I'm cured


I’m getting alot of PM’s from people asking me what they should to in regards to their —fill in symptom here----

My answer is ALWAYS going to be the same, regardless of what your symptoms are. I took the time to come back here and give back for a variety of personal reasons. The outline In the beginning of the thread is all you need.

The bottom line is you are broken, whether mentally, or physically or a combination of both. The only way to fix yourself is to get as healthy as you possibly can. You need to give your body the conditions to let it do this. You need to supply the raw materials. How you do that is listed in this thread. Health builds upon health. It’s a slow process which you either do, or don’t. There is no “trying” this. Trying means you just didn’t do it long enough or didn’t include ALL of the components or both.

Regimen + Consistency + time = Healing.

You may be making things harder on yourself then you need to. Start the program. Change your life for the better and things will start to slowly change. How long this will take will depend upon how bad you are. It’s going to be different for everyone. It is very, very simple, but not easy.

Let’s keep this thread for specific questions regarding the program.

WOW! OH WOW!!! Cannot emphasize those wows enough!

Since my last post, I had to go away for the weekend to a friend’s farm. As I was in on a holiday I decided to disconnect a little from the internet just to relax. That’s why I’m telling you this just now: I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN!!!

CDNUTS you are an ANGEL, man! I finally feel like a man again after almost FOUR YEARS of being physically and emotionally numb!

As I told you, I partially started your protocol about three weeks ago (HIIT 3 times [4-1 6x in 30 min] a week instead of running 10km/day as I used to, Carb Backloading on the workout days Mon-fri). As I told you, I bought the T booster supplements from the US based website and they still haven’t arrived here, that’s why I havent included them to the regimen yet. BUT the new way of exercising + diet have made me FINALLY have a FULL erection last morning WITHOUT having to take a viagra Pill, and man it felt EXACTLY how it would feel before I ingested the poison called finasteride!!! That was an impossible task for me and my penis for the last 3 years and I literally watched my erection for minutes feeling like the greatest man on earth.

I don’t know! I figure the partial routine enhanced the balance of my endogenous levels of T and E. I haven’t worked out since last Thursday, so I guess the T levels dropped today and I feel a little numb again but MAN! I have the intuition that I’ll feel good to go tomorrow again after I work out today. In the farm I coulnt backload either and ate whatever was avaiable, so I guess my body was finally strting to benefit from the last 3 weeks of diet and exercising and I kind of crahsed it again after not eating properly during the weekend.

I cannot wait to be able to fast and introduce the T boosters! They will do the rest of the work in me! I am filled with new hope and trully feel I’ll be cured too!


On your comments and answers on my last post:

[i]“How is your weight? Are you holding abdominal fat deposits? If so, I’d suggest dropping some weight or fasting first before cycling for the sake of aromitization. You don’t want all that T turning into E. Also, this is where the HIIT comes into place as well. Are you sprinting?”

“Always a good idea to have an estrogen blocker on hand just in case. You see, what some people don’t like about my methods is that I do most of it by “feel” so it’s difficult to translate between individuals. I’m pretty sure you can get Chrysin from physicians formulas and DIM is from Bioresponse. They are both very good. If you are unsure of the way to use these, just use it one day out of the week to be on the safe side.”[/i]

I have always been an athlete, and even during the dark times after fin I never stopped exercising (working out, cycling and running). Today, as before, my body fat percentage stays around 10% so I guess E convertion from T isn’t such a big problem in me. But I’ll buy DIM and Chrysin too, just for the sake of it, and use them if I feel I’m too testosterone-y while cicling the T boosters in order to avoid conversion. i’ll do it just like you, take them a couple times a week.

“If you’ve read the book, then you’ll know what I mean when I say I’m doing the density bulking phase, somewhat modified, of course. I do large backloads on workout days and very small ones (100g maybe) on non workout days.”

I chose to follow the “strenght accumulation” backloading protocol, because it fits me better, somewhat modified as well (since I was eating freely during the weekends). Now you told me you’ve done it during the non workout days, I’ll try to do the same and see what happens.

