Im sick of it

Thats the fucking Answer why we have PFS

Superb George, those are the faces or pure evil fuckers

Especially the bastard on the right!!!

Yes Tigershull, fucking Skunk creates a new Diesase and does nothing against it…

HE KNOWS EVERYTHING, IM SURE. Absoulutely he knows thıs pfs shıt. is that easy to take someones lıfe? What did you want from us? We were just ordinary people who had ordinary lifes. I hope god wont be mercyfull hım and throw hım on flames.
I cant go out even for take vitamins. Its so hard to pass across the road. My braın ıs dead, stopped to workıng, fınısh. Im tryıng to be strong but ıts so so hard

guys… i’ve been feeling closer to reality recently and trust me… it’s all worth it. all the shit you feel now, keep hustling through it and workign at curing yourself… don’t stop… you want to give up… but don’t… it’s all worth it. i’m not cured libido wise, but i’m getting there… way better shape than i was a few days ago. here’s a few things to work on if your not: treat fungus or bacteria with some kind of natural antibiotic… think garlic extract or some anti fungal complex. nothing from the MD… fix your diet, only eat veggies and healthy food… low carb is the way to go… we have issues with insulin for some reason… i’m workingon a few things for this, but not sure of how it would effect long term so i’m not going to post about it to u guys until i’m sure (different supps to help with blood sugar during eating)… EXERCISE (yoga, walking, weight lifting, running, anything)… if you cant lift… then go walk for an hour a day (seriously)… surround yourself with funny people who enjoy life… this will bring your mood up… iodine painting… CDsnuts protocol… those are the biggest things i’ve found to help… are they the “cure”? only time will tell because i’m going all in on all of it… stay strong brothers.

ıf someone tell me to whıch one do you choose
a- put ın a jaıl forever
b- suffer cancer
c-suffer aıds
d-suffer pfs
e-all of them except pfs

ı would choose a b c even e.

I wıll waıt good news from you bryce. I hope you wılll recover and help us.


I’m just one more guy that can relate to absolutely everything said here. Seems like whenever I begin to feel normal, another downturn happens and I curl up in my chair for most of the day. I keep working out though, 5 to 6 days a week. And recently I’ve been fasting to lose the stubborn belly fat, so that screws around with how I feel as well. My kitchen counter is covered with nearly 50 bottles of various vitamins/supplements. Today I just said fuck it and took nothing. If time is a factor, at least I’m starting year 5 of my recovery after having taking Propecia for 7 years. 12 total years of hell.

I’ve lost everything. Job, Successful career, wife, kids, home, cars, friends, family and the ability to enjoy doing things I used to like doing. I don’t even wash my car anymore.

So, just like you guys, I have to keep on doing the right things one day at a time. Some day we will see justice, a cure and get a new life. Recent news says the NY courts are getting close to selecting bellweather cases. I can’t wait to hear about them in the news. Hang tough. That’s all we can do for now.

Fuck it to lost everything because of a FUCKING HAIRPILL…FUCK MERCK Fuck you… how you can dare to have a Slogan like Be Well???HOW??HELLO MERCK WAKE UP YOU HAVE KILLED ALREADY 55.000 People with Vioxx…And can somebody pleas tell me why are they still allowed to create new Drugs and sell them why???Why i dont understand this fucking System…

Dude i rather will be even death instead t live with PFS but i dont know how to kill me i am afraid…

Fuck it i am suffering so bad so bad…This Drug is the most dangerous Drug in the World…I miss my old Life and i am fucking cring right now…I dont can stand this anymore…I have destroyd everthing because of a Hairlosspill…I am already dead seriously i am dead…Fuck that that i am such a little Girl and dont have the Courage to kill myself…Does anybody know if it exists Doctors who help People to die because they are irresivible suffering??Maybe they would do that for a PFS Sufferer??

I know that in the Netherlands they have legal assisted suicide. But for PFS the medical community knows so little about it I suspect they would be hesitant to preform it. I forgot to check how long you’ve been suffering but I urge you to keep fighting. Mentally I’ve made considerable progress in 3 years off… and finally we have some hope on the horizon with major studies at major universities. Instead of taking yourself out of life because of the disease why not throw yourself up as a gueina pig for these studies?

I live in Germany and i have lost my Job so i am not able to do the simplest Things…All because Finasteride 8 Months Bedridden

I lost my career too. A very prestigious, hard to get career. I was making over $100,000 or about 85,000 euros. I lost my fiance who I credit with saving my life… she stayed with my through most my crash but eventually even she gave up and moved on. And then to top it all off as if I hadn’t been through enough already, my former employer had the NSA put a no warrant wiretap on my phone (I worked for the United States federal government) because they must have been concerned I was going to go crazy on Merck or somebody. So of course after 2 months of the wiretap which I didn’t know was there at the time… I said some angry, semi violent stuff and our police state government decided to frame me for a crime so they could “control” me. I spent a year in solitary confinement while they tried to force me to plea out to a crime I didn’t commit… just so they could put me on probation (which is another way of controlling me) finally I just gave up and plead out because the whole thing was “fixed” and the judge wouldn’t reduce my bond from $500,000 so my family could not bail me out… because the NSA was manipulating the judge too. But hey im still here and honestly even after all this I feel better than I did during the whole first year off propecia. I still have sexual and fertility issues but I’m nowhere near as depressed as I was and my insomnia and anxiety is also much reduced.

