I think PFS is an autoimmune disorder

Arghh the depression part is grueling and exhausting. There’re some scientific articles suggesting that anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) may help curb inflammatory markers. I’ve used Celebrex in 2013 for nagging shoulder tendonitis but I can’t remember how it made me feel. Vitamin C (being anti-inflammatory) helps in my case albeit temporarily.

Anyone had luck with NSAIDs?

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Where did I say that carnivore cures auto-immune disease and what misinformation did I spread?

The facts are the facts, though. Most autoimmune issues are influenced by diet and carnivore addresses that completely.

You did in your previous post in this thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

And in an earlier one:

Why isn’t everyone here who thinks it is autoimmune related doing a carnivore diet? Why wonder? Just do carnivore diet.

This comment is built on the conviction that carnivore diet apparently is the logical approach to auto immune problems in general, you casually present this in a way as if it is established knowledge or common sense. Which it isn’t.

Did you literally say ‘carnivore diet will cure all auto immune problems’ with those exact words? No, but it would obviously be a bit of a dodgy game of semantics, because you did imply it twice in this thread.

But look, I’m not conducting a witch hunt here.

My point is:
If people on this forum continue this behavior where they casually present what are really just hypotheses as established facts all the time, then someone browsing these pages will eventually decide to act based on these unsubstanciated convictions and potentially hurt themselves. In this particular case; deprive themselves of many essential nutrients by following a heavily unbalanced and incomplete diet.

That’s all.

I’m not going to drag this out any longer.

As in update to my earlier input on this thread. I’ve now noticed since I went into weekly home injections (because of covid) that my PFS symptoms actually abate to a degree for upto 1 day which does actually suggest the immune system plays a part in PFS, the drug I take is tocilizumab which knocks out the t cells.


how much symptoms abate from 1 to 10 ?

I have extreme symptoms constantly all remain but they drop back to a bearable level for approx 1 day. I get better sleep on the night after the injection. From a norm of 2 hours with nightmares to 4 or 5 broken with happy dreams. . My skin isn’t burning but remains very dry and the anxiety feels liveable. Then it falls back

PFS being auto immune auto hemotherapy injections would help and very


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I took cipro for 3 days and it made my libido as pre-pfs. What causing this?

Likely a shift in microbiome. Antibiotics are crapshoot. Each antibiotic is effective against certain group of bacteria and ineffective for others. It could be that you had overabundance of certain phyla, genus, or species and cipro, which is a broad spectrum antibiotic especially for gram-negative bacteria, eliminated/reduced those and allowed for more microbiome balance. This is case-sensitive since none of us have the same microbiome profile.

This further fortifies my hypothesis that microbiota is among the key players in PFS and other syndromes.

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So only way to treat probiotic pills?

Individual probiotics can have their own antibiotic effect. For example, L. Reuteri species releases a certain chemical so-called reuterin, which works as antibiotic against foe species. That’s one reason why some probiotics may cause initial herx reactions. Cipro having this effect is a sign that microbiome dysfunction may be your culprit. Believe it or not, I was able to alter my hormones and neurotransmitters (including dopamine and serotonin) levels through experimenting with probiotics.

What did you take cipro for anyway?

I have both swollen lymph nodes and elevated WBC (High TPO, High Lymphocytes in blood work and Leukocuytes in urine test) but the Endo diagnosed hypothyroid only and does not consider any connection with Finasteride especially if discontinued.
This article is interesting yet concerning.

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Have you been able to find a probitoic that you currently take regularly?
I’ve seen benefits early on using them, then I lose them quickly. Lactobacillus strains seem to be Problematic. Hard to find an inexpensive, shelf stable , all bactobacillus strain.

Among the great probiotics in my first-hand experience has been lactobacillus plantarum PS128. This single strain appears to work as a psychobiotic via raising dopamine. I sense a feeling of motivation when
I take it.

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Great , how does it help your digestion?
You say “when you’re taking it” does that mean it is not regularly?

Can anyone please give a reason as to why we don’t respond to androgens (holy grail I know) After scanning all forums for years and years and speaking with tons of people, I cannot even begin to understand this. I appreciate axolotols work but I don’t agree with his theory. How symptoms could occur upon cessation is mind boggling. People who say we have brain damage…you can give androgens to people with profound brain damage and they’ll still work. I’m a betting man and have lost but have also won and I’d go all in this is autoimmunity.

Who knows maybe it’s against some stupid small protein or enzyme downstream from the receptor? Against the receptor itself? Something small and stupid. Thanks for reading my vent.


Or how when people are sick they feel much better…body not attacking itself?

I got covid last month and i felt way way worse. I have severe physical and mental symptoms of pfs. I don’t think androgen receptors has anything to do with immunity. Just my personal experience and opinion.

Getting or feeling sick can also be a defense mechanism.
For some reason I think I would love to have a fever right now.
I want to feel heat.

Yes, maybe an autoimmune response is involved in when it always automatically reverses when there is the slightest positive reaction to something for half an hour or so. However I think it’s mainly epigenetics, as this study (and graph) proposes that neurosteroids and other things cause epigenetic regulation via histone acetylation and methylation and so on:

However that is actually not a dead-end, as like in the original cause, histone acetylation can be influenced. (Be it by more natural adaptations, or HDAC inhibitors, HAT inhibitors, methylation modulators.)

I’m sorry you feel that way man it’s sucks, but I can assure u androgen receptors play a massive role in immunity