I wish you well on this venture. I imagine you’ll find fasting to be a very humbling and profound experience. I’m glad that someone going into the medical field is going to have this first hand knowledge. Maybe you’ll be able to make a difference in the current failed system.

I’ve already been trying to make a difference with the medical people I’m surrounded by. I kind of made my problem public (without telling them this was happening to me, but to a cousin instead) during my dermatology and urology classes last year, classes in which professors still praise finasteride. I turned their lives into hell by stopping their lectures and telling my university collegues the story “of my cousin” . I wasnt’ashamed to think they might be thinking it’s happening to me but relieved to know I’d avoid the future doctors in my class to make the same mistakes and prescribe that shit. It felt good, and soon I got people reading about the post finasteride syndrome. If someday I can help others with the knowledge you’ve been sharing with us, the one taking all the credit will be you, be sure!

With regards to Carb Backloading. Would you do this once a week or more often? I’m currently doing it every Friday night to spike my insulin after a work-out, following a Low Carb diet for the rest of the week.

It depends on your goals. You’re better off getting the book or even getting free info from the net. It also depends on when during the day you work out. Carb back loading is all about timing your carb intake to take advantage of natural hormonal cycles.

The gist of it is to eat carbs after a heavy weight training work out. Preferably working out in the afternoon and eating carbs right up until bed. In the morning and up until your next work out you just eat anything BUT carbs. Rinse, repeat. This is a very basic explanation but the program in itself has a whole forum and website dedicated to it, so I won’t go anymore indepth then that. Not gonna reinvent the wheel here.

Remember…stay consistent. Keep it up even if you are feeling 100%…For me it is a way of life.

Hello to everyone. I’m out from this forum since a long time cause i’m geerally better ,sexually and healthy but i’m still not back to normal (but i’m going better and better).

Said this, i read this recovery story and i heart many great stories about water fast, so i’m giving a shot.
I’m on my 3th day of water fast and all i can say is that it’s f… hard.

So i’ ask you all an advise just to follow the Cdnuts’ s program …correct me if i’m wrong:

a. 14 days of water fast
b. afetr finished the water fast, stay on a good diet (vegetables fruit,raw food etc)
c.Run your cycle = 6 weeks. Do your PCT = 4wks. Run Test Boosters = 6 wks. Start over and cycle again.
d.omega3 magnesium

…ok,this is the program but i need your help to understand wich products i can buy for “cycle” ; wich one for “PCT”; and wich one for “test booster”…
I ask you this not cause I’m a lazy guy but because in Italy we dont have so much drug/integrators stores so i don’t even know what theese terms mean.

I thank you so much for the help.

I remember you from back years ago. Glad to hear your doing better. A few things:

You shouldn’t be doing a fast of two weeks on your own…

The stuff I used to cycle is not available anymore so I have nothing to compare it to that’s on the market now.

You can buy all of the Testosterone boosters from the website I listed in the outline at the beginning of the thread.

Make sure you used ALL of the vitamins listed.

And yes, water fasting is not easy. Easily one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. And I’ve done four of them.

Just got this email from the place I’ve fasted in CA three times. The one doctor there has come out with a fasting video. Maybe helpful for some of you.

healthpromoting.com/store/pr … -353294026

Wow, four fasts? You must have seen significant benefits each time to keep doing them.

I instinctually feel I need to “start over” regarding my health. A water fast at True North just seems to be an obvious first step to me now. I’m aiming for early next year go go there.

Did True North help you in other ways other than the supervised fast (nutritional education, long-term planning, counseling, etc.)???

Thank you very much for the replies…

  1. Cdnuts: You shouldn’t be doing a fast of two weeks on your own…
    Why not ? how did you do it? with a super visor? I’m doing by myself

2.When I have to take the vitamins? during the fast or after when I’ll be on my straight food regime?

Thank you again!

