Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters


The Examiner has picked up the news story!

Pls submit this link to other media outlets immediately![/b]

[b]2nd story:

May 21: Parents of Propecia suicide victim join in Kevin Malley’s Merck protest

If anyone thinks their life sucks enough and is pretty much numb to pain, how about people just do a hunger strike at Merck? Especially for the people who think fasting is a treatment option, they’d be killing two birds with one stone.

Any takers?

I guess you re not going to be a part of it…since you would have probably commited suicide, by then right??

I could do it in front of Merck headquarters. Sound like a good idea?

its your life not mine…if you want to waist it, go right ahead!

It’s already been wasted.

oh for crying out loud mister…do u want to see my new blood test?? with the stuff that really matters…like progesteron , estradiol, dhea, it pretty much confirms that yes sir i do have a problem with toxins and heavy metals, where is that coming from? well one clue,gut, and its because i have leaky gut, i need to treat, can u at least wait this 1 year period , so i can at least try to cure myself before you do anything stupid with yourself. i mean its a life, its a video game.

All this suicide talk is hyperbole. I’m not going to kill myself. What I’m saying is “we need to hurry up and get this cause going because we are wasting our life away.” I’m not in bad enough shape where I’m going to kill myself, but yes, I am willing take drastic action.

so just sit and wait, and ill keep you informed, about everything. we have a great doctor behind us…and florindo is kind of a genius thinker himself , im sure we can make it just fine.

I’m glad the Brazilians are doing something. The Europeans are doing something. But the American’s aren’t doing enough. We are on the verge on a major paradigm shift in both medicine and politics. I’m willing to take drastic action to shift this paradigm more quickly.

ok, just dont hurt yourself, and you ll be fine.

Hunger strike-I’m in

Do it as part of a water fast?

That’s what I was thinking. cdnuts went all the way to California to do a water fast and he lives in New Jersey, same state as Merck headquarters!

I’m going to start a water fast soon. But I’m in Australia, if I was in America I’d probably be in.

Can you get detained as a harm to yourself if you go on a hunger strike?

I’m about ready to do this. I’m already making plans for late March/early April.

You should check with your legal counsel.

As far as I know no, you can’t. You just can’t interfere with their property in anyway. Also if you can, video record anything that occurs.

In most states there is no law against harming yourself.

Ductai702 got thrown in a mental hospital for presenting a harm to himself after finasteride use.

So did I.

Their property if a fucking fortress. It’s out in the middle of nowhere, deep within the woods. Fuck, its gonna be tough to get media attention all the way out there.

Um lol so did I. I’m a cop, they made me admit myself and now their trying to fire me. Like I said there is NO LAW against harming yourself. Getting admitted to a mental hospital is not the same as being charged with a crime,