I think I have the same thing that Konflict did... Is this the end?

Did you improve at all from the Vit d supplementation

If you’ve stated yes or no before I apologize I’m reading so many different posts?
For myself I’ll never know if I permanent damage or if I was just getting worse anyway

Wish I had never taken so much

Hey sorry i never took vit d I just know it has really messed some people up. Ppl have recovered after taking it tho

I do not agree with this advice. I think everyone’s reaction to supplements is different.

For me, I believe Vitamin D was absolutely essential to eliminating my joint and back pain.

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Yes. I believe I had some severe Vitamin D deficiency. I was suffering from back pain and joint pain.

I took 2000 iu Vitamin D3 + K2 and the joint and back pain are now completely gone.
I notice that if I skip vitamin D doses for a prolonged period of time, the joint pain comes back slightly. I think I am still Vitamin D deficient, just not as much as before.

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I should have worded it differently. There is no doubt tho that vit D has severely damaged many members. It even drove user Damon to commit suicide I believe. He crashed and his body and mind fell apart. As with any supplement start very small .microdose and see how your body responds . My perceived over reactions are from my own learned experience and how I know if you play around with supps you can send your mind and body into hell you. So I will always preach avoidance or at the very least extreme precaution when taking any substance. This disease can eat you alive if you’re not careful.

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I am glad however to hear that it is helping you. Again we never know what helps some may destroy someone else. Its a Russian roulette. But glad your pains have cleared up

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Over a decade ago with pfs I was only slightly sensitive and some things actually helped unfortunately years later I react severely to almost everything so can relate to both sides. It’s certainly not a one shoe fits all.

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Oh trust me I’m so MFing angry at myself for going so hard on the VIT D

Woke up with the mother of all headaches or migraines and I feel I haven’t been the same libido wise since

No I fear I will never recover
God damn it

Like who the fuck doctor do I explain that too where they’ll understand and even help with it
The answer is probably no one
And I did it too myself AGAIN because I got too overzealous god damn it

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We are beyond the comprehension of modern medicine. I’d almost not blame them for being ignorant but then again I’ve had so many Dr’s not even give a fuck or they think I’m making it all up. My current Dr straight up wrote that I’m a hypochondriac on my disability form. This is after shes seen me suffer so much physical and mental pain to the point she had me police escorted to the hospital because she was afraid i was going to kill myself. That was years ago and im far worse now than i was then. But She’s just fed up with my roller coaster of symptoms. not nearly as much as I am tho. I genuinely feel like they dislike me there or think I’m some nut case but when things get so fucking unmanageable I don’t know what to do but ask for help. At this point tho I’d almost rather suffer in silence than go back there’s nothing they can do for me anyway.

But Don’t beat yourself up tho man. If I did for everything I’ve done to make myself unintentionally worse Id be beating the shit out of myself all day. This disease does that enough to us.


Fair enough.

There’s also the other side that doing nothing can make your health worse. My joint pain were getting worse by the month. Even walking was somewhat painful to my knees.

Today, I can run for 30+ minutes on hard ground and not feel any pain.

There was no way I would’ve improved just waiting around. I was only getting worse as my body needed vitamin D.

I think the suggestion to new sufferers is that there is no suggestion. Even suggesting to do nothing can be dangerous to some people as much as recommending a supplement.

Sorry, guys. I do wish you all the best, but you’re on your own. What works for me is not necessarily what works for others.

I think many of us who get hit hard by some supplements like vitamin D is down to our immune systems.

For example vitamin D worked wonders for me until I took Tribulus. Tribulus messed me up further, it seems to have increased receptor density which now causes me to get an abnormal immune response to stimuli from stuff like vitamin D

I would love to take vitamin D daily because it helps with muscle gain and penal shrinkage for me but by day 5 I get widespread inflammation. I have tried lowish dose three times over last year and keeps happening roughly by day 5 which I then stop supplementing and last time I did get bad headache too after waking up from afternoon nap.

I have had one trip to an endocrinologist and a second one to same one coming up soon but after what I described to him he said I would need high dose hydrocortisone to combat it.

He didn’t say he would prescribe, he was talking about prescribing low dose for food sensitivities and adrenal fatigue so I asked him would that solve the inflammatory response to Vitamin D and he said no; I would need 3 to 4 times the dose.

For me anyway, my immune system is a big piece of the jigsaw and I suspect likewise for many others too


Oh I’m made at myself because I knew better to go and take so much at one time
5000 IU

I should eased into it and so how I felt
But no I had to push it as I do with everything
Character flaw

I’ve done just about everything I could to instigate it
Ignoring certain foods etc

This one I can’t believe I did that to myself
Maybe if I would’ve been extremely conservative with what went into my body I wouldn’t be as bad as a I am right now
God damn it

How do you tolerate the sun?

Tolerate the sun fine

Interesting that it was the opposite for me.

Vitamin D used to cause me tons of problems. I’d get heart palpitations, unquenchable thirst, worse insomnia, ball pain, stomach pain, and a whole bunch of things I can’t think of off the top of my head.

Now I get none of that.

Likewise, the sun is fine with me even when on holidays in Spain in scorching heat.

I suspect the reason I don’t get an adverse reaction is because the sun’s uv rays are immunosuppressive.

I am thinking about doing low dose Vtiamin D three days on and three days off hoping my body will learn to tolerate it eventually

Tribulus contains protodioscin which can increase receptor density and change the immuno reaction, and ever since taking two tribulus capsules my body is so bloody sensitive to literally anything

There is an Italian chap on this forum who took Tribulus and then his Endo prescribed him testosterone and it really f**ked him up

That would happen to me also if I did testo treatment because I know I now have a condition which causes an abnormal immune response to stimuli

It’s mad how just two supplement tablets can screw some of us over

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Wish you all the best, brother. I empathize with you, because 3 years ago, I was also in a disastrous state. I don’t wish this on anyone, even my enemies.

My advice is still the same to new people - there is no advice, and you are truly on your own. We will be there for emotional support, especially since the general population don’t know we exist and downplay our symptoms. In terms of health advice, you’ll have to make a decision and no one will know how you will react. You may improve or crash even harder. It’s not a good choice, and it truly sucks, but that’s the best anyone can tell you. And not making a choice is also a choice, because doing nothing can make your symptoms worse.

I’m sorry if I sound harsh. But I feel I need to be honest to new people. Hope you all make the best decision for yourselves.