I think PFS is an autoimmune disorder

There’s a guy on YouTube who’s a biohacker Josiah Zayner he explains it in one of his videos that’s what threw me off of the thought of using stem cell.

I’m pretty sure that Tribulus Terrestris triggered an autoimmune disease in my body. Do you know what kind of marker I should check in my blood work?

I think spf is a big problem of sistem nervous. There isn’t a allo it a big problem.

C-Reactive Protein (CRP)

Right, I also believe its a problem of the central nervous system.
Might be due to (permanent) hormonal changes and or damaged neurotransmitters.

However I do believe this most likely occurs in people that are prone to autoimmune disorders.

The thing is not everyone here has an autoimmune disorder. Or maybe they are unaware they do? I have an unofficially diagnosed one from a rheumatologist

If it is autoimmune would Hydrochlo… the one Trump was pushing for Coronavirus work? As that was meant to treat auto immune disorders?

I take a powerful biological drug for rheumatoid arthritis. A stopped taking it for a full year then restarted. No change in symptoms or activity. My rheum Proff advised it’s the best drug on the market for auto immune. Though it sums down the t cells Though PFS could get its power from another immune pathway.

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It’s a medicine for the prevention of and treatment of malaria.

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I was prescribed it fro my rheum in the 90s

Yes, i see here many people with autoinmune disorders, much more % than in a random sample. Also, I think there are many people with autoinmune problems but they are not aware of.
So, i do think is highly related.

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Why isn’t everyone here who thinks it is autoimmune related doing a carnivore diet? Why wonder? Just do carnivore diet.

I for one think it is autoimmune related, and perhaps pure autoimmune but those are my thoughts. But doing a carnivore diet may work for a type of autoimmunity but there’s so many different kinds. Just like there are different medications for different autoimmune diseases. “Autoimmune” treatment is in its absolute prehistoric stages more so than psychiatry so analyze everything and don’t take much for face value


What does a carnivore diet have to do with autoimmunity?

Daughter of the former directory of psychology department at Harvard University: https://youtu.be/58DMzrONyNk

I’m also of the opinion that there’s an autoimmunity component involved. Autoimmunity of all kinds causes immune system activation leading to release of inflammatory cytokines and inflammation. The body fights back via elevating HPA (stress hormones). Inflammation can also be a result of injuries, sickness, allergy, gut dysbiosis and emtional traumas.

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Ive had rheumatoid from age 14. It took nigh on 2 years to get a proper diagnosis. My body/immune system was reacting to many things. Some you’d never expect. Looking back unchecked there were a number of similarities except for the mental and masculinity sides. Real time reactions to foods was very similar. There could be a link which would be only part of the jigsaw.

deep sigh
Please keep your Jordan Peterson fanboyism to yourself.

Has it occurred to you that having a psychologist as a dad doesn’t make her an authority on nutritional science in the slightest?

Carnivore diet is a fad diet. Paleo is a fad diet. Keto is a fad diet. JP is a poet conservative.
There is no scientific reason for health benefits behind these diets no matter how many PhD’s her daddy got.

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Does Jordan still being treated in Russia?

When I was taking SP I had severe scalp acne. I have heard other few had the same…I then was subscribed accutane by two dermatologists -professors- one in Turkey and another one in the UK and after my doctor sister urged me to take it I accepted taking accutane as I was afraid of having bald patches (scalp acne destroys follicules) at a low dose, kind of felt something bad would happen.

I now think scalp acne was possibly an AI response to SP - I have AI disorder history in the family too.
Still at times when I feel have high T scalp acne comes back. A dermatologist prof later confirmed it is mostly high T that causes scalp acne but the damage is done already.

I too believe AI response is part of the puzzle…

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