I am on proviron 200mg/day for 9 days

I am on proviron 200mg/day for 9 days. First 3 days was hell. Then i added bupropion. All is well now. But i am afraid while i read atrophy vs. Can anybody give me some courage about proviron ? I need it.


Proviron may atrophy your testicles because you are suppressing your own bodies testosterone. Low doses supposedly won’t suppress you, but yours is large enough to cause suppression. This usually goes away and size comes back after time, but we aren’t usual patients so there is no guarantee.


is there a warranty for normal people ?

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I don’t have any medical advice to give you. But as for encouragement, you have already started let’s complete the course man. Best of luck.

I would say (this is not medical opinion) you should exercise hard. If you arent sure where to start in this lockdown, look up athleanx home workout video if you dont have experience creating your own workout.


Sorry can I ask are you taking these by tablet or injection?



oh thats brilliant - I am terrified of injections :wink:

Please keep us updated with how you get on


it is available in my country. it is Turkey. i am going to pharmacy and i get it.


One slight warning maybe a bit late but be careful experimenting during this period. If something unexpected happens it will be difficult to see a doctor at these times…

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How was it hellish yedek

depression , anhedonia, anxiety, obsession and headache

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Did you not have all this before too? I mean the anhedonia part, for me it is already complete. Cant get worse.
So you felt it getting worse?

yes it be worse

Make sure you’re going on long walks, meditating, exercising (uphill sprints, diamond pushups, jumping jacks, body squats, mountain climbers, situps…) Should help you


Absolutely, Do not use it on that dose more than 2-3 months. Bupropion is good for energy and libido but not good for ED be careful.
I also planned to do it sometime after my dostinex trial. Good luck and keep us updated please.

Maybe to be a little safer…

Without sustained cholesterol friendly diet habits and cardio exercise while you’re using Proviron, it does pose a very high risk in this area so anyone wanting to use Proviron absolutely must formulate a plan to help maintain healthy cholesterol for the duration of the cycle.

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Given that this is his first trial and will not be on it more than 2 months, I think it is pretty safe for him at the moment. If there was an immediate reaction it would have appeared by now.
So good luck buddy our prayers are with you just do not overshoot it and seek medical attention if you notice any weird symptom related with your liver like jaundice or diharrea etc.
also I assume otherwise you are healthy and your only chronic condition is pfs.

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Your E2 must be extremely low! Proviron at that dosage must have blocked it at receptors level giving you severe depression, anxiety and anhedonia. Told you proviron is only helpful if E2 & SHBG high & DHT low. Godspeed!

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Think the 200 mg spread out over the day in 3 doses would have any effect on the trial? Just thought that might make it safer, too.

I know everything is risky. I appreciate you trying this.

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we are all was eat shit already. so risks are important for healty people.