JN's story -- former 2001 Yahoo Group Member

And just for the record, I’m going to the be the next Dr Emerson, and will be qualified in 2 years in Integrative Medicine. I will be working in UK and will be able to get people better from this nightmare. All welcome.


Congratulations! :stuck_out_tongue:

Within 2 years, I’ll come and see you (I doubt it will get better until then, I’ll soon reach the 3-year mark)

nebido as a low T treatment in hypogonadal men seems to be successful.

anybody tried nebido shots as TRT ?

JN i need your help !



Excellent news. Please keep us updated on this front - i would love nothing more than to deal with a doctor like you.

Any chance you can make it quicker, by about 23 months maybe?

Do you think it’s actually going to be possible for you to get your T levels back to optimal naturally? You were on T replacement for a number of years is there any particular reason why you were reluctant to stay on it?

I think I will get T levels back to optimum, yes. At least, I think it’s most likely. Yep, to quote my ‘hero’ Dr Emerson " I believe the power of the body to heal itself". Essentially, I have treated the causes of my disease. I have rebuilt and strengthened the foundations for my body. I have optimised the building blocks of life.

To update, since starting on zinc and copper, I have felt pretty ragged first thing in the morning. Where I was taking 90mg zinc daily, I now take 54mg. (3 x 18mg zinc capsules) at night before bed. I feel much better.

90mg zinc I felt awful in the morning
72mg zinc I felt pretty damn bad in the morning
54mg zinc I feel good. No anxiety. I feel happy. Importantly, I need less copper and COPPER IS CRUCIAL for sexual functioning.

An out-of-range zinc will make you feel like shit. Consequently, one’s copper levels will be messed up, making you further feel like shit, and deranging sexual functioning.

Again, if I had one parameter to play with in all this suffering, it would be the zinc:copper ratio. Absolutely crucial.
I’m still waiting to do my uptodate bloods, but I found playing with doses of zinc and copper to be more beneficial. It took me a few months, but now I’m much more settled. I think I need about 4mg copper for 54mg zinc daily, but I’m working on this in next few weeks. More progress.

Not to show off, but my life is really good now. I think my blood tests will show an improvement, but clinically I’m great. Yes, the old tennis analagy. I played 4 hours of A grade tennis in the scorching sun yesterday, and barely noticed it. I couldn’t have done this 2 months ago, and 6 months ago I could only play 2 sets of tennis in a mild weather condition before getting leg cramps.

Take care chaps, update soon.



Glad to hear you are feeling better? Update of symptoms? Specifically sexual function… thank you very much. I hope you continue to feel better.

Lennon, good question. I’m not going to hold myself to ransom by answering this question right now, if that’s ok?

  1. my copper levels have been too high recently. In my experience, copper is linked with sexual functioning. What I will say is that having reduced my copper from 12mg a day to 4mg in the last 3 days, I have noticed (as I predicted) the return of nocturnal erections, morning erections and improved sexual functioning.

  2. Still working on my low DHEA and low T

Within the next month I will have lowered and further optimised copper levels, will have improved DHEA and T levels, will have a better sexual functioning, and will back up observations with a full set of bloods.

I’m in a transition phase at the moment. Be patient with me, and I’ll report back in 1 month.



Yo JN, right below your topic is IHP’s topic where he describes how he seems to have recovered by dealing with candida/fungust/yeast problems. Who knows if your live blood microscopy (idk, IHP says it would have to be dark field microscopy) would reveal yeast/fungus in your blood too, though yeast problems obviously can be present without them circulating in your blood. http://www.propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6115&start=0

Since you’ve also in a lean shape, you might want to try this water fasting as that could be possibly linked with the whole parasites-aspect too. Here’s a guy who got lot of benefits from it just recently. His improvements sounds much like what I got when I treated my infection in the prostate in Kos. http://www.propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6142

I know you are focusing on nutries but what if it’s the parasites/infection (immunity problems) in you that is causing the loss of minerals/nutrients…? Food for thought etc.


I understand where Mew is coming from and also JN.

Mew is following conventional science which has its problems, not to mention websites like quackwatch are not credible.

I am glad JN is feeling better, but I can not see a recovery from zinc / copper and magnesium.

What JN has mentioned in regards to improving health. They are positive things and may help our body rebuild itself and maybe recover. Most of the things are worth doing to maintain good health.

I have seen blood tests where zinc has reduced E2 and increased T and the poster felt good. So perhaps he can improve his hormones to a degree with these supplements. I do not think he is going to feel good if his free T is bottom of the range and SHBG top of the range. Why is his SHBG so high? He said his e2 is low?

I don;t want to bet against his recovery but I think it is unlikely using copper & zinc. But there is always a chance.

Any updates JN?

Still trying to balance copper and zinc?

Any updates?

any news about JN?

He’s probably either cured or close enough that his life is more or less normal.

i’d actually want his clinic/his real name etc so that if i want to do something about nutrient/mineral optimization or methylation then i’d know who would be “my man” about those issue (like, go to UK for his appointment). i hope he’s up to mention it tho. it’s not obv a miracle silver bullet for everyone but those subjects esp interest me!

Yes, I am sure he is so convincingly cured that he can’t tear himself away from a top tier recreational tennis game long enough to log on.

Don’t make guesses. He has been off in the past too. Until he comes back there is no way to know the fact.I hope and pray when he comes back he will tell us good news.