JustQUitDut's story

This is completely ridiculous - I am not ‘just as bad as Merck’. I would never sell something that would knowingly harm somebody for a profit. Many of these doctors have reasonable intentions but have just been led astray by conventional wisdom and misinformation carefully disseminated by the pharmaceutical industry. Not all doctors are reasonable though, because the hair transplant industry is almost as corrupt as they come.

I don’t think you have PFS - and for this I think you are very lucky. There is clearly something going on with you, but I don’t know what it is. If you actually paid attention to what I said, I never said I don’t think PFS can be treated with DHT. I said your approach was not new and many have tried it before you. It’s a complete no brainer that DHT is somehow involved in finasteride.

What you completely ignore is that this is a very complex illness/injury/disease. Several members have suffered from nerve injuries (myself included) which simply do not go away or become repaired within 1-week of administering anything. There is also evidence that finasteride use may persistently block the genesis of vital neurosteroids. Supplementing testosterone/DHT in any way will not adjust for this imbalance.

Ridiculous - you have already come up with a solution (around 1pm today) and 5 hours later you are changing your mind and advising people not to take proviron. There are many good reasons why you are supposed to wait several months before announcing a recovery on this website - especially if you can’t go 6 hours without changing your position.

I didn’t say not to use proviron, I said not to use masteron, proviron gave me my life back, and I found one success story with masteron, they don’t work quite the same. Apparently all the recovery I experienced was from proviron alone. I’m going to have to play with masteron for a while till I find the dose that works, for now proviron works. Look frustrated, PFS is a fucking nightmare, if I find something that reverses it, I have a duty to make it known. I bumped a thread from one success story with a low dose of masteron. So there is something to this, I didn’t mean to lash out at you but you were nasty to me.

And I post my protocols because for some people, waiting months for results can be an eternity. I have found a drug that reverses PFS, it’s proviron, I did not do experiments on masteron, I just assumed it would work. Proviron worked and is working for my friend and I

Hey man have u tried ed meds at all? Like low dose Cialis daily… 2.5 mg or split it and take 1mg every other day or Mon, wed, Friday???

I have no problem getting hard or ejaculating, Proviron seems to work well replacing DHT, but I needed a lot to process my large dose of test. I would like to get my body producing 5AR again on its own,that would be great, that was my original goal, and I may go back to it. I don’t want to be on DHT for the rest of my life, but if my 5AR is fucked for good then I may not have that choice.

Do u ever masterbate?? I masterbate prolly 2 times a day and I can still have sex but its only in certain positions… Do u think this has to do with masturbation??? Sometimes I cant cum and I lose erection when attempting to have sex in the same week I overmasterbate… is this normal>??

This guy is a real idiot.

Why am I an idiot…all im asking is if this is normal??

Dam man why is this personal? He’s stll changing and playing around with the type of DHT that’s working best for him. The fact that he has said no wait never mind use this form of prescription DHT is not a big deal…actually it kinda shows his mehod is working to relieve his symptoms because otherwise what other explanation can you come up with to explain his incentive to want to let us know that the provision has helped him the most over the injectable DHT?

It’s good that you are challenging it though because it gets to the bottom of if what he’s using is helping him or not.

Here is my challenge to you. It’s not about putting you on the spot or “wanting to believe this so bad so I don’t have to face relaity”. It’s just about having as much useful information in this thread as possible.

Could you please post evidence of a member who used testosterone plus DHT together for at least one month. The higher the dose of DHT the member in your example used while having at least decent testosterone levels the better. Let’s find this example and analyze the members experience as we compare it to justquitduts experience.

Why do we need to argue. Let’s just talk about factual experiences if they are available.

Now if the answre to this question is thst justquitdut is right when he says no other member has tried
High dose DHT with good testosterone levels than that means justquitdut has done his himework like he usually does with researching the forums to find out if anyone else has indeed tried high dose DHT with testosterone before…

If this is the case lets get someone to try it…maybe I can try it.

My biggest thing is that my most recent labs showed normal T and DHT levels as well as normal Estrogen levels. My DHT was however on the low side even though not flagged as low. So if my already normal DhT and T levels have not fixed me than why would taking DHT and T help?

But hey, maybe my DHT just needs to be higher??? After all the level of DHT my body produces on its own currently has me getting no acne at all…

But before My crash I had tons of acne… My loss of acne occurred overnight as did my crash

Problem is I have no fucking labs pre crash to look at.

As far as arguing about who has PFS and who does not, that is just dumb as shit because PFS is not even a real syndrom yet. Therefore there are no guidelines that doctors or experts can use to determine who has it and who does not.

