I am on proviron 200mg/day for 9 days

Since it’s been so long and so many things, I’m just copying another poster’s (Pal) list whose experience and experiments are most similar to mine and removing the stuff I haven’t tried:

Testosterone therapy:

  • HCG monotherapy
  • HCG + injections.
  • Just injections both subq and IM with and without aromatase inhibitor.
  • The esters cypionate and enanthate
  • SERM monotherapy (clomiphene and tamoxifen)
  • AI monotherapy.
  • I’ve gone through PowerPCT.
  • Currently trying Proviron (obviously).


  • dermatological application of progesterone.
  • DHEA (orally).
  • Pregnenolone (just orally).


  • 5-MTHF
  • B-methyl complex.


  • Tribulus
  • Ginko Bilboa
  • Maca
  • Korean ginseng
  • Fenugreek
  • Boron
  • D-Aspartic Acid
  • ZMA
  • Ginger
  • Olive oil (2 tbsp)
  • Tongkat ali


  • Taurine
  • Various vitamins
  • Ashwagandha
  • Resveratrol
  • l-Aringine + l-citrulline
  • Viagra
  • Rhodiola rosea
  • Alpha-GPC
  • Various probiotics
  • Curcumin

Exercise: resistance training, endurance training, etc.

Diet: No gluten/dairy, fasting (long and IM), low carb/ketogenic.


Interesting. What PFS side effects do you still experience?

Too many to name off top of my head, but the main ones are:

Extreme Fatigue
Severe Muscle Loss
Low Libido
Gyno (or pseudo gyno)
Digestive problems (slow, bloating)
Anhedonia (lack of emotions)
Low body temp
Drier, paler, sun-sensitive skin
Lack of male BO
Brain fog / ST memory problems
Penile tissue changes


All that multitude of stuff is eyebrow-raising! I salute your perseverance bro. I’ve had my fair share of trail and fail too. I see you’re primarily focusing on hormones manipulation (except maybe for curcumin, diet & probiotics).

Did you try to look elsewhere? Immune system disorder is a likelihood. My longstanding issues with low DHEA-s, low E2 and low body temperature and trying everything under the bright sun to raise them is such a unique case. In recent months, I shifted more attention toward reducing systemic inflammation, healing the gut and adrenals and BOOM both E2 and DHEA-s have been climbing up in a timely manner. Body temperature followed suit. This never happened in years. Yet again correlation isn’t necessarily a causation but the time frame of the two events is hard to neglect. Maybe getting comphenesive tests to rule out any hidden infection(s) and allergies is a smart move to do at this point. Believe it or not, 70% or so I heard, of our immune system lies in the gut. So it’s a good place to start. Godspeed


It’s almost funny you mention the gut needing a fix. When this all broke out a lifetime ago, I think my gut was the 2nd major symptom that caused me to seek medical help (the first one was fatigue/libido). You know what the fucking gastroenterologist said to me? “Welcome to your 30’s…try to avoid anything acidic, spicy, or greasy. Here are some proton pump inhibitors for your reflux” (which was really bad at the time). Colonoscopy came back clean, so it was end of story for him.

Since then, I had all kinds of blood tests for hidden infections, etc. The one thing that was elevated in the beginning was an Epstein Barr titer (indicating recent mono, which I didn’t recall ever having). That was brushed off and no other doctor ever mentioned it again.

I also did do a ton of research on anti-inflammatory diet, adrenal fatigue and employed everything that a naturopath/functional medicine doctor would do. Didn’t do squat for me, but I do still mostly eat that way. Yes, this has been a horrible, long-ass nightmare.


@Renegade So how are you feeling? Any changes after you increased your dose?

Like crap today. Don’t know if it’s from weening off the Wellbutrin or the same sort of lack of sleep I got when I first started and increased it the last time (assuming it’s real Proviron).

This crap feeling hit me last Friday, so I resumed taking Wellbutrin Sat & Sun in order to finish a research paper (which helped a LOT), so I don’t really know if it’s the Proviron or going back to a non-Wellbutrin PFS state.

Either way, I do remember Yedek saying that Wellbutrin helped him feel better during his short Proviron trial. I actually wanted to come off of WB during all this in case it hindered the Proviron from doing it’s thing. But that may turn out to be impossible with work and school.


I’m actually trying to find a legit source of Proviron (US resident) as the original poster and I (pal, I believe) are identical in issues, development, and age. If you can DM me your source once you’ve finished your run, I’d sincerely appreciate it. You have my thanks for even trying this proposed treatment out. I truly hope it works.

This must have totally destroyed your hair, no?

Who cares


What have you done to try and recover?

Bayer discontinued it. I have like 15 packs lying around :joy:Pay me :money_mouth_face:

No dude. The goal is to do what Pal did. For guys who have damaged receptors (aka real pfs), we don’t have a whole lot of options. We don’t respond to hormones like you guys do.


There’re crucial guidelines to using exogenous hormones. Getting a proper bloodwork to establish a baseline is a good starting point. Pal’s story is shady at best and I personally wouldn’t risk further damage with mega dosing on DHT-like substance that’s only supported by one hypothetical theory. It’s best to practice caution before jumping the gun. Again, I can’t see Proviron being a universal solution since it’s mode of action had been documented over the years. It may help raise FT via high affinity to SHBG and also acts as antagonistic to estrogen via competition at receptors level. Proceed with caution :+1:t2:

So did you try proviron then?

@Renegade How are you feeling bro?

I’m feeling pretty good still. Haven’t had any more bad days yet, although I’m still on a low dose of Wellbutrin (100mg), which I think is playing a role in preventing the crashed feeling. I can definitely feel, and my bloodwork confirms, the higher free testosterone.

And there are modest improvements in just about all androgenic areas. But I’m still wondering if I’m responding like I should and the Wellbutrin is just keeping the shitty feeling at bay? (WB has worked really well for my chronic fatigue - not supercharged, but prevents those really bad days where I could barely move). Also, why is it taking such a high dose (150mg) of Proviron to get only a modest androgenic improvement?

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What’s shady about it? You might be missing the point with the Proviron, it’s a short-term means to the long-term end of reversing what finasteride did to us. The idea behind it is certainly a lot more substantive than the typical fair here of popping herbs that the internet said “boost libido”, speculations that autoimmunity might be involved, or the gut, or muscles in the pelvis, etc none of which have had any follow through despite never-ending talk for 15 years.


Guy’s that do this proviron thing please avoid the noise. Thanks and goodluck.


Positive. 25mg, 50 and occasionally 75mg a day back in 2013 and 2016. It was my go-to drug for boosting libido. As I said before, I had normal T, high(ish) E2 and SHBG around 40 back then. I trialled 25mg during my desperate times in 2017 and 2018 and felt crappy and it killed libido (what’s left of it anyway) but then my E2 was also super low.

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