Kevin Mann promoting Fin on youtube

In his latest video Mann calls DHT a “trash hormone”.

(Skip to 7:02)


He is deleting my comments also btw.


Make sure to give him a thumbs down.

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There are many people like Kevin in the hair loss community. They are domesticated by the fear of hair loss. So they sacred fin. It also blames patients suffering from side effects. If you show them evidence of side effects, they will talk about your lifestyle or body type or cigarettes. And they say it’s worth the risk of side effects.


Most of them who think it worth the risk, after everything goes wrong they change their mind on 180° :slight_smile:


People at the more moderately affected end of the patient community do the exact same, for the exact same reason:

Most people taking finasteride are unlikely to feel very comfortable with the cognitive dissonance that would occur if they accept the full extent of what is happening to some consumers. That entails acknowledging something uncomfortable about their own situation. It’s certainly not unique to the hair loss forums. Humans can be prone to throwing others under the bus if it will protect their own feelings, unfortunately.


Sadly it is that sort of nonsense that people with hairloss want to hear. I was aware of the reported side effects of Fin before I took it, but accepted all I read on hairloss forums regarding the persistence of the sexual sides and veracity of claims about mental sides (i.e. that PFS sufferers were exaggerating and that no sides could be long term - which the medical community also handily supports). Exactly as @axolotl highlights, I accepted the evidence based on what I wanted to be true.

Perhaps Kevin Mann will soon be channeling all of his vlogging energy into raising awareness about our disease if his playing with 5ARis reaches its possible conclusion. Though despite what a throbbing dong he is, I still would not wish that upon him.


I agree.
The imagination is weak and the reality is cruel.


The meaning may not be correct using Google Translator. Please understand. I understand their minds. Alopecia is a social disease. They say that alopecia is evidence that I committed a crime in my previous life. people said me was a pedophile or rapist. I am being punished by God and tell me to accept insults. But now I do not care about insults. Because I met a real devil called pfs.

When I talked about pfs, alopecia patients accused me of being a bald conspiracy or octopus. I’ve been alone for a while, very depressed. But when I notice the existence of this forum, I feel a little cheered up. Thank you all \ ( ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ) /~


So I noticed a large influx of vitriolic, conspiracy theory-promoting, and occasionally threatening comments on my channel and inbox and no surprise I have discovered this was the source.

You guys can hate me, that is fine but there are lies being told about me on this forum that are simply not true.

With a few exceptions I am not deleting comments. Many members here have been posting links to conspiracy theory promoting websites like Natural News to make outlandish claims about finasteride. I did not delete these comments, they automatically go to my spam folder and usually don’t notice. When I do notice I don’t bother to add them to the comments section since they often have nothing to do with the subject of the video. My videos are about documenting my experiences with various hair loss drugs, if you want to make some grand statement against finasteride then do so on your own platform, don’t use my page to do it.
I don’t care that you guys are anti-finasteride, I am not biased in favour of the drug one way or the other but my experience with the drug has been a positive one. I know for a fact that I had gotten my advice from boards like this and not begun treatment when I did my overall quality of life would be much worse than it is today as having hair has benefitted me in every aspect of my life including my social, professional and romantic life. I know not everybody has had a positive experience with the drug but as much as you guys feel your story needs to be heard, I feel its important for people considering treatment to hear my side of the story as well and see and hear about how finasteride has benefitted me.
I know you guys hate to hear it but as a long term user of finasteride (close to 10 years) I can safely say I regret nothing; I have done many things to improve my physical appearance such as strict dieting and exercise, a rigorous skin care routine, abstention from vices like smoking and alcohol and I can say none of those compare to the confidence boost I have gotten from maintaining a full head of hair.
I wish you guys well and I hope you guys are able to resolve your personal problems but please don’t try to take away the boundless joy and happiness that finasteride has given to me and so many millions of other men who have been using it since 1992.
I had a very negative experience taking anti-depressants in my teens but even in spite of that I would still never deny the sheer amount of good they have caused to people suffering from mental health problems like depression.
Even if we’re to assume the worst and accept for the sake of argument that your issues were really caused by finasteride I think everyone except for the most jaded finasteride critic would agree that the majority of people do in fact not experience these issues, so in light of that I think its inarguable that finasteride has caused far more good than harm for humanity, that’s not to dismiss your issues but its not all about you and you shouldn’t show hostility towards people who have had a positive experience with the drug.