For the sake of simplifying what we are talking about here just assume that if you get limp dick, numb dick, watery sperm and weak orgasims after taking a DHT inhibiter that do not go away than you fucking have “PFS” for the sake of this discussion.

Do you really think someone would be on a website called propecia help. Com if they where not getting those symptoms? So forgot about that and pretend we are court by finding any evidence that’s available to discredit what he’s saying and post it. If there is none than maybe you should start taking what he’s saying more seriously. But we will see lets see what evidence is or is not available.

Praying To Heal,all you do is post on forums asking people if they can masturbate or have sex or talk about how you have sex, it is boring, you are worse than me! I know I am bad on this forum sometimes going on endlessly in posts, but at least its about something! Come on man, if you have nothing to add then let it be, what difference does it make if someone can masturbate or not, I jerk off like 3 times a day so what?

Look you guys, Proviron reversed PFS 100% in me, but it is dose dependent, the more the better depending on how much test is in my system, nothing has worked like Proviron. That cannot be ignored, Masteron I do not believe worked, but I am going to give it another chance, I overdosed on the shit because I injected too much, I don’t know why I did, but I got the dose wrong somehow. So due to the OD of Masteron, I don’t know if it would have worked or not.
I have run out of Proviron, am getting more today, waiting for more to come, it should be noted when my testosterone was lower (before I injected), I was doing well on 2 provision’s a day at 50mg a day. I thought it was just because it was regulating my estrogen till I started taking more and more to reverse a testosterone induced PFS crash and then I started feeling amazing and my muscles got huge (which never happened before pre PFS).
I am sorry I post so much, but I want to document everything, there are a lot of lurkers who are following me. So yes, Proviron reversed PFS 100%, but it depends on the dose and it does nothing if you don’t have ENOUGH testosterone, it doesn’t have to be high, just enough. If you don’t take enough Proviron it doesn’t do much either, it seemed to take a week to start working.

If you search this forum for ‘proviron’ you will come up with 35 pages of posts, dating back to 2006. I have not personally tried proviron, I forget exactly why, but I was told with good reason that oral DHT wouldn’t be effective and at the very least it would need to be a cream like Andractim.

Personally, using a separate cocktail of HRT treatments I was able to get DHT levels just at the top end of the normal range while free & bioavailable T were both in a healthy spot towards the higher end of the normal range. It did very little for me personally and I sustained the treatment for many months in hopes there would be a gradual improvement. You absolutely cannot draw conclusions about any treatment in 1 week let along 4 hours like he is doing.

I find this guy super obnoxious (and it doesn’t seem like I am the only one) because he acts like we have been suffering in vain because he has come up with some obvious solution in 1 month. First he was cured by injecting testosterone, then it was sermorelin, and next it was proviron and probably masteron. No wait… he hadn’t tried masteron and when he did it didn’t help him…

What cocktail did you try? Are you currently on anything? What did you use to get your DHT to the top of the range?

My dht is normal as well. But do you think the trick may be to just get are DHT levels higher than the normal range to see if it snaps are bodies out of it? Like justquitdut is saying he did with taking the oral DHT until he felt better?

Maybe we are all alike in the regard that we all just require high levels of DHT to have normal sexual function. After all we all took DHT inhibiters because of acne, enlarged prostates and hair loss. All things that high DHT causes

He sounded like he was doing pretty good on testosterone, hgh, and hcg but then added DHT and started doing even better.

I have been searching the forum for members who took DHT while taking testosterone or having labs to show they had normal testosterone levels. When you took DHT what was your Testosterone levels at?
If you had normal T levels when taking DHT, how long did you take the DHT for and at what dose?

The user (he posted here) who goes by the name of town somthing had experimented with DHT (pro hormones and androhard and alpha hard and has had good improvements and he’s an older guy in his late 40’s. It’s important to note he has been on tedtosterone while he experimented with DHT prohormones and prescription dht.

Cnuts experimented with DHT prohormones while keeping his natural test up as good as he could using natrual pct, natural test boosters and dieting. Cnuts claimied to be cured

I experimented with several combinations to get to that level. Some combo of hCG, clomiphene, arimidex, testim, testosterone cypionate all can get you to those levels.

At various points, verified by scientific lab tests, I have been both at the high end of the normal range and substantially higher. Sometimes you get a small boost in health only to have it fade out after a couple weeks. I think the lab tests are important because you actually verify what your levels are after stabilizing for a couple weeks. JustQuitDut is throwing noodles on the wall and trying to draw conclusions from low quality data.

