Hey cdnuts + the rest of the guys,
My T booster supplements arrived today in the mail. I’ll start them tomorrow, and I guess I’ll start with passion RX. Got other questions for cdnuts: In which order did you take the seven supplements? I’ve got Ginseng at home, should I add it to the 7 main t booster cycling? Do you think I should take them as the guy on the website says (1 per day) or start like 1 every 2 days (so cycling would take 14 days)?
Also I’d like to point out good changes for this last week (4th week since I started backloading):
1- Eversince the nightmare started, I was diagnosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. At first I didnt think it had anything to do with finasteride, but was it a coincidence that it all started around the same time? NO. So for the last week, I havent taken 1 single Protonic Pump Inhibitor pill for the reflux and guess what? It has GONE! Not 100% , but OMG!!! It was impossible for me to go through the day without P+PI but magically carb backloading did the job. I guess taking all of the carbs at night has something to do with it. I don’t know! As long as it is working! One less pill to take.
2 - My penis size is almost back to normal. Guess my T levels are going up with backloading. It still not as soft as it used to be, if i touch it, but I see it is hanging lower that the previous year. So are my testicles.
Oh, and on my previous post I mentioned that I’d buy DIM in case I’d feel too testosterone-y with the T boosters. I know I wanna feel T rageing in me, but I’ll explain my sentence. I figure if I antecipate that T is getting too high on me, I’d start blocking aromatase with DIM before it starts converting so much E, it wouldnt peak the next day, get me?
I’ll let you guys know what happens to me after I finish the fisrt week on the T boosters.