I think PFS is an autoimmune disorder

Wtf? Are you here to get better or sit and complain about how fucked you are? Don’t care who her father is beyond that he’s famous scientist and she clearly not someone needing to make money by selling fake stories.

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Yes but I think it is an immunosuppressive

All I’m trying to tell you is that your reasoning for this woman to be remotely an authority on nutritional treatments is lousy. Also this isn’t the first time you’ve mentioned this person.

A lot of people like being in the spotlights no matter how much money they already have so that argument doesn’t hold much ground either, because they certainly have something (influence) to gain by selling you fake stories.

Yes I’m trying to get better. I hope everyone here does.
I just think it would benefit everyone in this community if people would just put a little more effort in double-checking whether their assumptions are substanciated, instead of assuming they are true because a girl with a famous dad said something.

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Relax man no one is claiming carnivore is the best way of eating in the world for everyone and that anyone is the absolute authority on how everyone should eat. Just informing that carnivore is tremendous for autoimmune problems as demonstrated by the story of Michaela Peterson and many others. Sorry if you are a vegetarian or something and it’s abhorrent to you for semi-religious reasons. The facts are the facts, though. Most autoimmune issues are influenced by diet and carnivore addresses that completely.


I tried cyclosporine 50, 100, 200 mg … didn’t do a shit, except cold or skin rash, ok it was powder from China lab so it was very likely to be fake. I’m writing this and it’s so crazy.

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In July 2017, Prof. Roberto Cosimo Melcangi and his UniMi team published Phase I of their research, an article in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology entitled Neuroactive Steroid Levels and Psychiatric and Andrological Features in Post Patients -finasteride.
According to this study, patients with PFS suffer from altered levels of critical regulators of brain function, such as neuroactive steroids. The research also found evidence of pudendal nerve neuropathy among those with severe erectile dysfunction.

Nineteen months later, this time in collaboration with the Cajal Institute and the Carlos III Health Institute, both in Madrid, Prof. Melcangi’s team published Phase II of his research, an article on Psychoneuroendocrinology entitled Treatment of male rats with finasteride, an inhibitor of the enzyme 5alpha-reductase, induces long-lasting effects on depressive behaviors, hippocampal neurogenesis, neuroinflammation and composition of the intestinal microbiota.
“Finasteride treatment causes several changes in the hippocampus,” the section of the brain responsible for long-term memory processing and emotional responses, the study demonstrated. It also showed evidence of (i) long-term depressive behavior, (ii) changes in neurogenesis, gliosis and increased levels of inflammatory cytokines in the hippocampus and (iii) changes in the composition of the gut microbiota that was present one month after the discontinuation of subchronic treatment of young male rats with finasteride.

And in July of this year, the team released Phase III, designed to “study whether epigenetic changes occur in patients with PFS” and which has successfully demonstrated epigenetic changes in patients with PFS.


Entitled “Alteration of the methylation model of the SRD5A2 gene in the cerebrospinal fluid of post-finasteride patients”, the pilot study was published in Endocrine Connections. His most notable finding: “The SRD5A2 promoter was more frequently methylated in the CSF of patients with PFS than the controls (56.3 versus 7.7%).” As Melcangi explained, methylation of the SRD5A2 promoter could cause some of the persistent side effects in patients with PFS.

I think spf is a big problem of the sistem nervous.
I think spf is a big problem of microbiota.

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Sun Protection Factor

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Xorack how long did you take it for

How long did you take it for

Stop twisting my words.
Stop attaching fictional agendas to my reasons for going against your statements.
I am not a vegetarian nor am I religious. These are points you bring up out of nowhere and I feel I shouldn’t even adress these.

I have family members who died or are greatly suffering from auto-immune problems/diseases and carnivore diets did not cure them. I will not stand for someone making grand claims of the contrary when the reality is that you are spreading misinformation and that your claims are void of any substance.
In my opinion, spreading falsehoods as facts contributes to damaging the integrity and validity of this entire community, and thus our condition.

I explained to you why your source of information is not a valid one.

Reconsider the integrity of your statements before posting them and stop spreading misinformation.

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Spf is from Italian, “Sindrome Post Finasteride”.


Where did I say that carnivore cures auto-immune disease and what misinformation did I spread?


I really don’t remember how long, … maybe 2 months or 3. I tried so many stuffs I’m lost.

Another argument suporting that pfs is an autoinmune disease is that, many people feel better the day after getting drunk, myself included.
On the other hand, i suffered of alopecia areata. This was very hard after the crash. I started taking cortisone and it improved 100%, together with pfs symptons.

Now, many years after cessation, my pfs simptons are getting worse little by little, specially depresion, motivation and sexual desire. Physical simptons are not a problem for me now.

The importsnt thing is that the day after getting drunk, i can see that my alopecia areata starts atracking again with little spots around my beard, but always get better inmediatly. Alopecia areata is 100% autoinmune disease, and u can see how it changes just on the very same moment that the pfs simponts improves.
This is not a cooncidence for sure.


SP caused scalp acne in my case. Whenever I increase T levels it returns.

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What was your unofficial diagnosis?

I also get the spots, folliculitis when t is pushed upwards


Technically when you drink it should increase the activity of some neurosteroids in particular allopregnonalone so it may be for this that you are better.
I am 11 months that I suffer physical problems such as pain in the muscles or the crackling of the joints have diminished what does not go away are the problems with the nerves especially those of the butt I think I have problems with pudendal or even.
The penis has returned to its past size and also the testicles. I think that as melcangi says the key if not total is allo. The thing that angers me the most is that at 35 years of age being a father and therefore not having more than 20 years of age I have to be told by the medical class that I am anxious and that they are only psychological problems. All this is unacceptable. Maybe if he recognized the real problem that is certainly at the level of the nervous system they could already give us some drug that they use for multiple sclerosis this is just my hypothesis for example. If I need Cialis 2.5 to have sex with my wife, I take it and Amen now I know it is so and I take note of the thing that I do not digest and having to live with the pain in the nerves of the ass. Yet it is established that finasteride inhibits the conversion from progesterone to allopregnanolone and yet the medical class fucks it. In Italy, melcangi has done studies that show inflammation in the brain of the celebrospinal fluid and the deficiency of allopregnanolone in the gut microbiome, which is completely altered. What should we ever wait for effective help I don’t say to heal 100% but to have a life-long therapy to take that makes us feel a little better than we live


He believed I had some sort of genetic mutation which affected my immune system and caused me to get fevers that would pop up every 2 months or so on the dot. But this was in 2011/12 and he said there was no way to test for it. He only prescribed colchicine to see if that would help. The fever stuff only stopped after I got my vitamin D levels in range

Did you read about the spots and alopeacia sreata? It is clearly an autoinmune affect, so i believe the same on pfs effects.

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