To clarify, my baseline levels are not normal especially for somebody my age. I don’t know if the trick is to get DHT higher than the normal range. Maybe it is for some people, but definitely not all. It is totally possible we have built up resistance/insensitivity so what is normal for others may not be healthy for us. I am in no way suggesting you should or shouldn’t pursue any treatment but I definitely don’t want to create the false hope that this guy is a miracle healer. He is trying a lot of logical things (though not in a very logical way) but if these things worked consistently then post finasteride syndrome would be an issue of the past.

My baseline testosterone was 383 and lh and fsh were 2.5 just 8 weeks after I stopped taking propecia

Frustrated, and my experiments are not of any benifit to you? I have discovered along the road, many treatments that have given me a better understanding of PFS and how to treat it. Now at least when I go to dr Alan Jacobs, I have something to tell him. At least I’m not on here telling people to try enemas and ozone filters like some others here. I could very well never post again here, get better and disappear, but I post in an effort to help others. I don’t believe dht can be accurately measured by a blood test. Mine always showed up normal and I know when my body isn’t reducing test to dht because my oily skin shuts off, body scent shuts off and I bloat from estrogen and feel it, panic and anxiety.
Proviron at high doses has reversed this by regulating estrogen, but I didn’t expect it to reverse everything else. That gives me a lot of fucking hope, surely dr Alan Jacobs is familiar with a more effectient and legal means of administering dht safely, via injection or something. That was what I was hoping to find. You guys want me banned when all I’m doing is helping, meanwhile I’m going to see dr Alan Jacobs, I have had enough of being my own doctor, it’s not fair or right. I of course if I am not banned will share what I can to help others here.
We know a couple things now, based on my chats with Eden as well, this is estrogen dominance, progesterone controls estrogen, that’s why it’s made some feel better. Dht regulates estrogen, and we are low dht, I don’t care what the tests say, your body keeps a steady amount of dht at all times, when there is too much it converts it into a prohormone to be used later. So it’s the continuous process of dht replacement that’s the key, regulating estrogen and giving us back the male hormone not being produced.

Of course if we could fix PFS simply by going on TRT/HRT we would not be here. But that does not mean that it’s not a good idea for us to at least consider taking all of these things in a diff way that’s more desinged to treat this syndrome.

All of the things you tried with the exception of hcg I have tried with the exact same result as you, improved hormone levels that included DHT levels “being at the top of the range” but with little to no imptovements in symptoms. With that said we are in the same boat.

Based on your reply it’s clear you never tried testosterone and DHT at the same time. Justquitdut claims recovery from using testosterone and DHT at the same time. So until we try that and verify that it fails there is no way we can say he’s wrong. Am I saying it I choose to attempt this I feel strongly that it will work? No I’m not. What I am saying is you can’t say he’s wrong until you have your scientific evidence to show he’s wrong. That’s going to be as follows:

Take DHT with good natural levels while confirming that the DHT you are using did indeed raise your DHT levels via blood work


Take DHT and testodterone at the same time while again at some point confirming that your T levels and DHT levels both look good.

And Decide after doing one of these options if you got improvrments. That’s the only way to be scientific which you are saying you want to be. This is also how I agree it needs to be.

When justquitdut says blood labs mean nothing when deciding on how to treat this syndrom I can agree to an extent. Here Is why: we have both had DHT readings via blood labs that show normal DHT levels. But yet we both know are endocrin systems is not using DHT the right way…

However at the same time I agree with you that this needs to be scientific which means when justquitdut says that taking DHT made him better it would be nice to look at scientific evidence to support the conclusion he has came to, DHT levels that Is before and after he took DHT to say hey look his DHT levels wend up on paper and now he’s better so great…

I’m trying DHT. I have not yet. Based on your reply you have not yet… I have 6 months worse of testim testosterone gel ready to go just in case I crash. My plan will be to use this until I can find s endo to put me on TRT. I’m going over my pct options because I will be cycling DHT. I’m getting ready to make my best big move. This is not checkers its fucking chess it will not get better on it’s own. That I’s a fact.

It’s also a fact that I can’t find one member on here who took DHT while confirming that they had good natural T levels first or took DHT with testosterone and got no improvements. If you can please post it here.

I also want to retract my statement about Masteron not working, in fact it does work, I just overdosed on it, Masteron was what made my muscles recover to pre-PFS, Proviron fixed all of the other problems. I am going to continue experimenting with Masteron till I figure out what dose works. I will post my findings here, I just injected 50 to 100mg with success.

Also, it seems Proviron needs to be taken one at a time hourly to mimic natural DHT release till you feel better, I tried a large dose at once and it didn’t work, but hourly does.