Well…I used to love getting banged up…I mean love it. Drugs…alcohol…you name it. Seeing as your just starting to heal, unfortunately you need to stay sober for as long as it takes. And then when you feel normal, stay sober another six months longer. I can partake in drinking twice maybe three times a month now. I have fun, it’s comfortable, and it feels like it used to feel, which I love. I do it socially now. But through this whole thing I’ve learned there are more important things in life then numbing yourself to the point of oblivion. I actually prefer to be sober most of the time now. I feel BETTER when i am, and better when I stay that way. This was an unintented side effect of just doing it for so long.
You need to let your brain healed. I’ve always said alot of this is brain related and I stick to that statement. Our Gaba channels were screwed up and damaged and the last thing you need to be doing is taking something that is going to retard their function even more. But yes, when I was recovering, if I were to drink and get bombed, I would have the absolute worst hangover ever known to man and be shot out for days on end. Anxious, no sleep, just horrible. I shudder at the thought. I had to swear it off for good…that is until I recovered.
I know it’s not what you want to hear, but I’m not here to blow smoke. Do yourself a favor and stay sober.