Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

This is a good start. But will only be effective if wedoit in numbers. As I said before, If we hita deadend with researchits our onlyoption to pull a stunt like this, but with ten or more people actually willing to starve to death. Well done SA.

Thanks. A news reporter called and asked if I had people joining me. I said possibly but they’re having trouble getting here. Just one person here makes it less likely they’ll cover the story. That’s why I need EVERYONEs help

FYI I m very hungry.

Exactly.They will just brush youoff like you are some crazy person…unless you are actually willing to die.

In my country, this march there was a man who did a hunger strike for more than 20 days because he said part of the local culture was being destroyed by some political decisions. When he completed the second week of hunger strike, he was in all the newspapers. Btw, he did the hunger strike at home.
Obviously SA needs suport, but a hunger strike is a very brave act, so probably media will be interested. If someone is near New Jersey maybe he could visit him.

And sorry boston, i misunderstood you.

To anyone who is in driving distance to SA and wont go to support him (NO NEED TO GO ON HUNGER STRIKE, JUST BE THERE TO SUPPORT HIM AND GET ATTENTION)…you do not want cured…YOU ARE PATHETIC!!!

A press release about the situation is on the homepage of

Can someone from the east coast PLEASE go see this guy. He cant do it by himself, noman in theworld could do this alone.

I didnt think you would do it, but now that you are you are doing damn well. Hang in there.

Maybe set up a twitter account about it?

SA, you need to be drinking water with large amounts of sugar and salt in it.

Yea. If possible that would be good, then we could all spread the link.

I submitted it to Drudge - would make for a catchy headline. Slim chance but would be amazing if he picked it up.

Keep it up man, you are a hero in a sense right now. I will submit the Press Release to many news outlets and I suggest others do to.

Just curious, how are you not being driven crazy with boredom?

Does the story have its own link (instead of just home page) so that I can send it out?

Well done SA, very proud of you.

Not yet

Lets face it, this could be something we may all have to do together in numbers. Its better than letting our lives waste away. SA should not be expected to succeed this time, but he has set a marker, thats for sure. Full respect.

Full respect for what you are doing, SA. Good luck!

Amen to this. I guess I’m in an emotional state at the moment, because seeing you doing this has brought tears to my eyes. I just respect anyone and everyone like you man. Hang in there. I’ve sent an email to CNN. Gonna give them a call too. I would be there for you if it was more convenient/affordable for me.

Well the salt yes, but mixing sugar in would sort of negate the hunger strike aspect in a way because sugar has calories in it (aka energy). He still wouldn’t be getting protein thou and not eating protein is basically a hungerstrike in and of itself… also why I think vegetarians are idiots.