I’m having trouble seeing a future when I can live like this. I have no libido really anymore, its gone from being overwhelming high (masturbating 3-4 times a day tbh) to being unable to get off once a day consistently.
How can I learn to live with this change? Especially when I’ve lost all my intense emotions so nothing is the same, its heartbreaking.
I think this is the worse thing that ever could have happened to me and I’m really struggling to see an end in sight. I’m scared to get worse and I don’t respond to testosterone anymore, it just makes me worse so I’m going to have to keep it to an extremely low dose which just fucks my libido.
I sleep 2 hrs a night now, I’ve developed permanent bags under my eyes. All my body hair has begun to turn white, facial hair resembles that of someone 10 years older than me, my hair has lost its blonde hue its greying at 20.
I don’t feel like a man anymore. I would like to suicide so I can escape this nightmare but I’m too afraid to do it.
My family or doctors don’t take me serious and I’m certain proviron/masteron will make my numbness issues worse when previously I had high hopes for it.
This doesn’t seem to be a lack of DHT issue otherwise why would an increase in T fuck me over and make things numb even in the presence of an AI? I also developed new veins after having a test shot that induced numbness so…
My guess is more test will just bring upon further androgen deprivation that will last for life. I’ll have to keep my TRT low but I can’t live like this much longer, I hate everything this medicine has done to me. I was already insecure about how much of a man I felt and now with this happening I feel like I’m deteriorating as a person.
I want to escape this nightmare called my life with PFS so bad