even tried the methylation cycle or the P450 systems so I donā€™t know if I need these things or whether the diet will be enough. I have started to order a few things from the list though. Iā€™m not sure if the diet is supposed to improve all round PFS symptoms or just some things because your NO diet came after you did methylation and P450 which helped you improve.

Iā€™m just on my second day of the NO/NOx diet although it still needs perfecting with a few additions. Iā€™m combining leafy salads with buckwheat which seems healthier than rice.

Haahaaha just realised the mistake Mateā€¦Itā€™s 2 km not 12 :slight_smile:

Actually i donā€™t do anything for Induction of P450 now, so itā€™s only NO/NOx regimen + Methylation protocol.

Thanks for clearing that up, cool I can order the rest of the methylation supplements now.

Donā€™t worry your forgiven about the 12k :slight_smile:

Regarding the P5P thereā€™s 2 types; Pyridoxal 5ā€™-Phosphate and P-5-P, Coenzyme B6, which one do you use?

The best is P-5-P, i use the one from Solgar 50 mg. Make sure you swallow them quickly, they taste awful.

Thatā€™s good news the P-5-P costs less.

iherb.com/Solgar-P-5-P-50-mg ā€¦ lets/12335

The more i read about this, the more i believe that mitochondria are somehow damaged or have impaired function . So make sure you use ALCAR and D-Ribose.

The more I read about this, the more I realise how little I know, still some way to go.

I already use ALCAR which just needs altering to your regime. As for D-Ribose how do you add this into your protocol, does it need to go with any specific supplements, is it being used to make SAM-e?

08:00 : T3/T4 combination 50 mg
<NO FOOD, COFFEE FOR 1 HOUR because of Thyroid Med>
09:00 : Choline, Zinc/Cu, Selenium, Magnesium,Metafolin, P5P
12:00 : K2, L-Carnitine, CoQ10, D3, Lionā€™s Mane 3 tablets
15:00 (lunch) : Metafolin, Choline
20:00 : K2, L-Carnitine, ALA
23:00 (dinner): Metafolin, Choline, Magnesium

Are you still taking magnesium and zinc alongside each other, I thought they competed along the same pathways for absorption so were best taken at different times.

Also does the magnesium have to be citrate as I already take mag sulphate in a cream and through bathing in espom salts and mag malate with malic acid in tablet form twice a day.


Thanks for posting this link Iā€™m just finding out about the methylation cycle. I see my doc a week from now, have you any ideas on how I can approach the whole mythylation/PFS scenario without sounding like a lunatic. I have my 23andme tests with the detox and methylation profile although I have no idea what they mean in relation to PFS.

Sorry for the all the questions.

andyuk, are you using acety l-carnitine (ALCAR) or just l-carnitine?

@andyuk this is a good question from Linvingdead so please let us know.

Regarding Zinc : I do not know to be honest. I take a Zinc/Cu mix from Quest but only half a tablet and Magnesium Citrate 2 tablets from Solgar. I have no experience with the types of Magnesium you are taking.

Regarding D-Ribose : This is speculation. I must find references in PubMed that list D-Ribose as beneficial for Mitochondrial function.
D-Ribose is considered an essential supplement for Chronic Fatigue : Both Dr Myhill and Jacob Teitelbaum believe so.

I havenā€™t still made a definite decision about D-Ribose and this will take some time. OTOH evidence exists that ALCAR + ALA are the best combination for ameliorating and even reversing mitochondrial dysfunction.

Regarding Methylation : I do not know what kind of mutations you have. Have you used GeneticGenie? The thread started by Droid is the one to look at but -as already dicussed- i donā€™t believe that just the Methylation protocol on its own will fix things.

acety l-carnitine 750mg per day, Iā€™ve been using this for about 3 months for cognitive functions I had no idea you guys were using it as part of a PFS protocol. I take it on any empty stomach about 30 minutes before breakfast with a pro biotic.

Iā€™ve noticed that ME patients buy D-Ribose and claim it works.

I got my reports using GeneticGenie I will have to go through the thread itā€™s only 18 pages long, there goes Sunday :slight_smile:

TMG, B12 and folic acid are the raw ingredients for SAM-e, I just wondered if anyone had used SAM-e as part of the methylation protocol?


Check this out

link.springer.com/article/10.100 ā€¦ 014-1466-5

Agreed. Please check my post on this thread about nitrites and P450 and creation of endogenous NO.

I no longer have to induce P450 since NO is created through a different pathway

Iā€™ll add to this that breathing through your nose created NO, so if you go jogging or are sitting around be sure to breathe deeply through the nasal cavity and not the mouth. Do you guys have any difficulty breathing through the nose?

Hmmā€¦i have a pretty badly deviated septum and sinus problems so yes, count me in.

it is hard for me to breath from the nose since i was a kid.
until now if i eat cold or how food i get some problems with my nose, the doctor checked and said it is some kind of weird allergy

I will have to see/test whether raising NO through nose breathing is a good practice. Remember that whenever i tried raising NO through the L-Arginine pathway, i had tinnitus and then was back to square 1. This happened every single time i took L-Arginine or L-Citrulline

BTW Jonson did you start the regimen with Rocket/Spinach? If yes, how do you feel?

i need to buy more, i used it for 2 days only and actually felt better, but also had big shedding from the scalp while on it, strange

2 days is nothing though. Regarding the start of shedding this may be good (androgens get working again?) and bad for reasons we all in here understand.

Thatā€™s great to know, please report back as soon as you know more. Good Luckā€¦

no problem man