Hunger Strike at Merck headquarters

I’m rooting for you SA

Is he still there?

Not sure haven’t heard from him myself.

If I was close by I would protest with you. Good work :slight_smile:

It’s worth a shot. I appreciate somebody trying.

Oscar should be banned from the forum. He has contributed nothing but an extremely negative attitude and undermines anyone when he gets a chance.

Call Merck hq now tell them you support the protester!!!

Need help guys it’s cold out here hella tired

Security keeps circling me. Need help. Call the FDA put pressure on them

please support SA.
is there a particular number I should call?
I am thinking the same protest here in Ottawa. would any body join me? if few people can stage demonstration simultaneously in big cities, press will pay attention and general people be aware of this drug.

Dr dada 301-796-3105

Been outside their employee entrance since 6 am. Gonna go charge my phone battery. Will be back later. Sent more pics to BP.

In the meantime you could all be helping me over here at Merck hq instead of playing the damsel in distress waiting to be saved. Any call dr dada yet and tell her about the protest?


what are you talking about?

SA, I applaud your efforts there 100% but no one at Merck would pee on you if you were on fire even if the president himself called and asked. Best thing you can do is keep prowling their perimeter, tie up a couple security guards by having to shadow you, etc. At least you’ve cost them a few man hours.

Fuck Merck I’d rather die than have them piss on me. We need to make Merck injustice visible to the public.

They shrunk your dick Boston. That’s a very serious injustice. We need to let the world know how barbaric and indifferent to human suffering they are.

At least a few hundred Merck employees saw me today many of whom were probably still in college when propecia was first approved. Now they know people are killing themselves
because of one of their employers drugs.

I’ll add that the first guy from Merck I spoke with had no idea what propecia was prescribed for.


What are you talking about??? You actually have a protest going?

Ask them for research money.

New photos from SA

You really need a half decent banner at the very least. Why don’t you get one made up (2 person banner) and I will pay for it.

I have been by the Merck facilities in NJ and from what I remember there were a lot of signs that resembled the pics that were posted by Second Amendment. Because the headquarters are so huge, I think it is very possible there are a lot of different logo designs all over the perimeter of the compound.

SA is still out there guys so call the FDA, Merck and Media if you haven’t already. On a side note he told me this morning Merck called the police on him, they showed up checked his ID and said he could continue with no problems, but this does show he is at the very least getting some notice by Merck.