How can you guarantee that anyone who want to start fin won’t get hit? You can’t, can you! Because you got lucky it doesn’t mean everyone will get lucky, it’s a Russian Roulette. Everyone who’s promoting Fin should make sure to warn about the possible permanent side effects that could occur! If I know that a certain drug can get me permanently damaged I would never touch it, no matter what! You guys should wake up, on your conscience will most probably lay, if you have one, at least one suicide, and dozens of maimed people! If you advertise something that you are aware could kill or maim someone, that makes you as guilty as those fuckers who sell this rat poison! I don’t really care if you got thick hair and better life because of Fin, but I do care about the lost lives of all those young people!


People are having their lives destroyed from the drug, the drug didn’t save your life it saved your hair it’s not worth even considering the drug with the amount of suffering we are going through. Look into the case studies and stop reading the BS that Merck has funded showing the safety of the drug. Do the right thing and stop promoting this shit there’s young guys with there whole lives ahead of them that are beyond damaged including myself, only 24 years of age my life is done.


Nice try, I’m not here to engage with any of you loons, I just wanted to set the record straight about some of the lies told about me. To be fair I don’t think you guys are deliberately lying about your experience with finasteride, I feel you are all far too mentally ill to make a valued judgement on the manner and frankly I feel sorry for you for allowing your underlying issues to be exploited by charlatans and con-artists who wish to profit off of your misguided delusions about a safe drug that has helped millions of people regain their confidence.
I guess my original post didn’t get through to you guys and frankly I don’t want to be in this pseudo-scientific, big-pharma conspiracy theory promoting online mental institution any longer than I need to so let me give a TL;DR account of my original post.

My page is not your platform to promote your bullshit, threaten me, or promote fearmongering misguidance to my viewers who are looking for legitimate help in solving their hair loss problems so go cry somewhere else.

In the past, I have seen you on YouTube under a different name talking about how you thought finasteride was such a terrible drug. You simply aren’t acting in good faith with what you have said.

Finasteride has done a ton of damage to people that took the drug and were not given an adequate warning that the drug can cause overwhelming permanent effects. Merck knew about this 20 years ago and hid it from the public. It has absolutely ruined lives and driven people to suicide. You are just spreading false information on your YouTube channel, maybe inadvertently to give you the benefit of the doubt, but it needs to stop.

Educate yourself a little and if you want to continue talking about Propecia, at least give your audience the truth.


That wasn’t a fraud, I actually did believe that shit back then and its largely due to forums like this that I was naïve enough and scientifically illiterate enough to buy into.
Like I said though, I’m done interacting with you loons although I’m glad I stopped by as seeing you all wallow in your delusional, imaginary, self-diagnosed “Post-Finasteride-Syndrome” is a reminder of how far I have come from letting false claims about a great drug give me nocebo driven side effects.

Fraud - you were under a different name too and admitted you completely flipped.

Read the Reuters article. There are internal Merck documents that explain how PFS showed up in their original clinical trials 20 years ago and how they manipulated the language in their product label to prevent sales from plummeting. Merck’s own internal market research showed 50% of people wouldn’t take Propecia if they knew about the possibility of temporary sexual side effects. If they knew about the risk of permanent side effects, the drug sales would have been killed.


As I said… No one here cares that your ugly face got some more hair! Before call us loons look around the website! The people here are suffering from neurological, physical and sexual issues, one of us recently got diagnosed with Osteoporosis. By the way, I know one guy who took Fin while he was aware of the existence of this website, propeciahelp… He called the people here loons, like you, before he took fin… You want me to send you picks of his sliced hand when he tried to kill himself? Probably you will wake the fuck up then! You know what? I don’t care really… :slight_smile:




Apparently, you are the crazy one if you got nocebo side effects.

Lots of people here legitimately have PFS, although you can’t be sure a few crazies like yourself didn’t slip in. A lot of guys have tangible biological markers as well but have not found a solution to the condition.

Seriously though, I don’t see anywhere on your page where PFS patients are writing anything. Your videos are too long for me to watch. You really need to educate yourself on the tricks Merck pulled with this drug which are spelled out in the Reuters article. Even though, I wouldn’t want you to get conned into developing PFS assuming that you are actually taking Propecia.


I know right! Guy needs all that hair cause his face is so ugly. Look at that nose for Christ’s sake!
“Kevin Mann” lol. Real tough last name for a vegan pussy (no offense to other vegans on this board.) Probably not a vegan cause he cares about animals. It’s likely for some selfish, vain reason like it gives him more energy to do squats at the gym. Fucking vain douche lol.