Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

Day one of hunger strike. Wow…

Thanks for your support boston

Very useful comment…
He is obviously not going to start at day 14. Instead of trying to impress you, i think he only wants to inform us.
Calling local media to tell them about SA’s hunger strike would be a good idea.

I am impressed. I wasn’t being sarcastic. Wonder if they guy from the Baltimore Examiner would cover it? Daily Youtube video journal maybe?

Media coverage is what would make something like this explode.

SA, have you contacted any media to let them know what you are up to?

No I am relying on you guys namely BP for that. I got my hands full out here

Good job Second!
Sending my support from Brazil. Hang in there!
I am sure a local news station would do a coverage on this. Does anyone know what TV or radio channels are from that area?

Just sent an email to a local tv news. Lets hope they go check it.

Just left. It’s raining hella down here gonna be back tomorrow bright and early. The world isn’t going to save itself from propecia we gotta do it ourselves. Everyone make those phone calls plz to maximize my efforts.

I called up a local station out of Newark, since that is the closest major city, New York City itself isn’t all that far away either so I may end up emailing/calling the NY Times (again). I also called the “National Professional Writers Association” which is a society of free lance journalists and let them know about it, sure they have members in the NYC area who would be interested.

Good job SA. If it was close i would join you but i am in a completely different set.
I like these sorts of things if its for such a fair reason.

We really should try to get you a bigger sign, is there a kinkos or office max around there you think could make something up for you? I’d send you some $$ if u needed it, text me.

SA is real brave man.Not a person talk but of action.
who is going to do the same here in Ottawa?

He just told me that Merck employees are taking his sign down everytime he leaves his post, even thou he is on public property.

EDIT:* We NEED to create a facebook page to support this we could get 1,000,000 times more attention if this went viral.

I’ve put Second Amendment in touch with a media contact I know who is working with him to generate further media awareness. Hopefully something comes of it.

Hella hungry. Those deviled eggs looked so good at the store. Haven’t craved food this badly since I crashed.

Hunger strike on their front door. This could definately explode.

I got Merck in its crosshairs.

strong thought! this could definately help, many non-government drug-against organisations should learn about this and team up. We need all the help we can get.
Something so small and simple like this one guys move can lead to something mass you never know. And it could unleash ignorance from many users worldwide.

FACEBOOK IT NOW and A BIGGER COLORFUL SIGN WITH SIDE EFFECTS SHOULD BE WRITTEN, gee i wish i was in the states to participate in that