Actually I’m thinking about just leaving the United States entirely. The country is becoming a Orwellian police state like Nazi Germany (no offense). You can’t say mean violent things on the phone or Facebook even if your just blowing off steam or being sarcastic because the government has gone bat-shit crazy over terrorism and the NSA will send the FBI after you. Not too mention that American culture is just quite frankly… vulgar… I’m a 4th generation American and I know no other way of describing it. The people here are so dumb overall and our country is seriously going down the drain fast. I would gladly trade my US citizenship for EU, Canadian, or Australian citizenship… maybe one of you guys in the EU could tell me how to go about doing this… or connect me with a company that would hire a former U.S. federal agent and sponser me for a work visa. Sounds drastic but I’ve been completely betrayed by almost everyone I know in the United States.

You know i dont understand one Thing…Bin Laden has killed many People on 11.September…That was sad and Shit, so the USA responded and try to bomb all Afganistan in the Air…So Merck killed many many more People as Binladen in USA and what happend??Nothing…FUCKING NOTHING

Because when Merck kills people its not broadcast on live t.v. like 9/11 was.

I tell you now the usual Day of a Guy (me) with Full Blown PFS and why i am sick of it…

I wake up on the morning and the first Thing in my Mind is PFS.

Yes not what i should do today?? only PFS…Of course i am never refreshed after Sleep

I go to the Bathroom and dont look at the Mirror, i am shower my Body and dont look one time in the Mirror…

I try to take a Piss, but my Urine stream is like from a 120 year old.

I try to take a Shit but it is impossible some days because i am constipated constantly.

I have no Job aynmore because of PFS.

I have no Girlfriend anymore because of PFS

I have no Friends any more because of PFS, so i know i am all the day alone at Home and waiting for my Parents. (NICE WITH 29 Years old)

I dont can excersise anymore because Propecia has atrophied my Muscles and i dont even have Muscles anymore to build and fill.

I f i dare to look in the Mirror i see a ugly Piece of Shit, with Wrinkles and Fatloss like a Aidspatient in the Face.

I try not to touch my Dick because it makes me depressing how shrunken and arophied it is.

I dont can sit too long on a Chair because my Ass is hurting because of the Muscle loss.

My Bones are hurting if i try to stand up from my Bed.Because i have Boneloss.

I dont can enjoy TV anymore because, because my Vision is fucked since PFS.

I dont can enjoy Silence anymore because the Tinnitus is killing me.

I dont can enjoy Food anymore because it makes me Brainfog.

I think every Second about PFS and feel every Second like PFS.

I have nothing to do and i am like a 5 years old boy who lives at Home with his Parents, but i am feeling like a 90 year old sick Women.

My Fatigue allows me to do nothing.I am weak like a Half dead man.

I am asexual now i dont look at Girls anymore.

I am thinking every day about suicide, but then i am ashamed of myself being such a Pussy who dont have the BALLS (and i dont have Balls anymore) to do this.

And in the evening i am happy to go to sleep because this is my only Hobby and only Relief from this Mess.

Every Night i am dreaming about my old Life or how my Life would be without to be trapped in my own posioned Body.

And everything of this Things was the Opposite before PFS.NICE LIFE ISN IT???

And the Best of this Story is i have paid Money for all this Mess to happen.

Like this TOPIC say IM SICK OF IT!!!


ı destroyed my lıfe wıth 4 haır pılls. I look lıke alıen . Constant and so paınful sebhoraıc dermatıtıs. No emotıons, chıld body, dead penıs and balls, stupıd braın , half blınd eyes, half deaf ears, tınnıtus. How can a drug do thıs wıth 4 pılls man?
I do not accept a lıfe such lıke thıs. I wıll waıt studıes and then ı end my lıfe. I dont want to belıeve ım goıng to hell because my murderer ıs not me, ıts fuckıng son of a bıtch merck.
Im so sad frıends. I mean ım really so sad. I can suffer cancer wıth thıs sadness. I dont do anythıng to deserve thıs. I do not do any bad thıngs ın my lıfe. SO SAD man SO SAD. I cant thınkıng lıve lıke thıs 40 years or more. 40 years wıth pfs. I rather die only one day ınstead of dyıng everyday. Shıt man ım stıll almost a chıld . Im 21 years old man 8 years ago ı was playıng wıth my car toys man wtf how ı crush the realty of lıfe lıke thıs.

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i am sick of it that so many Gus died becuase of this Posion.

I am sick of it that we have every Week 5- 6 new Members.

It goes darker and darker with this Propecia Shit

Propecia took my soul, i’m an existing body which at this moment in life feel I have no purpose or reason to go on - but I will because i’m holding out or at least trying to make a recovery god knows how long for. Don’t even like my personality anymore I seem to be bitter about people, friends and family leading ‘normal’ lives thinking they got it easy but it is what it is…