No, I haven’t. My only approach is ‘hormonal’. My aim (whether it be the correct aim or not) is to increase AdiolG to a normal value as this is the best marker of DHT metabolism.
Previous blood results have indicated my adrenals are ok. (High cortisol and low ACTH) although I will thoroughly eliminate adrenal problems with andrologist next week.
I respond to Proviron
I respond to Masteron
I am responding to Andractim, but insufficiently (I know it has only been a day!).
I am wondering about the dose of bioavailable DHT I may require
Please look at the DHT heptanoate study (type it in search). It required 250mg of DHT heptanoate to reach the TOP of normal DHT metabolites for one of the individuals.
I attach the following link for everyone’s perusal. You guys in the States, why don’t you get the telephone numbers of the guys who did the research (scroll down to the bottom)??? Beg them for information on how to say, increase AdiolG (ie) is transdermal gel good enough??
I’m going to make some phone calls later, but please chaps, pick up the phone and make a phone call. Intrude on their time, annoy them, pester them. They’ll probably enjoy it. It’s their expert field.
Please, don’t just read all this. Act now.
I should have Ann Conway and David Handelsman’s opinion next week.
They feature on the list.
I am still confident this is a DHT availability issue and am very interested by Josh Fuller’s report (from years ago) (His email address is strangely - if you type this into google, you’ll get a link to his conversation about Andractim not working, but DHT injections working well). This is KEY. … 00396.html
posted for my reference.