I think I have the same thing that Konflict did... Is this the end?

hey man trying sleeping or laying down on a hard surface.

to me this helps a lot with lower back pain, which i had even before taking fin.

if my back starts hurting i usually sleep on the floor or a much firmer mattress and it ends up passing in a week at most

Thanks. I’ll try it.

I can’t wait for my hormone tests to come out to shed some answers.

Trust me man you should really try it.

It has done wonders for me and helps me sleep too

For the record, my back pain was greatly exacerbated by my abysmally LOW Vitamin-D levels (46.5 nmol/L with a low threshold of 75).

I could no longer do squats, ride bicycle, motorbike, in the mornings I would wake up with back pain so bad I couldn’t even wash my teeth over the sink or discs in my back would literally skip (brutal sharp pain which I hope you don’t experience).

I’ve been taking 4000-6000 IU for several weeks now and my back pain is almost a thing of the past… only thing I noticed is my nipples have gotten a bit more puffy, so my Free T & Estrogen have probably increased from it. Mood is also better on average.

Pretty crazy how different everyone reacts to things.

Vitamin D supplements make me feel worse.

I think I’m fucked if my vitamin D is low.

Do you have any other symptoms?

Hi, everyone.

I got my bloodtest back, and my Vitamin D levels are okay 32 (Optimal Range >= 30). I’m assuming the 3 months where I only took a couple of vitamin D supplements brought my levels down to 32. It probably was in the 50s back in March.

However, my liver enzymes are rising again. It’s now at 92.
96 - April 17
68 - April 22
92 - June 3

I am speaking to my doctor about this. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this increase? Fuck, I hope I don’t have liver failure.

Another useless meeting with my doctor.
He said everything is fine and to lose some weight.

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Damn what a lousy answer from your doc.

These doctors get paid and always tell you shits fine just give it time, while you’re knowing something isnt right.

I’m meeting an endo soon. Hope to get a hormonal test, but after that, I think I’m done with doctors.

me too man. Im finally feeling a bit better today, fuck last weeks have been like hell.

Glad to see you recovering.

It’s still early days for us. Hope that we continue to get better.

where else did you see someone had vitamin D problems? i also have long suspected i have issues with taking vitamin D and i have never said anyone else mention anything about it until now i randomly saw this.

also, i will tell you right now man, porn, masturbation, it is the devil with pfs, do not do it, do not use it at all. i dont care if you did it 100x before propecia and it wasnt a problem, do not do it with it, everytime you do it, it is just making it worse, i saw you mention it above.

Some members got worse with vitamin d supplementation.

Doomed90 had a problem with low estrogen caused by high vitamin d levels.
Others like demon developed joint problems.

It’s different for everyone. Some people do well on it. Some people get worse on it.

Oh, did he test his estrogen? I feel like high estrogen or estradiol is a staple of pfs

Yes. IIRC, doomed90 had high estrogen at first. He supplemented vitamin D for months, and his estrogen went below normal range. He said he developed problems from low estrogen.

Are you able to take vitamine D now? And sunbathing? Thanks! @WorriedGuy123

I remember when I stupidly went too hard on vitD
One day I took 5000iu
Took a nap
Woke up with the MOTHER of all headaches/mingraibnes

It was SO bad

I’ll always wonder if I did permanent damage that day because I haven’t felt the same since
Libido was and sexually

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Yep. Have no issues with vitamins and supplements now. Digestion improved massively.
Overall, my body has reached some level of consistency with my symptoms. In the beginning, I’d have waves of bad symptoms (Back pain, stomach pain, acid reflux, joint pain, bone pain, etc.) hitting me all at once; then those symptoms would temporarily go away before coming back.

Now, the wave of bad symptoms are gone. All that’s left are a few relatively “minor” issues such as slightly lower libido, very slight insomnia and a few other things that are more annoying than life-altering. Have some faith that things will improve for you. It’s been 3 years since this issue started for me and I’m still seeing improvements.


Personally have found only negative impacts from taking Vitamin D supplements. Same thing whether tablet or liquid form.

Sunbathing brings general improvements, though. No unwanted effects. I am careful to shield skin on face because it is ultra-sensitive.

When sunbathing, I just get enough to feel good - not burning or anything.

I try to improve vitamin D intake through eating oily fish often, also. Eggs and mushrooms are other food sources.


Stay the absolute fuck away from vit D supplements

Luckily the sun doesn’t seem to crash me either