True North and all of their Docs are into a partial raw vegan diet. That’s what they push. If you take one look at them, you can see that they aren’t living high on the hormones. I use them for their fasting capabilities only.

I did get benefits each time, but the first time was the most profound. I wish I would have went for three weeks the first time, but I was nervous because I never fasted before, and the detox from the pharmaceuticals was horrendous.

For those interested.

facebook.com/groups/1259513 … ion=stream

Hi friends,
I took accutane a while back and had a lot of the same problems as you guys.
I just made an account to comment on cdnuts posts, which are highly inspirational.
I got kicked off crisler’s forum, as did a fair number of us, most of us had psychological issues like OCD or bipolar. Not all of our symptoms matched up.

Anyway these websites created great fear in me, and I think the worst part was the group think. I think a lot of the people on these boards are very intelligent, but they get so focused on one issue. Another thing that concerns me is the heavy focus on pills. Ultimately recovering comes down to real sacrifices, like the paleo-ish diet that I do, as well as rigorous exercise and spending money on blood tests.

The website that really has saved my life has been wellnessfx.com
It is Tim Ferriss’s project, and he is a role model to me. I realized that my cholesterol was very fucked up, and high hdl is vital to good sex. I just recently got the Omega FFA test done, and my arachidonic acid levels were low, which is a problem vegetarians usually have. I have sinced upped my animal fat. I also had fairly low EPA levels. I have started taking a Jarrow Fish oil.

I plan to get more tests done when I have the money-- and I plan to continue for as long as I live.
Another aspect people on these boards miss is insulin sensitivity. If you can’t explain it, you don’t know shit about your health.
After being on a drug that gets you out of shape, you will be fairly insulin resistant. Insulin resistance is associated with loss of libido.

Paleo diet will play a huge role in this. Eliminating sugar is important. Carb backloading is not a necessity but it is a good idea.
Tim Ferriss has a very good PAGG stack. He markets it for losing fat, but it is great for mood and sex as well.
I personally take garlic extract and drink lots of green tea.

Minimizing oxidative stress is important as well. Check examine.com for supplements/super foods that reduce oxidative stress or lipid peroxidation. If you do not know these terms, research them and familiarize yourself.

Spirulina has been a godsend for my sleep, and is very effective at reducing lipid peroxidation.

Anyway what I am saying is that it is important to expand your mind. Mostly people around here focus on hormones-- and the irony is that taking hormones will lower hdl, which is very important for nitric oxide production (and subsequently sex) peaktestosterone.com/How_To_ … evels.aspx

My apo B levels were very fucked up as well. This is a more specific part of LDL cholesterol, and more deleterious.

I realize that accepting some of this is difficult. It requires believing in the science and a long-term focus.
The attitude on these forums has been “I just took this supplement, now how hard is my dick or is it erect in the morning?”
This short term and close-mindedness harms more than it helps.

I firmly believe that everyone should have the wellnessfx baseline test done, as well as the omega panel, and others if you have the cash. I am not saying I have all the answers, I am just saying look in the other places and gain a good understanding. There is no shortage of Americans with a poor libido–it is a fast food nation. Mental health is well on the decline too. They are intertwined.

Ultimately it will require doing the things that cdnuts says, but it will put your mind at ease knowing that you are on the right course.
And to be honest, you have nothing to loose. At a minimum correcting a Fatty acid deficiency or excess will put you in a better mental state.

Anyway, I wish the best for all of you and cdnuts-- you are the man, keep up the good work.

“Once the mind has been stretched by a new idea, it will never again return to its original size.”

― Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Im afraid of becoming an annoying user on this forum. I took a dose of only 0.25 mg and nearly all side effects kicked in after the first day. Its been 25 days. First week was the hardest and I started improving after the first week. I tried to relax and all but I expected everything to go back to normal. I was studying alot and had several presentations that I had to do which I always have anxiousness from. Having 5-6 presentations (day 14 to 21) in the course of just 2 weeks, this seem to really have worsened my situation.

