I don’t follow any specific diet. Particularly because of lack of discipline.
I do however count my calories and try to eat about 2000 calories or less per day. (I’m about 15 lbs overweight).
I also try to restrict my eating time, so intermittent fasting. I usually skip breakfast and have a light lunch/heavy dinner or vice-versa. I try not to eat at night, just because I feel better generally and can sleep better on an empty stomach (as long as I’m not feeling hungry).
However, these are not things I do because I have some theory behind them. It’s just over the years, I found my body appreciates these eating habits more.
I try to generally eat healthy. Limit sugars & carbs. But often times, I will eat whatever. I haven’t really noticed a correlation between my diet and my symptoms. However, this is just anectodal.
Things I avoid are all forms of caffeine, alcohol, weed, and tobacco.
I stopped these, again, not because I have a specific theory that caffeine is bad for PFS or something. Around the time of my colitis flare-up, I noticed caffeine was giving me pretty bad anxiety and sometimes, tachycardia (racing heart). I’ve since then drank caffeine occassionaly without much harm. I’ll also drink decaf coffee every once in a while. But my body seems to have a weird reaction to the bitterness of coffee. Again, nothing scientific here. Just, over the years, trial and error seeing what my body likes & doesn’t like.
I blame alcohol for my colitis. Maybe PFS gave way for it to manifest, but when I started drinking alcohol more often, that’s when I started having worse digestion. I also seem to have worse ED, and insomnia when I drink. It was mainly the insomnia that made me stop though. When I drink alcohol, I can’t sleep good for a good couple of days.
Similar with weed. I used to smoke weed. However, it would make it really hard for me to sleep, contrary to what others usually experience. With that said, I was always susceptible to that and also anxiety attacks when smoking weed even before PFS.
I would recommend lifting weights if your body tolerates it. Some people have adverse reaction to intense workouts, but others can do it no problemo. If you’re in the latter, I would highly recommend you to go for it. If you’re in the former, then take it easy and do some mild workouts and go for walks.
The supplements I take are Magnesium. I don’t know if it was placebo, but I found it generally makes me feel a little better. I’ve also occasionally used melatonin with some success for my insomnia.
This week, I started supplementing VitD3 (witk K2) and Iron. I had labwork that showed I was deficient in both. However, I’ve given the VitD a break because my joints are popping more often than before. I’m still taking the Iron so hopefully I don’t have any adverse effects with that.
Supplements I’m considering are L-Theanine, GABA, Bacopa Monnieri, and some other things, but I’m very hesitant. Like I said it seems everyone that got worse here, got so because of trying random supplements.
However, I have not heard anyone get worse through lifestyle changes like diets and exercise.