You can read my story in member stories section, anyway

Reading about your recovery really made me happy and gave me alot of hope. people might say dude you just took 0.25 mg nothing is gonna happen to you or not even believe me but yea, this Poison (Best explanation of this drug ever) seem to have harmed me that much.

I feel better when im having sun exposure which could be vitamin D related.

Also after eating just onion, garlic, fish oil omega 3 I feel better. I tried to do what is called a liver cleanse, eating carrots, apples, garlic, onion and after that been eating just as much fruits, veggies and natural products as possible. Also been drinking Green tea.

Today I woke up at 8 AM (woke up earlier due to insomnia) and ate cornflakes with milk for breakfast. 1 hour later I would get hungry again but I didnt eat anything for maybe 3 hours and Im feeling really good right now. Now Im eating some beetroot.

I read through all of your posts and with my condition its hard to note everything.
I weighted 60 kg before this fin dose, now I weight 57 in just 3 and 1/2 weeks which is very worrying.
I rarely exercised before, last time was light exercise maybe 4 weeks before my finasteride intake.
I started exercising every 2 days now light exercise and running.

Do you think fasting will have a positive effect on me despite feeling better when hungry?

Please help me out, dont be angry if I missed points on your previous threads. I want to just DO-IT like you said in earlier posts.

Thank you

cdnuts, randomly found a post of yours on another forum discussing the product phytoserms-347. Did you ever use it in the end?

Hi cdnuts, I started a regimen very similar to what you mention above. Since I couldn’t fast, I started with intermittent fasting (~9h eat, ~15h fast) for almost 2 months. At the same time, I cut back carbs in my diet. I only received very limited carbs from fruits and vegetables. 3~5 days a week sprinting and ~3 days a week heavy weight lifting. Took Vit D, Magnesium, and Multi Vit everyday. No coffee, tea, sugar, alcohol. I lost ~16lbs on this regimen mostly fat around my belly.

By the end of the 2nd month, I had amazing improvements in all departments. Improvements were so good that I thought I will be out of this shit in a couple of months. But then I started the carb back loading. Started to have complex carbs (potato, rice, raw honey, dates) on nights of weight-lifting days and one small carb meal at nights of no-weight-lifting days. In almost two weeks, I lost all the improvements that I had made. I don’t know what happened!!! I am back to my state before this regimen!! It seems like my body has zero tolerance to carbs. As soon as I eat something high in carbs, I feel a burning sensation in my left leg, and all other symptoms start to come back.

What do you think? Am I doing something wrong? Is it the carbs in general or I am doing something wrong in my carb back loading? I really appreciate it if you shed some light on this and let me know your thoughts.

cdnuts, which carb back loading book you are talking about? Can you refer me to the right website?

That product didn’t agree with me, and the verdict was out whether it was a type of 5arII blocker or not. I couldn’t get verification either way, so I didn’t fully run it. Took maybe a few days worth and felt “off.” That was enough for me to stop.


A few things…intermittent fasting is not fasting. Not even close.

You shouldnt’ be sprinting 3-5 days a week. If you’re doing the sprints correctly, you should only be able to take 2 sprinting sessions weekly with proper recovery.

Are you cycling T boosters?

Are you taking the proper vitamin mixture?

Are you meditating and calming your mind?

What you are doing is NOT similiar to the outlined regimine.

If you’re feeling that way after eating carbs…don’t eat them. It should be noted that I added in back loading once I was relatively healed… It is just my opinion that it should be added in with everything else I did at the time. Maybe this is an incorrect assumption. Maybe you’re still to damaged to properly digest heavy carbs. This is a real possibility. If the verdict is out and guys are feeling shitty from too many carbs too soon, then we know it’s better to wait until you are somewhat out of the woods.

That’s what this thread is for. To share knowledge. I would hope everyone trying these methods chimes in here to let the other guys know how the carbs are treating them. If they are having the same problems, then it’s going to be best to add them in at a later date, because carb back loading is fantastic…if your body can handle it.